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Everything posted by DelphiUdIT

  1. DelphiUdIT

    Memory not freed in Linux but freed in Windows

    I don't know, I use a laptop with I7 12700H RAM DDR5.
  2. DelphiUdIT

    Memory not freed in Linux but freed in Windows

    Mine ...
  3. DelphiUdIT

    The function of EmptyWorkingSet

    I don't know how "working set" interact with memory (page, virtual, etc..) and standard FastMM, but the function is really working freeing memory not released. I used FastMM5 for test and not side effects will be notice. I tested also EmptyWorkingSet in leak condition and in this case the effects are near to NULL (only little parts of memory freed). Some links: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/memory/working-set https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/psapi/working-set-information https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/psapi/nf-psapi-emptyworkingset
  4. DelphiUdIT


    Other than Unlocker there is also a SysInternals utility that should do that, HANDLE: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/handle You can do some search to identify the Windows API that can release an handle: HANDLE of SysInternals use the PID of process to do this without close the thread or process the lock the file (or handle in general).
  5. It's more complex than this ... The wrapper (tlb) (it's the "ASCOM Device Interfaces for Platform 6") expose only the interfaces, there is a "scopeSim" that expose similar interface and a full class. He must explorer all type libraries registered about that (or read the full documentation) and find the class that use that interface (or how to use if it's exposed in the documentation or in the examples like @Anders told). Bye
  6. DelphiUdIT

    TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge: Require TLS

    In the article that I signal in the last post there are also some suggestions to use only one port ... like you need.
  7. DelphiUdIT

    TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge: Require TLS

    For me is working, but I have the github version of Indy (I don't think this change something). I think that the "socket" is still trying to use TLS for connection, but I'm not sure about that and I don't know how to help you. Look this article of @Remy Lebeau to redirect the connection from "http" to "https": https://www.atozed.com/forums/thread-367-post-834.html#pid834
  8. DelphiUdIT

    TLS v1.3

    In the Embarcadero release, Indy packages, components and other stuffs may be differ from GitHub maintained release. For example IndyIPServer, IndyIPClient and others are not present in the GitHub version. EDIT: also the runtime version may be differ like 12.0 and 12.1 where in the 12.1 release the new WIN64X "platform" exists.
  9. DelphiUdIT

    TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge: Require TLS

    (This is for TIdHTTPServer component, hope to be useful for you component). You must use the "TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase.PassThrough" property ... if you set it to FALSE then TLS is required, if you set to TRUE only clear connection (NO TLS) are managed. Do it in the "create connection" event: procedure TForm1.Server1Connect(AContext: TIdContext); begin If AContext.Connection.IOHandler is TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase then TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketBase(AContext.Connection.IOHandler).PassThrough := false; //If True the authentication is not managed (only in clear text) or is used for STARTTLS, if false it manages the TLS/SSL authentication end;
  10. DelphiUdIT

    TComboBoxEx icon in editbox?

    EDIT: This is for TComboBox, I never used TComboBoxEx and I don't know if that I suggest is working with that component. You can use OnDrawItem to draw what you want this is an example that draw a flag (form an array of pngimages), you have to see if you can also use this method for the Edit position: //FlagListPNG is a list of pngimages //NameLangLisTXT is a list of string (name of the languages) //You must adapt of course at your use procedure TLanguageSelect.ComboBox1DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); begin try TComboBox(Control).Canvas.Draw(Rect.Left + 8, Rect.Top + (Rect.Height div 2 - FlagListPNG[Index].Height div 2), FlagListPNG[Index]); TComboBox(Control).Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left + 8 + FlagListPNG[Index].Width + 8, Rect.Top, NameLangListTXT[Index]+' '); except TComboBox(Control).Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left + 10, Rect.Top, NameLangListTXT[Index]); end; end;
  11. If you only want to know if two buffer or strings are identical, you can use CompareMem (from System-Sysutils) : https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Athens/en/System.SysUtils.CompareMem Of course the size of the two blocks should be the same (to be identical 😉 ) .
  12. DelphiUdIT

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    For me is working for Win32 e Win64 project.
  13. DelphiUdIT

    boost in C++ Builder 12.1 Modern Compiler

    I think that was one question about, on which the organizer responded.
  14. DelphiUdIT

    boost in C++ Builder 12.1 Modern Compiler

    Somewhere I read that boost libraries will be release soon ... but I don't remember were I read this. EDIT: Uhmm, may be in the last webinar ....
  15. DelphiUdIT

    ICS V9.1 announced

    Go there and download (in the "Download OpenSSL Binaries" section) the release that you need: https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download
  16. Hello ALL. I make a repository with a copy of original Indy repo with all changes to help updating Athens 12.1 Indy version and make it compatible with the IDE and third-party components. https://github.com/SiveaITA/Indy-Athens12.1 Please Remy give a look. UPDATE: seems that what I have done is not the right way, so the repository will be shutdown.
  17. DelphiUdIT


    Some changes are refuses from Indy team, 'cause some of them (changes) are only for the next new release (11), like I write in the recent post. Other motivations surely there are. This repo exists only to help everyone that want to update the Indy version that came with IDE. That is still with legacy technologies (no Oauth2, no TLSv1_3), and the Indy official repo is not compatible with Embarcadero and some tirdh-party components (like those installed from getit that need Indy). If this is not the right way, I switch the repo in "private" ... no problems. You are right about Remy, I don't want any test from him, my request may be misunderstood.
  18. DelphiUdIT

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Look there, or you should wait...
  19. DelphiUdIT

    'Automated' install of Indy??

    In the batch "clean..." there was an error ... "ren" cmd is not working if the destination file name has a path. In the normal condition (without extension options) this is an error. So I change the cmd file, including the new directories for Athens12.1 in the zip file attached. Clean_IDE.zip
  20. DelphiUdIT

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    Right observation
  21. DelphiUdIT

    New quality portal for bugs is open

    @Chief I had the same issue, but if you go inside in one post, automatically you will be added to enabled group. Go there for example (taken form another post): https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-441 Bye
  22. DelphiUdIT

    'Automated' install of Indy??

    Yes, and I tried it this time (I mean now). My apologize to don't advertise you in time, but in my system (with standard installation of Rad Studio, so in "c:\program files (x86)\....") and of course with admin priviledge the files indicated where not backuped ("cannot backup xxx" was the message, the rename did't work ???) ... the files were deleted. In the weekend I try to understand what was the problem. Another thing about this topic: in that "cmd files" some changes are needed cause new distribution of the files in Athens 12.1 (some bpl in bin64, new "MODERN" compiler, IOS simulator) . I already adjusted the file, but I should test it (and look for backup issue).
  23. Oh yes, I remember something about Delphi7 ... but now these things should never be present, neither like options ... a code refactoring is a must. We are talking in these days about safe memory .... and there are still those "options". But this is my personal opinion.
  24. In Delphi is allowed to change typed const, look here ... simple, if the relative option is set. Never used ... is terrible...
  25. Constant when you write the code, variable when the code is running