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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Format uses clause

    Excellent. I missed it, I didn't notice. He didn't understand.
  2. I knew that something like that. I just didn't find it.
  3. Personally, I do not use DBGrid. There are always some problems with them. I use VirtalStringTree.
  4. I found a problem. It's in DBGrid. I threw away his DataSource and at the end Button1Click DBGrid1.DataSource: = dsQryItemReceita; It goes immediately.
  5. Um, it's programmatic. the data was displayed in the DBGrid in about 20 seconds. But something was still going on there. I canceled it after a minute This cycle runs relatively quickly for 6 seconds for I := 1 to 20 do begin qryItemReceita.Append; qryItemReceitaID_ITEM_RECEITA.AsInteger := I; qryItemReceitaID_PRODUTO.AsInteger := I; qryItemReceitaQUANTIDADE.AsFloat := 1; qryItemReceitaDESCRICAO_PRODUTO.AsString := 'PRODUCT ' + I.ToString; qryItemReceitaPRECO.AsCurrency := 2.00; qryItemReceita.Post; end; Here it hangs those 20 sec qryItemReceita.First; while not qryItemReceita.Eof do begin qryItemReceita.Edit; qryItemReceitaVALOR_DESCONTO.AsCurrency := qryItemReceitaVALOR_DESCONTO.AsCurrency + 0.1; qryItemReceita.Post; // This action takes about 3 seconds during the first cycle. At 20 cycles of 10 sec! qryItemReceita.Next; end; Try converting both cycles to batch processing (DMArray)
  6. I used Firebird- files. Insert TFDPhysFBDriverLink on the form and enter VendorLib on the given files. He keeps reporting the same mistake to me. I do not know why.
  7. Stano

    Help with Sql

    ...sum(amount)... Group by customer having sum(amount)= 0
  8. I'm missing TFDPhysFBDriverLink and TFDGUIxWaitCursor. I don't know if it will help. I can't try it. I have FB v3.07 Project Project1.exe raised exception class EIBNativeException with message '[FireDAC][Phys][FB]unsupported on-disk structure for file D:\DOKUMENTY\Z INTERNETU\TEST\TEST.FDB; found 11.2, support 12.2 IProvider::attachDatabase failed when loading mapping cache'.
  9. Stano

    Abandoned components?

  10. Stano

    FireDAC: Need help understanding "ConnectedStoredUsage"

    Such things are basically done programmatically. This will give you full control over them.
  11. Does TD bGrid have the "center selected record" property?
  12. https://www.xda-developers.com/microsoft-has-new-windows-10-build-refreshed-segoe-ui-font/
  13. Stano

    Prevent Alt or Ctrl + Print Screen

    I've added the ability to print every form everywhere. It hasn't been written about taking a photo of the screen yet. So it's a completely useless effort.
  14. Stano

    Help Understanding SQL Parameters Utilization

    I can't help but feel sick when I see sql.add (). The readability of the code is lousy I do not know if this also applies to your case. In general, a parsing of SQL text is performed after each sql.add. It is an unnecessary waste of system resources First, I compile the entire SQL text according to the user's choices and at once I assign the entire text to SQL. I usually have a separate function for each choice. So I won't get lost in it. I apologise. It happened by mistake.
  15. Stano

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    Um, there are two patches. No. 4 and 5. First I installed no. 5. Maybe it won't matter.
  16. Stano


    Using case ... when ... then and the aggregation function SUM Edit It's in Lajos Juhász's post. I did not see it.
  17. Stano

    Delphi books

    I know it. I have always respected copyright law. This is true even now. I'm canceling the offer to send books for sure. As written above: you can search for it on the internet.
  18. Stano

    Delphi books

    I don't remember exactly which ones are paid. I definitely bought them. I don't have a document
  19. Stano

    Delphi books

    I have these books. I think they are all free. I can send. I have only read a few. Baoquan Zuo Delphi Documentation Guidelines XML.pdf Borland Database Application Developers Book Delphi.pdf Breveglieri Marco Delphi Succinctly.pdf Cantu Marco Delphi 2009 Handbook.pdf Cantu Marco Object Pascal Handbook.pdf Cantu Marco ObjectPascalHandbook BerlinVer.pdf Cruysberghs Stefan Debugging techniques in Delphi.pdf Doeraene Sébastien Generics with Delphi 2009 Win32.pdf Gabrijelčič Primož Delphi High Perfomance.pdf Glowacki Pawel Expert Delphi.pdf Hodges Nick Coding In Delphi.pdf Hodges Nick More Coding in Delphi.pdf ObjectPascalHandbook SydneyVersion Complete.pdf Sedgewick Robert Delphi - Algorithms.pdf TsiLang Users Guide Lokalization application EN.pdf
  20. Stano

    LSP Code Insight not working

    I found that it is usually necessary to wait for the LSP to do nothing. See the small thermometer at the bottom right.
  21. At first I thought it was TMS
  22. FAST4/5MM ? 4 is free.
  23. Personally, I am very annoyed by this behavior. I see the first line is what I need. I will automatically press Enter and NOTHING.
  24. A Tag can be used for this purpose. Unless it is used for something else.
  25. Stano

    Keep D2006 vs Sydney aligned

    Amateur solution: recursively search the entire form and set the required