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Everything posted by DelphiUdIT

  1. DelphiUdIT

    Parnassus Debugger Issue

    Rad Studio 12. Windows 11 23H2 Parnassus Debugger and Core are installed from GetIt (date 13 November 2023). I have issues with Parnassus debugger like in the past. Create a blank project and start it with debugger. Close the executable and then close the IDE ... an AV is raise multiple times until you end that with task manager. But ... If you close the project (close all) from IDE and then close the IDE then no AV is raised. If none has suggestions i will signal that to QP.
  2. DelphiUdIT

    Parnassus Debugger Issue

    There is already an internal report for this Issue.
  3. DelphiUdIT

    Bringing the IDE automatically to the foreground?

    I don't think there is a good solution (some hacks surely). But I think the choose of Microsoft is a good solution. If are writing something in your TextWriter I don't think you liked that another application start in foreground (and maybe you write on it causing disaster). When I use an application I really don't desire that another application popup in front ....
  4. DelphiUdIT

    Quality portal access gone for me ?

    For me is offline now, but @Dave Nottage said that there are 48 hours of "down" ... so may be tomorrow it will alive again.
  5. DelphiUdIT

    Bringing the IDE automatically to the foreground?

    That are the documentation for the SetForegroundWindow ... https://learn.microsoft.com/it-it/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-setforegroundwindow I think the the link view it in Italian (my language) ... but you can easy make a search in your language. Of course this is for an application, but the IDE is an application so the rules are those. Bye
  6. DelphiUdIT

    Pulling all files and folder names into a list

    The dir command redirect on file (not on screen) stay near 2 seconds to list 141792 files in 14500 directories, the Delphi code stay 339 millisec. ... with Delphi 12 ... Over that was for the cache operations.... without cache the Delphi code and dir command (on file) are exactly the same (1,9 sec.) On Windows directory the code (and dir at the same time) the time was 6.8 sec for 170500 files and 85000 directories.
  7. DelphiUdIT

    "CAN" bus advice

    I have never used their hardware directly, but I have worked on several systems where these were used (they used canbus motors to move the cameras) and I know that the basic APIs were used. The systems have always worked without any problems (I have made about a hundred).
  8. DelphiUdIT

    "CAN" bus advice

    You can start from here, they should have something for canbus (their hardware, PEAK CANBUS): https://www.peak-system.com/PCAN-Basic.239.0.html?&L=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhOuR_8C6ggMVvJKDBx08TgQbEAAYASABEgLiAvD_BwE
  9. DelphiUdIT

    Any delphi components for VNC or RemoteDesktop?

    64 bit app can run only 64 bit dll, and 32 bit app can run only 32 bit dll. But you can "connect" to 32 or 64 bit Com Object if it is out-of-process, from any process (both 32 and 64 bit).
  10. DelphiUdIT

    Parnassus Bookmarks issue - again.

    For me too Parnassus add-on produce runtime error inside IDE. One of the DLL of Parnassus is naming YUKON (name code of beta RAD) .... maybe something should be changed ...
  11. DelphiUdIT

    Form still on display when property Visible = false

    I think you cannot debug Delphi and C++ at the same time .... may be is related: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-30893?filter=-2
  12. DelphiUdIT

    Intel Simd-sort library

    I'm not expert on that, but from what I have seen of development "out there" I don't think there is this great need. But perhaps for certain specific purposes or for some algorithms this may be necessary. The development, even if it is a niche, is still going well. What I was focusing on is that it is useless to provide only partial "optimization" parts, because they are too dependent on the hardware ... unless such optimizations are to be used only and exclusively on specific hardware (if I have to mainly use Intel's I certainly wouldn't use the AVX512, but if I only use AMD maybe yes).
  13. DelphiUdIT

    Intel Simd-sort library

    Quite interesting, but I think it's not complete. Support to AVX2 should be full available. Intel new processors (12th, 13th and 14th gen.) don't support AVX512 (not even in the future, it seems). In the professional line of Intel (like some Xeon family) only a subset of AVX512 instructions are supported. The AVX2 instructions are more widely supported. Bye
  14. DelphiUdIT

    Library for modifying windows PE files?

    Sorry, I don't understand ... for me that license means that you cannot use the software without releasing the source (and also the source of the derived product), this is not correlated to Web / Cloud or others .... I'm missing something and I'm wrong ?
  15. DelphiUdIT

    Library for modifying windows PE files?

    This is part of project "Cmulator" made in Pascal. This is the license: https://github.com/Coldzer0/Cmulator/blob/master/LICENSE
  16. DelphiUdIT

    Breakpoints do not work.

