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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Assigning Null value to Parameter

    Do not use direct assignment to a field! Always use a parameter. Due to SQL injection
  2. Stano

    Assigning Null value to Parameter

    xx.ParamByName („Konkurencia“). Hodnota: = null;
  3. Stano

    Attempted Update During Read Only Transaction

    We don't know the basic thing. How to connect to a DB. Which components do you use.
  4. Stano

    Attempted Update During Read Only Transaction

    The message is about the transaction. Check settings of transaction
  5. Stano

    Free EurekaLog license drawing

    Why? You reduced my chances of winning
  6. Stano

    Can an app beat a spreadsheet?

    Do existing programs not solve this problem? For example, MS Money. https://windowsreport.com/microsoft-money-windows-10-2/
  7. Stano

    Delphi Code-Insight problems

    Unfortunately it is still lousy. That's why I use CnPack
  8. Stano

    ways to organize related code in a form?

    Because these people have no mantineles in their heads. Their mind / thinking is unlimited. This is the most beautiful thing for children. That's why I love them very much All of them! He didn't know it was impossible, so he did it. If you want to achieve something, you have to leave your truth!
  9. Stano

    ways to organize related code in a form?

    I cross my fingers for you. Seeing you work for yourself. Hat down. With great respect, I will announce Stano
  10. Stano

    ways to organize related code in a form?

    Typical for me. I wrote it very wrong. It was supposed to be in the sense: The importance of IQ was greatly overestimated. He is not given much importance now. More emphasis is placed on the overall "personality" = IQ + EQ +? Q Thanks for the link, but I'm not so interested in it.
  11. Stano

    ways to organize related code in a form?

    OT: You're on the same boat with Albert Einstein, Bill Gates ... There is a book of psycho diagnostics. I don't remember the name. Originally there were 500 diagnostics. Today there are 5,000 of them !!! High IQ means nothing. Psychologists have not taken him very seriously for 30 years. No one knows exactly what it is. Not even the author himself. He pointed this out. I have always thought differently than the general population. That's why I've always been considered a weirdo. Now I take offense if someone tells me I'm normal
  12. Stano

    Images in High DPI, how?

    They don't want change, but they get used to it. Then they will no longer want the old. Of course, the content should remain the same. Just like I'm used to new icons in many programs.
  13. Stano

    Minor display issue

    I apologise. When inserting pictures, it swapped them here. I should have fixed it. If the panels show me badly, the second picture, then what I wrote applies.
  14. Stano

    Minor display issue

    The same. First, I manually closed the MMX window. Then he reloaded the same desktop. He adjusted the widths of the panels on the left.
  15. Stano

    Linux: wrong enum size

    Unfortunately, the debugger often shows incorrect values
  16. I have a 14 year old grandson. The most important thing in the world is that all PC components light up and flash He is still thinking about LED strips I'd have an epileptic seizure I do not look at the keyboard as you type Red light: was / it used? for lighting aircraft cockpits, etc. The reason is the quick adaptation of the eyes when the cockpit changes from the cockpit to the dark and vice versa.
  17. Stano

    Debugger does not start on 360 total security

    I had no idea it was the name AV. I know Windows Defender 360 "pointed" to Norton 360. That's why my question.
  18. Stano

    Debugger does not start on 360 total security

    I'm interested in which AV?
  19. Stano

    Prefix unit local variable names

    When I was thinking about prefixes, I was strongly advised to follow the Delphi syntax. No prefixes and CAMEL style. I only use A for arguments in a function or procedure. I have no problem.
  20. Stano

    Delphi 10.4 unusably slow.

    First I would switch to D10.4.1! With D10.4 I had a similar problem with the installed CnPack - older version
  21. Stano

    Database app good practice

    I would also like to know how MVC is implemented in Delphi in practice. General discussions on the issue did not help me. I couldn't find an example.
  22. Stano

    FireDAC Add On discountinued? (Good by Embarcadero?)

    They mainly push us there, which a large part of users do not want. Personally, I only need the Windows platform (VCL). Unfortunately, I'm not alone ...
  23. Stano

    FireDAC Add On discountinued? (Good by Embarcadero?)

    FireDAC is also in the professional. But only as embeded. FireDAC Add O n has not existed for a long time. By the way, this has been discussed here recently. Just look it up.
  24. Stano

    WinUI in Delphi (planned for 10.5?)

    WinSoft - I didn't even know I had such a company under my nose.
  25. Stano

    No C/S FireDac for Delphi Professional

    Yes, as dbGo. + dbExpress