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Lajos Juhász

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Everything posted by Lajos Juhász

  1. Since a long time Windows 10 is reuqired to install the Delphi IDE. You can compile applications for older versions of Windows but the dev. machine should be at least Windows 10. I am not aware if there a possibility to install it on Windows 7.
  2. Lajos Juhász

    64bit designtime firedac

    There should be 32 bit clients for every database server. I doubt that every application that is connecting to database has moved to 64 bit.
  3. Lajos Juhász

    64bit designtime firedac

    You should be able to do so. I've done for Informix. At design time I use the 32bit ODBC driver while when compiled as 64 bit application runtime the 64bit driver.
  4. Lajos Juhász

    Filtering ListBox Items

    procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); Var i: Integer; lFilteredList: TStringList; Begin lFilteredList:=TStringList.create; try if trim(Edit1.text)<>'' then begin for i := 0 to list_global.Count - 1 do if pos(Edit1.text, list_global[i]) > 0 then lFilteredList.Add(list_global[i]); end; if lFilteredList.count=0 then listbox1.items.assign(list_global) else listbox1.items.Assign(lFilteredList); finally lFilteredList.Free; end; End;
  5. Lajos Juhász

    Filtering ListBox Items

    procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); Var i: Integer; Begin listBox1.Clear; if trim(Edit1.text)='' then listbox1.items.Assign(list_global) else begin for i := 0 to list_global.Count - 1 do if pos(Edit1.text, list_global[i]) > 0 then listBox1.Items.Add(list_global[i]); end; End;
  6. Lajos Juhász

    Filtering ListBox Items

    It is a general algorithm. For search you loop to the items. While for search you have to maintain the data in order to insert into the components the values that match the criteria.
  7. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 12: Invalid class typecast

    I would bet on the contact information at https://www.mmx-delphi.de/ there is a link legal notice with contact details.
  8. There was a discussion about this function already at this forum:
  9. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 12 Application showing two windows on the taskbar?

    I cannot reproduce your bug using Delphi 12.
  10. Lajos Juhász

    Wrong hex code

    You can fix it by changing your code.
  11. Lajos Juhász

    Is there a way to create a photo capture toobar?

    Delphi is strongly typed language you cannot modify the signature of an event. In order to find out which button was clicked you should the sender parameter of onClick: procedure TForm1.btnClick(Sender: TObject); var c : TComponent; begin if Sender is TButton then // <--- the name of the class of the button begin c:=Self.FindComponent('IM_'+TButton(Sender).Tag.ToString) ; ........ You should never use Form1 inside a method of the TForm1 that's a bad design you're locking the implementation to that one reference instead you can write Self.FindCompoent or leave out self and write FindComponent. Please try not to use With it's an evil language contruct that has no place in modern code.
  12. Lajos Juhász

    PPPoW simply for Delphi XE Starter

    it's a comment for other users of the forum. In case you don't want to communicate for others you don't have to write anything.
  13. Lajos Juhász

    Advice: Compiling with a friend's Delphi

    An issue could be also that a newer version of Delphi could require source code changes to be able to work with newer version of Android. Please do remember that nor platform support (due to changes at platform level) and fmx are not solid. From version to version there are required changes in order to get a correct output.
  14. Lajos Juhász

    Could this be an Indy Error?

    This is really not enough information to help you. You should post some code and the error messages that you recieve.
  15. In Delphi components are not binary compatible between major releases. You will have to modify your existing components or obtain the version for Delphi 11. After that you have to compile and install runtime packages. That's the main reason why there is no automatic option to obtain installed components from a previous versions. PS. Usually it requires a minimal change in the source to move a component to the next version of the Delphi. In case of the same version of the Delphi in 2 separate computers there is a migration tool, I've never used it.
  16. Lajos Juhász

    Opensource scripting language?

    Regex is a new requirement in this thread.
  17. Lajos Juhász

    Opensource scripting language?

    Pascal Script was also a good scripting language it's unfortunate that is dying slowly.
  18. Nice idea, maybe they should by a licence.
  19. The Quality Portal is back online. Docwiki is still have issues, it starts loading (blue background) then: #0 /var/www/html/shared/BaseWiki31/includes/libs/rdbms/loadbalancer/LoadBalancer.php(1134): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->reportConnectionError('No route to hos...') #1 /var/www/html/shared/BaseWiki31/includes/libs/rdbms/loadbalancer/LoadBalancer.php(749): Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer->reportConnectionError() #2 /var/www/html/shared/BaseWiki31/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(2801): Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer->getConnection(0, Array, false) #3 /var/www/html/shared/BaseWiki31/includes/cache/localisation/LCStoreDB.php(45): wfGetDB(-1)
  20. Lajos Juhász

    {$define} broke the IDE :)

    I believe that the implementation of the shiny feature to show which part of the code is active broke the IDE (Delphi 12). I've tried to enter: {$Define DebugCOM} Nothing special, unfortunately after this the editor stopped receiving keyboard imput, I was still able to navigate using the mouse but when I tried to close the project the error message was: Instance of Class TEditSource has dangling reference count of 1. Did anyone noticed something similair? I would like to create a test case to report it to the QP.
  21. Lajos Juhász

    {$define} broke the IDE :)

    I don't use it often. In this case I have decided that instead of commenting out the code for debugging the COM communication I am will place it inside a conditional block. The IDE went completely mad when I closed the IDE it was an Access Violation.
  22. You wrote that you want to install a runtime package in that case you cannot add a 64 bit bpl to required, runtime package must be 32. The Delphi IDE is 32 bit it requires a 32 bit bpl cannot load a 64 bit version (from the name w64 I guess it's a 64 bit package). Anyway the 32 bit version of the QuickReport package must be on a Windows path. You can add it for the Delphi IDE (Tools - Options - Environment Variables) and select path at the User System Overrides.
  23. It's the Windows path that you have to update. Since BPL is a special type of a DLL the OS involved in loading the required packages. When a designtime package (that you want to install) is referencing the runtime package (it can also be a single package runtime + designtime) the OS (Windows) must locate it. Setting the search path will not resolve the bug.
  24. Lajos Juhász

    {$define} broke the IDE :)

    Recently (maybe D11) they've changed if a part of code is inactive the conditional symbol is not active the conditional code sections are greyed out. I'm not sure if that introduced this bug or something else. Of course after I have restarted the IDE it's working ok.