    First of all, look if you are in debug profile, like @Remy Lebau wrote: look at the Project explorer after look at "Project/Options" menu: You must look if there are some advise of line end char of your source file : end of line char should be CR+LF, if not debugger (as IDE) may not work as expected. Bye
  17. DelphiUdIT

    Thread and free

    In the Queue procedure you are using resources allocated in the Anonymous TASK, I don't think it is correct to "free" them that way: when references to lTstrings in the Main Thread are used (asynchronously from your try / finally) these will have to exist... and you however, you "free" them sequentially to your program flow. I honestly don't know how to resolve the situation with the example you gave. However, I could have made a mistake in the analysis, but I am still curious about the comment of someone who is certainly more expert than me. Bye @Cristian Peța sorry for duplicate, we have write at the same time.
  18. DelphiUdIT

    form principale parte dopo un altra form

    Ciao, siamo in un forum internazionale. Dovresti esprimerti in inglese. Hi, we are in an international forum. You should express yourself in English. The list of forms in use in the program is displayed in the "Project/Options" menu Forms that should not be displayed during creation must have the VISIBLE property set to false, view and change the property from the Object Inspector. You must set the property in each individual Form. At runtime if you need to display a Form you must call the SHOW method of the Form itself, example: Form2.Show Obviously it must have already been created either because it is in the "Auto Create Form" list above or because it was created at runtime.
  19. Try this: go to the "mehtcommserverLib_tlb.pas" file (which is already open in the IDE), go to the beginning of the file and in one of the lines you will see where it was derived from, i.e. the DLL to register. Example: You must find a DLL with the name very similar to that (your name of course) After found the DLL, run from command prompt (AS ADMIN): regsvr32 nameofdll.dll where nameofdll.dll is the dll that is named in the file. I hope it is useful to you. EDIT: the extension may be also OCX, EXE, ...
  20. Take care that on 64 bit you cannot mix pascal code and asm code and that the parameters of a method will be passed differently with respect to 32 bits (the conventions for passing through registers change): for example a 64-bit integer as a function result in a 32-bit app will be passed as EDX:EAX while in a 64-bit app it will be passed as RAX. Also, the asm code should be rewrite. No mix between 32 bit asm and 64 bit asm should be done. Of course 32 bit registers may be accessed, but not all 64 bit instructions are available to do the same as 32 bit with 32 bit register.
  21. DelphiUdIT

    C++ / windows.h and data alignment

    @alank2 said that, he compiles the windows sdk headers (if that is what he means) with BCC32 !!! and I asked why ... but never mind may be I understood wrong.
  22. He's talking about DELPHI 7 !!! and my explanation is about DELPHI 7 to Delphi 10.3 differences (surely only some of them)...
  23. I have no knowledge of any tool for automatic conversion (even partial). There are several contexts you should pay attention to when converting: 1) string: currently the definition is Unicode, in Delphi7 it was synonymous with AnsiString; 2) char: 1 character occupies two bytes. in Delphi7 it occupied 1 byte; 3) several definitions have changed in both core and third-party components; 4) several basic components distributed with Delphi7 are no longer distributed with Delphi 10.3, and obviously there must be third-party 64-bit components if you use them; 5) when converting between 32 and 64 bit you must pay attention to the various types of parameters, especially in third-party DLLs: PChar, PWChar, PAnsiChar.... 6) Integer, cardinal, nativeint, etc.... 7) Floating Extended type is 80 bit long in 32 bit application, but in 64 bit is an alias of double (64 bit long); 8 Pointers in 32 bit platforms are 4 bytes length, in 64 bit platforms they are 8 bytes length. 9) In 64 bit platforms you cannot mix assembler and pascal in the same method. 10) more other stuff Look here for more info: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Converting_32-bit_Delphi_Applications_to_64-bit_Windows Good luck and good work
  24. DelphiUdIT

    C++ / windows.h and data alignment

    My fault, sorry ... since the first post talked about "vcl.h" and in others the references to the compilation of "bcc32" were reported, I considered the discussion linked to the Embarcadero C++ environment. What is the reason for using Microsoft SDK headers instead of Embarcadero ones? I don't use C++ very often and when I need to I use Rad Studio on Windows or gcc on Linux. And I have never had any problems using the APIs (with the original headers of the respective environments). If I have to use "packed" structures, I septate and restore alignment. In Delphi, where there is no possibility to "push/pop" the settings, I have a small structure that I test to find out the original alignment and then restore it at the end of my needs. The example I gave in the previous post on the "imagedosheader" was the first alignment mistake (happened many decades ago) and at the time it drove me crazy...
  25. DelphiUdIT

    C++ / windows.h and data alignment

    This is "mine" windows.h first lines ... and there is an alignment forced at 8 bytes.