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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Method Selection ability??

    It didn't leave me alone. I tried the collapsed CnPack function. I don't know if it will help you somehow. Anyway, you need to edit the beginning and end of the method. In the picture is the result. Coding toolset -> Comment Code
  2. Stano

    Is there a way to Clear content of TDateTimePicker?

    See if it has an option like "Enable null". I don't work with that. So I don't know.
  3. Stano

    Method Selection ability??

    Of course, I got it mixed up. I meant copy Ctrl+C. That's not what you want. Sorry.
  4. Stano

    Method Selection ability??

    If I understand correctly, use this procedure: collapse the entire method - the + sign at the beginning of the method select the resulting line and you're done
  5. That's right. It was written by a Czech.
  6. Stano

    Vcl text box that user can move/resize at runtime?

    Maybe this link will help. It's a Czech forum. But me use Slovak. https://forum.delphi.cz/index.php/topic,13715.msg81490.html#msg81490 See post: « Odpověď #4 kdy: 22-05-2013, 21:29:24 »
  7. Stano

    How to open form2 then close form1

    Form2.ShowModal; stops further code execution. Put a breakpoint on that line and you'll see it.
  8. Stano

    End Of File

    If I understood correctly, it would be better/easier to hide the corresponding button in DBNavigator.
  9. Stano

    Problem to save XLSX file with QuickReport

    No. Because you haven't published any code
  10. For compiling SQL texts I recommend to use some DB manager. It would print this error directly!
  11. The GROUP BY NF.DOCUMENT part is missing
  12. My experience is that some invalid paths are valid. If you delete them, the IDE will crash easily. This was a few years ago. I don't know if this is still valid.
  13. I've been using BDE to work with Paradox. I don't know if it's Database Destkop. There is a version for D11. I don't know if there is one for D12.
  14. Stano

    Delphi Documentation website issues

    I can't get on the FMX wiki for the third day.
  15. This remark applies in full measure to me
  16. Stano

    Show executable size after successful build?

    Peter: this is not an anecdote. That was a real scientific experiment.
  17. Stano

    Newbie Question - VCL Object Rename

    Hm, and how is it done? I can't imagine.
  18. I consider this a necessary duty!
  19. I downloaded the free version 2.0 out of curiosity. No message appeared.
  20. Stano

    Select the entire procedure/function?

    I collapse the function/procedure and so seemingly copy "just one" line.
  21. Stano

    Set form in read only mode

    Sometimes it is useful to make a list of these components.
  22. Stano

    DateTimePicker - Set empty date

    If an array of type Date has the option "null" in the DBTable so DTP_STAT_HAND_GRIF_VOL_DOSSIER_OPVR_DATE.Field.AsDateTime := 0;// = strToDAte('30/12/1899') You can set DTP_STAT_HAND_GRIF_VOL_DOSSIER_OPVR_DATE.Field.Value := null;
  23. Stano

    DateTimePicker - Set empty date

    I don't know the Konopka components. But: In the second part of the code (else) you don't have a value for the date Some components have the property "Allow null value"
  24. Stano

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/New_features_and_customer_reported_issues_fixed_in_RAD_Studio_12.1 https://blogs.embarcadero.com/announcing-the-availability-of-rad-studio-12-1-athens/