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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Help to find database error

    Here I dare to write that it is mandatory to use MyQurery.Open and not ExecSQL.
  2. Stano

    Help to find database error

    Do you happen to have leading characters in the table title?
  3. Beware of unqualified statements involving always and never. Unless the advice is to never put pineapple on pizza. That one is just a fundamental law of nature. I agree. I'll keep an eye on it. I really am a layman. I was basing it on the PAL help. I have no other knowledge of it.
  4. Stano

    Help to find database error

    Personally, I think it would be easier to use Firebird. I don't even use another one. I also tried SQLite, but quickly dismissed it.
  5. It doesn't matter what type of variable. The reason for this is the unnecessary repeated creation of the variable. We know that we only need to create it once.
  6. I installed D12 and latest version of TMS VCL UI Pack. I don't have another version of Delhi. With automatic compilation. When compiling (component) I get an error: [dcc32 Fatal Error] TMSVCLUIPackPkgDXE14.dpk(176): E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must be recompiled [dcc32 Fatal Error] EnJasotComponents.dpk(43): E2202 Required package 'TMSVCLUIPackPkgDXE14' not found in package TMSVCLUIPackPkgDXE14; {$IMPLICITBUILD OFF} I haven't come across that before. How can I fix it? Note: I've put this on TMS as well, but it's going to take a long time.
  7. Stano

    TMS: Component compilation error

    Bruno Fierens TMS Support November 27 When we moved everything to TMS Smart Setup, this will be addressed
  8. Stano

    TMS: Component compilation error

    I haven't seen it yet either. I only ever have a single version of Delphi. In the required section I had to replace these units: TMSVCLUIPackPkgDXE14, TMSVCLUIPackPkgExDXE14, dac280, ibdac280, That solved the problem. I don't use runtime packages. It's beyond my knowledge and needs. I've got three years' support. I don't plan to extend it anymore. I can handle a maximum of three upgrades
  9. Stano

    TMS: Component compilation error

    From TMS: Delphi 12 uses package TMSVCLUIPackPkgDXE15.dproj So, if there are still dependencies in your project to TMSVCLUIPackPkgDXE14, you should replace this by TMSVCLUIPackPkgDXE15
  10. Stano

    TMS: Component compilation error

    So I have to wait for the D12 version?
  11. I have: Winapi;System.Win;System;Data;Vcl;obsidium;Adv*;(BaseGrid);Virtual*;FireDAC;REST;Xml;fcx*;VclTee;jst*;Vst*;sub*;u* Result: uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, System.Generics.Collections, System.Generics.Defaults, System.DateUtils, Data.DB, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.StdCtrls, advofficepager, AdvMemo, advglowbutton, advpanel, advstyleif, advappstyler, FireDAC.Comp.Client, FireDAC.Stan.Param, jstAdvPanel, BasalForm, Htmlabel;
  12. I wanted to download the web installer (on line). I could not log in to my account. I have had problems with this in the past. My initial original email was deleted - the provider has gone defunct. So I created a new account with the old details. Except for the password. Now I log in, but no registered products show up. Thus I have nothing to download. Can anyone advise how to solve this? I have a license until 06.2027. It also says D12.
  13. Unfortunately, it's got a single registration.
  14. Thanks. Two days ago I approached the dealer. So far he has not responded. I guess he's busy. I'll see on Monday.
  15. OT: you write that you are a newcomer. I quickly quit SQLite because of date problems. That was also the recommendation of experienced programmers. Consider another DB.
  16. I don't know if that's the intention, but it can't be like that. var I: Integer; I := 10 or var I := 10;
  17. Stano

    Augmenting RowCount resets scroll position

    A pair of .BeginUpdate; and .EndUpdate; commands won't help?
  18. Sorry, this is pretty off topic. Frankly, I don't understand why you feel the need to create a descendant of TVirtualImageList. Yes, the bottom part is high. But you don't gain much by narrowing it down. One serious reason is that you don't know anything about it. If you just want to learn, that's fine. I use this approach: I have a TImageCollection on a DataModule. N - normal, D - disable, H - hot. I create the corresponding TVirtualImageList-s on the concrete forms. Personally, I have only two types. Namely for: main form: the number of images depends on the application other forms: here I have images only for DBNavigator If I create a new form, I just copy the existing TVirtualImageList-s there. Alternatively, I will edit them. Personally, I have no problem with displaying a large number of images. But if you have a 14" monitor...
  19. Stano

    Unit dependency viwer

    Suggestion for improvement. I have two disks mapped in the tree on the right: C and D. I am not interested in disk C at all. I click on it. Its contents disappear from the graph. That would be good: Root Node C changes color (probably red) collapses. It just hangs there ----- Every node should be able to collapse and expand. Maybe it's there. Unfortunately, we don't have any instructions available.
  20. Stano

    To turn off the error warning

    I installed GXRS11_1.3.22_experimental-twm_2023-03-25. Just because of the size and position of the IDE windows. I would like to turn off the error warning. It reads very badly to me. For me the classic message is quite sufficient. I haven't found it anywhere. Thanks.
  21. I have a little problem. I can't get rid of it. The picture explains it. Deleting the text would certainly help. I'd rather have it there.
  22. Stano

    Add TODO item to new method

    Probably not. I turned it on once. I thought it would help me. Then I found out I was wrong. I can't get rid of it anymore. I deleted the text and I have peace of mind. As soon as I put it back, the problem is back. I consider that resolved.
  23. Stano

    Currency Calculations

    I would first of all use the corresponding components on the form. If I have a Currency type, I wouldn't use a component that works with text! It's best not to use the StrToCurr() and CurrToStr() functions at all.