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Everything posted by DelphiUdIT

  1. DelphiUdIT

    Stratched image is wrong if bmp dimention >32767 (RAD2007)

    I try (before your last post) with an image of 49200 x 6000 pixel 24 bit with stretch and no stretch and no problem arise at runtime. Only in the Rad Studio there are some memory errors cause the 32 bit Rad Studio process. I look at your last answer after lunch. Bye
  2. DelphiUdIT

    Stratched image is wrong if bmp dimention >32767 (RAD2007)

    If the api function use the header of a Bitmap, no image more than 4 Gb may be used, because the size of the raw bitmap is mainteined in a 4 byte data, either in 32 bit OS or 64 bit OS: 32768 x 32768 x 24 bit ---> 3 Gb 32768 x 32768 x 32 bit ---> 4 GB Depends wich functions "stretch" setting call (StretcBlt or StretchDIBits) some different things may happens. Also I remember something about api optimized in GDI that sometimes used always the 32 bit rappresentation for bitmap manipulation. This is the original last struct definition for the BITMAPHEADER (should be defined somewhere in the system "pas" files) typedef struct { DWORD bV5Size; LONG bV5Width; LONG bV5Height; WORD bV5Planes; WORD bV5BitCount; DWORD bV5Compression; DWORD bV5SizeImage; LONG bV5XPelsPerMeter; LONG bV5YPelsPerMeter; DWORD bV5ClrUsed; DWORD bV5ClrImportant; DWORD bV5RedMask; DWORD bV5GreenMask; DWORD bV5BlueMask; DWORD bV5AlphaMask; DWORD bV5CSType; CIEXYZTRIPLE bV5Endpoints; DWORD bV5GammaRed; DWORD bV5GammaGreen; DWORD bV5GammaBlue; DWORD bV5Intent; DWORD bV5ProfileData; DWORD bV5ProfileSize; DWORD bV5Reserved; } BITMAPV5HEADER, *PBITMAPV5HEADER;
  3. I have used these functions for years (at least 7) for a remote visualization project in the security field (and not only) and I never had any problems in using them. The pointer of a pointer is simply .... a pointer. There is no need to change the "signature" of the originally imported functions. You may use the pointer argument like in this excerpt of a function (from Robert Jêdrzejczyk's PasLibVlc project): function TPasLibVlcPlayer.GetVideoSampleAspectRatio(var sar_num, sar_den : Longword): Boolean; var md : libvlc_media_t_ptr; tracks_ptr : Pointer; tracks_list : libvlc_media_track_list_t_ptr; tracks_count : Integer; tracks_idx : Integer; track_record : libvlc_media_track_t_ptr; begin Result := FALSE; if (p_mi = NIL) then exit; md := libvlc_media_player_get_media(p_mi); tracks_count := libvlc_media_tracks_get(md, tracks_ptr); if (tracks_count > 0) then begin tracks_list := libvlc_media_track_list_t_ptr(@tracks_ptr); for tracks_idx := 0 to tracks_count-1 do begin track_record := tracks_list^[tracks_idx]; if (track_record^.i_type = libvlc_track_video) then begin sar_num := track_record^.u.video^.i_sar_num; sar_den := track_record^.u.video^.i_sar_den; Result := TRUE; break; end; end; libvlc_media_tracks_release(tracks_ptr, tracks_count); end; end;
  4. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    You must wait near 10.4 seconds (but it's possible that works also in 5 seconds) after the OnEndBluetoothLEScan and after that time you can inquiry the count. This is because Windows fire that event immediatly and doesn't wait any timing. Remember that your devices MUST HAVE BEEN PAIRED at least once with Windows !!! Hope this helps you. Bye
  5. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    The connection parameters are described UUID 00002A04-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB, with 8 bytes data, but this is read only characteristic; you can read the characteristic and see how your BLE device want to be connected. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Copyright 2011 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All rights reserved. --> <Characteristic xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://schemas.bluetooth.org/Documents/characteristic.