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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Dynamic creation of TActionManager with Actions

    I just pushed the problem. I'll open a test project. I'll run it. I will close the app and the appropriate pas unit. I open the pas unit. I'm getting an error while loading. The reason is that I miss the part in the frame. See picture. I can't do it. Can anyone help me? acttb1.ActionManager := actmgr1; ActionBarItem := actmgr1.ActionBars.Add; for var ItemIndex := 0 to 4 do begin // Create new action for a ActionToolBar item Action := TAction.Create(Self); Action.Category := 'Database'; // Add this action to the Action Manager Action.ActionList := actmgr1; // Also add this action to the ActionBar actionClientItem := ActionBarItem.Items.Add; actionClientItem.Action := Action; end; acttb1.ActionClient := ActionBarItem; acttb1.ActionManager := actmgr1
  2. Stano

    Migration Tool (11 --> 11.1)

    Not for me. I used a Web installer. During the installation, I chose to keep the settings.
  3. Stano

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Like on sleigh in the summer
  4. Stano

    Dynamic creation of TActionManager with Actions

    If I throw this condition if BarItem.ActionBar <> nil then then I'll get it right
  5. Stano

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    I will only point out that unless you delete the registry, all installed add-ons will be preserved.
  6. Stano

    SearchBuf is deprecated

    Fill in the unit name before the function name!
  7. I would welcome that. I could do it with Google Transaltor I read a few articles that sent me a link to them. I have to agree with the discussants above. It was not interesting there, specifically or new. And I'm a lousy amateur.
  8. And what about us who don't know English?
  9. Deleting invalid roads has in the past led to the complete collapse of the IDE. I strongly recommend using qualified unit names. You will avoid this problem. For new units, it is quite often a duty.
  10. Stano

    Firebird transactions with Firedac

    I don't think logic anymore. What happens if you have the same dates? Are the dates changing? The date itself is a unique number. Isn't that enough for you?
  11. Stano

    What is good replacement for FastReports?

    Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. That's just for a possible translation.
  12. Stano

    Rad Studio Access Violation

    That's why I only have one panel on the Welcome Page. With a list of projects.
  13. Stano

    Formatting inline var

    The code does not work. I immediately realized why. I use TVirtualStringTree (VST). That data is stored in the record. I have it defined as follows PTableData = ^ TrTableData; TrTableData = record Booleans: TList <Boolean>; Currencys: TList <Currency>; Dates: TList <TDate>; Integers: TList <Integer>; Others: TList <Variant>; Strings: TList <string>; end; For each VST, its structure is different. Some lists will not be created at all. Therefore, the following fails: var NodeData: = VST.GetNodeData (Node); It must be var NodeData: PTableData: = VST.GetNodeData (Node);
  14. Stano

    Formatting inline var

    Yes. There are situations where the compilator doesn't know / cannot determine the data type.
  15. Stano

    Up to date SuperObject?

    SuperObject development has been completed. He did another, but I don't remember the name. I have v1.2
  16. Stano

    Formatting inline var

    There is content for that.
  17. Stano

    Formatting inline var

    It is true. But there weren't 100 of them I don't know exactly what you mean by "official source". The original no longer exists. Totally down. https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/6357-a-book-about-object-pascal-style-guide/?page=3
  18. Stano

    Formatting inline var

    That is not possible. Download the book by Bent Normann Olsen (docx). Page 71. See above
  19. I don't know what and when it delete some spaces. I fixed it. Fixed other errors using Google Translator. To be sure, I put it packed. I don't want to fix / modify it anymore. I use MS Office 2007! Object Pascal Style Guide - Developers Guide EN.zip
  20. I don't know, but I'm filling in a few hundred spaces I'll finish it tomorrow. Preview: Clean Code enthusiast probably would point outavoid disinformation, but it allboils’ downs to names could lead developersin a wrong direction, because developers end upwith different understanding of a name.Think ofSetPosition not setting current position ofa memory buffer, say in an instance of a class with a name containing the word“Stream”, to a new position passed as the parameter Value, butinsteadat the position of the memory buffer was set tothat value.
  21. Stano

    docwiki.embarcadero.com is not working

    For some pages it works: refresh the page after the error.
  22. I turned on grammar checking. I fixed, all the reds, I knew. It seems to me that there is a mixture of American and English English. Plus something Danish here and there. I don't know English. So the rest is up to another volunteer. Object Pascal Style Guide - Developers Guide EN.docx
  23. Toto sa tiahne celým textom. Skontroloval som to len s kódom. pozriem sa na to. If it weren't for PDF, I wouldn't put it together
  24. Personally, I only use it if the name of the argument matches another name. Unfortunately, Pascal Analyzer found me such matches very more. I'd rather be without them.
  25. Here is a modified version of docx. I didn't do anything with the content. Only with formatting. It was totally broken. If you use it, you do not change the styles used in any way. You break the whole document. This file can be found if you would like to do the translation. I did the translation into Slovak. I just haven't checked it yet. Unfortunately, I did the formatting twice. First for Slovak and then the original Object Pascal Style Guide - Developers Guide EN.docx