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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    TButtonEdit and left button dropdown menu

    Neviem, či máš na mysli toto: It is in: procedure TAppearance.mniAlwaysStartOverClick(Sender: TObject);
  2. I have CnPack installed and there the Code Input helper is active. I want only this to be functional. Why is this happening? It happens mostly in cases where it is nonsense on my part. See sample.
  3. I don't know it yet. I just tried something. My point is whether the custom component can be translated. I have no idea. It shows me units (red) that I don't care about. From the program there are blue units. The others are system ones and I don't want to have/see them there. I need what is in the Localization directory. Thank you Note: I would appreciate if the individual nodes/units could be hidden. Just the ones that are not to be translated. It would greatly increase readability and work.
  4. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    It's okay now. I use Brave and in critical cases Edge. The problem has been with both. Both are "new".
  5. Stano

    Scaling (DPI Change) + Anchors

    To clarify. I meant a custom panel for each group.
  6. Stano

    Scaling (DPI Change) + Anchors

    Try putting them on the panel. This is a common solution.
  7. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    That was the first thing I did. Nothing. I don't deal with it anymore.
  8. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Thank you very much. I think I have enough information. Unfortunately, all the links to your page show me a blank "screen". I hope that all the information will be used by other BTM users.
  9. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Perhaps the last post I'm sure it will help. What I don't need, I ignore. I would like to know the answer to these questions. If they are not answered in the document in question. I have my own component. How should I proceed: 1 Translate the component itself and get this translation into the program translation 2 Always translate it in the program 3 Of course, I only want to translate it once Translation into other languages. I'm starting from programs that contain language files. Some user gets an English version of some file. He translates it into his language 4 What do I send him and 5 how do I get it into the program When you posted the first version, there was some description. The only thing I remember is that it automatically loads the language according to the OS. If no such language exists in the translation it will run the base language (source) 6 But users sometimes want to use a different language than they have the OS language 7 Is there such an option? I have created a component editor. It writes to *dfm. 8 Can *dfm be translated or do I have to, is it better to use another way? A) Some components have the same property. For example Caption. 9 Do I need to translate all the same occurrences? That's pretty much a no-brainer 10 Screw translating them and hard use resourcestring Such a trivial question at first glance. But I have no experience with this: 11 How (methodology) and where is the best way to assign each resourcestring to each component? 12 Will this work in FormCreate? A big thank you.
  10. If it's Android, the FB one isn't really appropriate. Based on what I've read.
  11. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    You mean this site: https://bitbucket.org/anders_melander/better-translation-manager The one I wrote about is clean.
  12. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Some instructions for use.
  13. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Save. Save as.. is OK
  14. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Excellent. Please and what about the help?
  15. In that case, choose a better database. Because SQLLite stores everything as strings. Completely free and very powerful is Firebird. Just think carefully about the DB structure. Draw it first. I use DIA for this. I highly recommend it. It is simple and easy to understand. No instructions. By that I mean tables table arrays field properties - NOT NULL and so on relationships between tables and other
  16. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    I'd like to have some guidance so I don't post so much here. The link to your page will show it clean. I will send the project.
  17. If IDDRINK is the primary key, then you can directly view all records with all fields. Why is it good to display it separately?
  18. Interesting. Because I don't see it there: Primary table key IDDRINK, which should be a foreign key How many of those stringrediantsX type fields are there? Who came up with such stupid field names? There's no human way to work in that.
  19. Hm, does that mean IDDRINK is repeated in the table? What are you going to do with that list? Its purpose. No translator will translate the field name, the rediant part Out of curiosity: which DB is it?
  20. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    Thank you. They cannot be described as "Do not translate".
  21. Stano

    Better Translator Manager - Custom component

    How can I hide these items? I have 184 items displayed. I am interested in about 75 items.
  22. I went through the discussion again. I don't understand what you actually want to do. The description of the task is incomprehensible to me. Is it supposed to be a Master-Detail relationship? Are you working with one table or two? Can you put a snapshot of the form in question here? I'm sure that would help a lot. Why do you want to go into live bindings? Why do you need this?
  23. I've written once before that everything associated w/in DB should be capitalized. And name of component!!! * is only used in special cases. You always have to enumerate the required fields. FQryDrink.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM DRINKS WHERE IDDRINK = :IDDRINK'; Why are you mixing Integer and string types? ItemIndex is not what you need. FDQuery1.ParamByName('IDDRINK').AsInteger := (TListViewItem(lvDrinksListview.Items.Item[lvDrinksListview.ItemIndex]).Text); I have never worked TListView in my life. So I looked at the TListItem properties It doesn't seem to me that it's something thrown in for you. It's too complicated. I assume you only need to display simple texes. Then I see two components suitable for you: ComboBox - only one item is visible VirtualStringTree (my favorite) - if you want to see all items Decide and let me know. Because your style will get us nowhere!!!