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters" type="org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.peripheral_preferred_connection_parameters" last-modified="2013-05-29" uuid="2A04"> <InformativeText> <Abstract> <!--The Information included in this page is informative. The normative descriptions are contained in the applicable specification.--> </Abstract> <InformativeDisclaimer /> </InformativeText> <Value> <Field name="Minimum Connection Interval"> <InformativeText>connInterval_min = Minimum Connection Interval * 1.25 ms</InformativeText> <Requirement>Mandatory</Requirement> <Format>uint16</Format> <Minimum>6</Minimum> <Maximum>3200</Maximum> <AdditionalValues> <Enumeration key="65535" value="no specific minimum" /> </AdditionalValues> </Field> <Field name="Maximum Connection Interval"> <InformativeText>connInterval_max = Maximum Connection Interval * 1.25 ms. and is equal or greater than the Minimum Connection Interval</InformativeText> <Requirement>Mandatory</Requirement> <Format>uint16</Format> <Minimum>6</Minimum> <Maximum>3200</Maximum> <AdditionalValues> <Enumeration key="65535" value="no specific maximum" /> </AdditionalValues> </Field> <Field name="Slave Latency"> <Requirement>Mandatory</Requirement> <Format>uint16</Format> <Minimum>0</Minimum> <Maximum>1000</Maximum> </Field> <Field name="Connection Supervision Timeout Multiplier"> <Requirement>Mandatory</Requirement> <Format>uint16</Format> <Minimum>10</Minimum> <Maximum>3200</Maximum> <AdditionalValues> <Enumeration key="65535" value="no specific value requested" /> </AdditionalValues> </Field> </Value>
  6. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    I can make two suggestions: 1) Use Bluetooth LE Lab (https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N6JD37GWZC8) that you find in the Windows store and with that try to write the Gatt characteristic that affect your hardware, so you see the response times with another software; 2) Try to use the BLE connection parameters: these are the settings that an application can try to impose on a BLE device, related to the communication protocol between SERVER GATT and CLIENT GATT (which I never used nor know how to use). The most interesting parameters are the AdvertisingInterval, ConnectionInterval, SlaveLatency, Connection monitoring timeout. But I don't know at this moment how to monitor them or how to set them.
  7. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    I have no news of operating differences on receiving messages in Windows. I tested my application (which I think uses BLE like yours) in MAC, Android and Windows and no change to read and write between the platforms, OnCharacteristicRead should works. Tomorrow I'll tested with BLE device. ……..
  8. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    Yes, stay on BLE specifications the maximum response time should be around 10 seconds. I normaly use about 5 seconds (timer or timeout) (5.2 seconds exactly) and Always all the devices respond. But the logic to "list" the device is different: in Android I use the "end" event, while in Windows I use the "single" discovery event. This should be in that way: if the "end" discovery event works, the "single" discovery event doesn't work and vice versa. I don't know if in the last updates somthing is changed, but surely in that way is working. Bye
  9. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    This is the reference page for Tokyo release: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Tokyo/en/System.Bluetooth.TDiscoverLEDeviceEvent That is the same in the Sydney edition. I don't know if the method is hidden when in use with FMX framework in Tokyo edition. Bye
  10. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    Under Windows you must use "OnDiscoverLEDevice" event. It will be fired for every device discovered. The "OnEndDiscoverDevices" is not fired in Windows, it works on Android Platform. Hope the answer wil be usefull. Bye
  11. DelphiUdIT

