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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    The problem is that I don't see the unit with resourcestrings in the component in the list. I'll try that anyway. I'll play with it.
  2. DBGrid notes. When I started, I had it on the form for 3 days. Never more. I recommend VirtualStringTree (VST) instead. It works perfectly and you can do everything you can think of there. Because of it I created: A class for VST. This one takes care of the VST data for me. I have two duties. Create the SQL and handle the VST events Custom (DB)Navigator. So I'm relieved of bulk re-writing code.
  3. It's not off the top of my head. It saves resources and time. It works perfectly for me. I use it just in this case.
  4. Only: FDquery1.ParamByName('Index2').asInteger:=xxx // value of parameter fdquery1.Refresh; Don't forget to study the transactions. It's essential!
  5. I have never used LiveBindings. Nor will I do so. The main reason is that I have no control over it. It's also not very clear.
  6. You have all this on the website I gave you a link to. (https://docwiki.embarcadero.com) You just have to do a little searching. You'll have to dig around in the FireDAC section. Those " don't have anything to do there.
  7. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    You can already see by the picture that I have no problem with it. I would love to hide them!!! This is the main question:
  8. Help You got it all on... First just a basic fix Give here an example of how you fill listview2.Items. We can't move without it Kindly name all your components in a meaningful way!!! procedure TForm2.ListView2ItemClick(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); begin //// It has nothing to do here!!! /// It's supposed to be where you create FDQuery1 /// A separate function. For all Query FDQuery1.SQL.Text := ('Select strDrink,idDrink From drinks Where strDrinks = :idDrink'); /// Something like that FDQuery1.ParamByName('IDDRINK').AsInteger := TMyObject(listview2.Items.Objects[listview2.ItemIndex]).Value; try FDQuery1.Open while not FDQuery1.Eof do begin /// Tu niečo urobíš FDQuery1.Next; end; TabControl1.ActiveTab := TabItem8; finally FDQuery1.Close; end; end;
  9. You're going down a very bad road. ItemIndex has no meaningful value. I don't know TCustomListBox at all. I assume it has Items, which is a child of TString. It does the following: Name: string; ID: T.. - some class from TObject into which you can put an integer. Items.AddObject(Name, ID); You use T..(ID) as the parameter for Query; Details are in the tutorial.
  10. Stano

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    Good. So, for the last time If you send me your DB FB v.4 and csv file so: I'll get it into the DB you can build a new unicode application when it's working, I'll make you a new import From this perspective it is a one time action. I would rather spend that time on application development Let me know. Note: I own a very high quality DB manager DB Workbench v. 6. I appreciate it very much.
  11. Stano

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    What did you create the DB in? It doesn't have an import? Interesting that you can't answer 2 simple questions I wanted to save you the trouble
  12. Stano

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    I didn't know about that. Just out of curiosity two things. If you know. Does have it: Visual Query Builder Import data
  13. Stano


    Have a copy of the original report. Paste in the Detail and drag everything from Child2 in there. Delete that and you're done. 5 minutes.
  14. Stano


    Please don't put that text here. Who is supposed to analyze it? Put a screenshot of the assembly here. If I understand correctly, you don't have a problem anymore.
  15. Stano


    I made an extract from the report. Because you didn't put the slide here. You've got Master and Child. What happens if you put Detail instead of Child?
  16. Stano


    Do you really have no Dataset? I have now looked at the attached text and I see two I assume there is some link between them. I was referring to the classic DataSets. But I won't reveal that.
  17. Stano


    But he isn't. I think he's hitting the bull's-eye. Give here a snapshot of the main page of the FR report + DataSets.
  18. Stano

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    What about csv? So a one-off action?
  19. Stano

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    Can you divulge the state secrets in question? Plus: is this a one-off thing? The answer depends on whether I offer to help you.
  20. Stano


    I have never used such a combination. You probably don't have the right header connected to the child. I mean at the DB component level.
  21. Stano


    Hm, I don't have any DB components in FR. Everything is in the application. I have more control there. And in one place.
  22. Stano


    For me it was a bad SQL query that was returning two identical records.
  23. Stano


    He checked to see what you were actually sending him. The belief here is that you're sending him two pages to print. It happened to me. It took me quite a long time to realize and verify that.
  24. Stano


    In other words. What you send, it prints.
  25. Stano

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    Yes! See Help It doesn't matter at all the number of entries. What matters is the number of tables. How many do you have? Can you export them to csv? I don't recommend Excel. It has a limited number of rows!