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Everything posted by Stano

  1. I recommend that you visualise the whole situation. That is the most important thing to do. This will help you to understand the problem. Since you can't do it in your head, and neither can I, you have to sketch it out. Paper is inappropriate for this task. The best I know is the DIA program. It's not finished and it's already dead. It does its job more than well. I'm confident that you will move forward with this technique. I personally use it to visualize problems: DIA: DB bindings, Classes: dependencies (links), their structure - as needed Word, text editor Excel FreeMind
  2. I was very struck by this line. Why do you have retyping there? What happens if fSpawnIntervalChanges) is not TReplayChangeSpawnInterval? Also, I don't like the comparison character = there These are very gross, severe errors in the code!!! And do see my signature!
  3. Stano

    Delphi Professional Database Connectivity

    I know that. My post was a reaction and Fr0sT.Brutal
  4. Stano

    Delphi Professional Database Connectivity

    I don't know if that's still the case. When I bought Adon(?) for FrireDAC, the supplier wrote to me: Professional has everything as higher versions. Adon only unlocks access to multiple access functions.
  5. Stano

    Unsorted classes

    I have three very similar classes. For one is an announcement: Unsorted classes -> TTableGroup is not sorted This is not true. I don't see a reason for it and I can't find a cause. When sorted, it looks like this: TTableGroup = class(TVstTableData) strict private FcbxFilterByCountry: TAdvComboBox; FFieldFilterByCountry: TList<TField>; FFreeMember: TFreeMember; FGroupData: PTableData; FMemberData: PTableData; FMemberID: TList<Integer>; FShowDates: TAdvOfficeCheckBox; procedure FilterByCountryChange(Sender: TObject); procedure GetComponents(const Form: TForm); procedure GetFMemberIsInGroup; protected strict protected FMissingMember: TList<PVirtualNode>; FqryFilterByCountry: TFDQuery; FQryIns: TFDQuery; procedure CreateSQL; override; procedure FillFilterByCountry; procedure SetParams; virtual; abstract; protected procedure GetForm; procedure SetEvents; procedure SetMemberInGroupData(const I, PKeys: Integer; const MemberData: PTableData); procedure SetVst; procedure ShowDatesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure VstChange(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode); procedure VstCompareNodes(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node1, Node2: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; var Result: Integer); procedure VstDragAllowed(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; var Allowed: Boolean); procedure VstDragDrop(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Source: TObject; DataObject: IDataObject; Formats: TFormatArray; Shift: TShiftState; Pt: TPoint; var Effect: Integer; Mode: TDropMode); procedure VstDragOver(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Source: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; State: TDragState; Pt: TPoint; Mode: TDropMode; var Effect: Integer; var Accept: Boolean); procedure VstFreeNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode); procedure VstGetNodeDataSize(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; var NodeDataSize: Integer); procedure VstGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: string); procedure VstIncrementalSearch(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; const SearchText: string; var Result: Integer); procedure VstInitNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; ParentNode, Node: PVirtualNode; var InitialStates: TVirtualNodeInitStates); public constructor Create(const ANavigator: TjstFDNavigator); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure FillVst; override; property FreeMember: TFreeMember read FFreeMember write FFreeMember; end It's created protected there, which I don't want. The whole unit is attached RelationTree.pas
  6. Stano

    Unsorted classes

    I've already found the bug. I had the word protected after the procedure declaration. On one line.
  7. Stano

    SQLite varchar field overflow

    Can't point 2.1 be replaced by overwriting the field size in the table? I didn't have a problem with it.
  8. Stano

    Delphi Professional Database Connectivity

    You are not alone in this. I've been able to afford to replace the FireDAC on my 2 small projects.
  9. Stano

    Delphi Professional Database Connectivity

    FireDAC has always been part of the ver. Pro. But with the limitations already mentioned here: Local DB only. Sometimes one could buy access to servers. Price > 600€ no source code If you don't need the above, you've won. Otherwise just a 3rd party solution. DevArt is not expensive. But it means reworking everything. It doesn't offer nearly the capabilities that FireDAC has. Of course, it depends on whether you've used them. Asking 2,500€ for server access to DB with the understanding that we'll get a bunch of, for you and me, useless stuff is not worth commenting on.
  10. Stano

    Hiring process...

    For fun. Completely off topic. Those ISO were invented so we couldn't compete in the western market. Supposedly. Is that true? The story is real. Siemens was offering measuring equipment to a chemical company. Company: we would like to buy it from you, but we can't. S: gone? Company: you don't meet the ISO standard S: they went home and worked hard to meet ISO
  11. Stano

    Hiring process...

    Based on my experience, many years back, ISO... quality improvement is just generating piles of paper. The more the better. A manufacturing customer told me: If the worker did everything the way it is required so: he will do nothing, he will just write something down I'd be bankrupt in no time. I have a batch of 10 pieces and one is defective. I have to throw away all 10 pieces Maybe that has changed.
  12. Stano

    Generate .delphilsp.json file

    Please. Pokusy.delphilsp.json
  13. Stano


    Has e.g. CrossTable et al. It was the reason for my purchase
  14. Stano

    Looking for RpShell, RpTable, RpDefine, RpBase, RpSystem

    Rave was once part of Delphi. Just like FR is now. I don't remember the years.
  15. Stano

    Looking for RpShell, RpTable, RpDefine, RpBase, RpSystem

    Wouldn't you consider creating press reports in Fast Report?
  16. Stano

    Rendering form content

    I dynamically generate components. Rendering was very slow. I managed to solve it. I asked on forum.delphi.cz. I didn't get an answer. So I ask here This is interesting. I used: the ScrollBox on form on it TAdvSmoothPanel - it has a canvas. I draw the lines now panels on it, on which I store the generated components The rendering is thus instantaneous. Without those panels it was for a maximum number of components with a time of ~12-13 sec. Now I estimate 1-1.5 sec Why is that?
  17. Stano

    Rendering form content

    I finally found the cause. It's TCurvyPanel. If I replace it with another panel, it's lightning fast.
  18. Stano

    Rendering form content

    I copied the files to the pitch. I only made the necessary editing. No matter what I do, I get almost no responses. Could the fact that it's a subform in the project have something to do with this? On the pitch the main form.
  19. Stano

    Rendering form content

    I'll try it tomorrow. If I have a long time, I'll make a sample application. I've tried all sorts of things. Always with the same result.
  20. Stano

    Rendering form content

    The form doesn't do anything. You just have to create the components and place them as needed. If I have any unnecessary functions left in there, ignore them. I did, the time is minimum! For me the difference is >10 sec.
  21. Stano

    Rendering form content

    Idx2 = const 2, etc.
  22. Stano

    Rendering form content

    I'm not talking about creating components. Those are already created before the actual display/rendering. I'm only talking about rendering. Put your components on the ScrollBox and then on the panels. You'll see the difference.
  23. Stano

    Rendering form content

    Yes. But I don't understand the second part of the answer. I don't need to address it because 1.5 seconds is about nothing.
  24. Stano

    Rendering form content

    I edited it, but didn't try. Now you open it. Do internetu.rar
  25. Stano

    Rendering form content

    Replace them with classic components if you feel like it. Open dfm as text. Replace all TjstAdvPanel with TPanel and the others needed. TAdvOfficeCheckBox.... You can also draw it with ScrollBox. Then open the form. You'll need to confirm everything. That's the fastest way I know. I'll take a look here tomorrow.