    Call stack does not show source unit code

    May be the options "Local symbols" should be flagged and "Symbol reference info" should be set to "Reference Info". "Debug dcu", my experience, is necessary to step in the source system files during debug.
  12. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    Yes, this is true. Windows 10 works only with paired BLE devices. After the first time, means the first time that you paired the devices, Windows 10 do this operation automatically, For some devices the manually paired is not necessary. The devices that i use are without auth protocol and Windows 10 paried them automatically when my app tries to scan and get gatt services.
  13. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    @Rollo62: Thanks for your links. I already use the Nordic microcontrollers, and in particular the BLE devices I was talking about in this post ... they are really them …. Bye
  14. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    @Rollo62: No, both old (Acer I7 Intel) and new PC (Asus I7 Intel) have the integrated Bluetooth. The old one was ( RIP) 3 years old, the new is less then one year old. I think that the malfunction of the old one was about the compatibility with BLE radio spectrum, may be the Bradcomm Bluetooth was not fully certified for BLE. I tried also in the past with old versions of Windows 10 and different Bluetooth constructors with no success. But the failure probably also depends on the implementation of the Windows Bluetooth (stack), which only in Windows 10 and after several releases of the same has been made fully functional. In an old test, while in Windows 10 the BLE devices were not seen, in an Oracle virtual machine with MAC OSX (I don't remember the exact version, I think Sierra) the BLEs were seen .... very curious. Now, in the next weeks (thanks LOCKDOWN ) i restart testing BLE on Windows with various hardware. Bye
  15. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    Now that you have tickled the Bluetooth topic, which I had filed, I tried again with the new PC, which has an Intel Bluetooth compared to the one I tested with which had a BroadComm, and in fact the BLE devices are seen correctly without pair them. To see them I use the TBluetoothLE component and the DiscoverLEDevice event which is called for each BLE device found.
  16. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    From Help: You should "have" the event immedialtly if all is working. I doubt that the BLE is working without any pairing (i cannot try beacuse i don't have any BLE that Windows can see …). If you want to test it after a period, I recommend that you test it after 10.24 seconds. This time comes from a Bluetooth 4.0 specification and is the maximum (worse) response time of a Bluetooth device. I use half of that time (5.2 seconds) and BLE devices always respond ... obviously not tested on Windows platform but on Android. I normally use around seven BLE devices via GATT. There are some answers on Stackoverflow about that (if i remember good). Since I have to work with BLE devices that Windows cannot see, I have given up on developing BLE applications on Windows. Tell us if you will be luckier. Bye
  17. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    This is the explanation why in Windows 10 it is not necessary to "pair" BLE devices. But the devices must be able to pair, which normal BLEs don't.
  18. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    Bluetooth "classic" and Bluetoooth "LE" are different things !!! With Windows (any version) you can use BClassic after pairing the devices. And you can use normal api from (TBlutooth component for example). To use BLE in Windows application the BLE devices should be able to pairing with OS. But BLE pure devices (like industrial sensor devices, or other commercial devices) doesn't understand the "piairing" conditions, because it's a no sense. They work on the GATT services basis. So the normal Windows application cannot use BLE. Again, the BClassic and BLE use different radio spectrum tipologies. Microsoft told that the UWP applications using the WinRT api (that are different from the standard Blutooth api) are able to use the BLE. Also, there should be some Bluetooth stacks that may work in Windows with BLE. Take care: some devices (like many smartphones) have the Blutooth radio that works both in BClassic and BLE. This means that you can pair a smartphone and somtimes use the BLE. @emailx45: i'll look at you suggestions, but i think that they speak about BLE with pair conditions. Bye
  19. DelphiUdIT

    TBluetoothLE in Windows 10

    I have never been able to connect a BLE device with any version of Windows. If you want to use BLE with Windows you have to use WinRT api (i.e. you have to create a UWP application). I've heard you can use BLE with Windows with a special BL stack, but I don't know anything about it. Like you I was able to use BLE with other devices like Android 32 or 64 without any problem. Bye
  20. Using the pkcs11-tool available at this address: you should be able to extract the certificate (not the private ones of course) from the usb token. This is a very old openssl discussion about that: In that discussion (still true ?) they explain how to extract the certificate and convert it in "pem". I think that the "pkcs11 module" needs to extract the certificate is a dll normally available with the USB Token (look in the system32 directory or in the syswow64 for something with *pki*.dll). In Italy very often the dll is "bit4xpki.dll" (used also by Firefox). I hope these informations are useful to you, although I'm not sure. Bye
  21. DelphiUdIT

    Direct2D 1.1 canvas much slower that Direct2D 1.0

    By the way, you can also use the hardware CPU timer (rdtsc instruction) to get the maximum accuracy in timing (with a resolution to the nanosecond or even lower, depending on the CPU), but obviously in an environment like Windows (also for Linux and other non-real time operating systems) the analysis of processing times can only be understood as an "average" value.
  22. DelphiUdIT

    Direct2D 1.1 canvas much slower that Direct2D 1.0

    You can use the System.Diagnostic unit, and the TStopWatch for high precision timing. With that you can "timing" every line of your code (of course if the code is blocking). If you use not blocking code the free method is recording all the "Windows messages" in that time (10 seconds) and analyze the events timing. For those who are old enough, they will surely remember WinSight. I never used tools other the TStopWatch, with this i resolved all the issues.
  23. Hallo to all, since 10.4 (and 10.4.1) debugging c++ DLL for x64 Windows S.O. is impossible (for me of course). ALL THE PROJECTS ARE COMPILED FOR X64. If I launch standard debug from Delphi project, the DLL source code (made in c++) is ignored and no breakpoints are used in the DLL. If I launch LLDB debug from c++ DLL (setting the correct host of course), an error like this is generated and the app doesn't start. If you launch the app with or without Delphi debugger all is working. Same situation with remote debugger (via "old style debugger" or paserver). Before LLVM all is working and i can debug DLL c++ code. I miss something or do something wrong ? Attached is a very simple project group to test. Thanks for your attention. Test.zip
  24. DelphiUdIT

    Debugging x64 DLL (c++) and Delphi

    Reported, https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-30893
  25. DelphiUdIT

    Debugging x64 DLL (c++) and Delphi

    LOL … That is really strange: hoping that it's only my problem. I will insert a ISSUE in QP as soon as possible.