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Everything posted by Stano

  1. I have several events that are identical in content. I only use a different component there every time. In the example, I have dbmlmnsrMultiMonth. And I want to use this event for other components that do the same thing. Only with another dbxxx. . So now I have 10 x SpineditxxxChange. And I want a single SpineditxxxChange event! Every time I need to get the right dbxxx component there.
  2. Stano

    Recursive S.Proc

    I'm just guessing that instead of Sum () you want to have the product AAA.QTY * AAA-1.QTY
  3. Well thank you. I was hoping to do it with some trick.
  4. MyClass - is my class I want to create DBSource - some method with parameter (AIndex: Integer). According to the parameter returns for example TSpinEdit, TPanel ...
  5. procedure TfrmPlannerRole.advsedDayScaleChange(Sender: TObject); var SpinEdit: TAdvSpinEdit; begin SpinEdit := TAdvSpinEdit(Sender); MyClass.DBSource(5).Top := SpinEdit.Value; // TPanel end; procedure TfrmPlannerRole.advsedDayScaleChange(Sender: TObject); var SpinEdit: TAdvSpinEdit; begin SpinEdit := TAdvSpinEdit(Sender); MyClass.DBSource(3).Value := SpinEdit.Value; // TSpinEdit end; Perhaps the examples will explain.
  6. I'm aware of that. Even that it always has to be only one kind / type! That's why I used the term "components" to indicate what I really want. It should always be returned to a different type.
  7. Stano

    Minor display issue

    I use a desktop with or without an MMX display. Quite often, MMX is displayed even if it is not to be. First image is OK, second is wrong. Win10 64, D 10.4.1
  8. Stano

    Minor display issue

    MMX window will appear in Design when using the "Copy Selected Component`s name fo Clipboard" button.
  9. Compilers generally try very hard if they find a bug. Then they don't know when to stop. D10.4 has made significant progress in this direction. The number of reported errors is several orders of magnitude lower. Even so, it is recommended to believe only the first mistake and ignore the others. I wouldn't make it a science.
  10. Stano

    Problem with clearing ADO Tables

    Could you give it a rest with the formatting? Your posts are hard enough to tolerate without it. Highlighting important parts is fine. Even pictures! But using a large font for almost the whole topic is no longer okay.
  11. Stano

    Problem with clearing ADO Tables

    I assume that reference integrity is defined in the DB. I think AV is the wrong term used. Each correct DB raises an exception, not an AV, in the event of an integrity violation, which must be handled. I know two basic ways to deal with emptying tables. 1. Empty tables from the lowest level to the next. In terms of referential integrity 2. Use DeleteCascade when defining reference integrity.
  12. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    For what? I use one scheme.
  13. Stano

    Problem with clearing ADO Tables

    I am convinced that tbl1660.Active: = true; and company is completely useless. If you need to update the table, use Refresh. But not where Adocommand is
  14. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    He probably has corrupted color vision.
  15. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    The rest of the user interface can also be customized. It's just more work. Background, font ... I remembered trying it. It didn't suit me. The dark theme suits me perfectly. My eyes don't complain.
  16. Um, the basic rule: always check the input arguments! This is from a wise book
  17. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    I used the Delphi IDE Theme Editor until they added a dark theme to Delphi. They allegedly implemented it in Delphi. Well thank you
  18. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    Yes. I can't get to that. It will help me decide whether to go for it. I don't see Gross Green anywhere.
  19. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    Green literally heals the eyes. Please take a screenshot and drop here. I don't know how to get to the Grass Green background. Well thank you. I saw the best color rendering in the black and white era. They were French monitors. The base was brown-yellow and the font yellow. It was a pleasure to look at them.
  20. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    Me too? I had in mind during the programming and in one place.
  21. Stano

    Customizing source editor

    They don't all show up at once
  22. Stano


    procedure TfrmOptions.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // frmMain.mruDB.ShowPath := chbMRUPath.Checked; ModalResult := mrOK; end;
  23. Stano


    Use help first. Place the cursor in / on the (caFree) keyword and press F1 Close = Self.Close = FormAbout.Close = onFormClose
  24. Stano

    Filter on InternalCalc field

    Basic information. Type of Database?
  25. Stano


    Where is the published code from? Own? Probably not. Do you have experience with programming? If so, which ones? In any case, I very hard recommend you http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/Main_Page