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Cristian Peța

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Everything posted by Cristian Peța

  1. Cristian Peța

    git workflow question

    In this case I think it would be better to have all that folders in one repo. Then a branch would not be disturbed because all is there. You will have to deal with conflicts only at merge.
  2. Cristian Peța

    10.4.1 Released today

    Something like this? https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-30773
  3. Cristian Peța

    August 2020 GM Blog post

    If you are not in the first wagon then yes, others ask for you. I just setup a SSH and Git as server on Windows using OpenSSH that comes with Windows 10 but this came only two or three years ago and information is not yet well polished. Git as a server on Windows is also not so frequently used. It was enough the information I found, I did not need to ask for help, but it was harder than I thought. Now I think that doing the same thing on Linux is easier because almost all info is for Linux. Installing Subversion server on Windows was a piece of cake some years ago.
  4. Not about Delphi IDE but I just tried to take a snip of the screen with Windows logo key+Shift+S. It is sooo slow in VMware to select that rectangle.
  5. Cristian Peța

    TFtpClient: Very low speed on transfer data

    Maybe I am wrong but it is not 2^16=65536?
  6. Cristian Peța

    Cannot copy a TCard in the Structure Panel

    You are right, sometimes is working sometimes not. But manual copy from text I think is working always. Switch back to "View as Form" and Paste on an other TCard.
  7. Cristian Peța

    Cannot copy a TCard in the Structure Panel

    I tried to Copy-Paste. It's working for me in 10.4.0.
  8. I know it is frustrating but the result is same for me.
  9. I tried with "Enable Flow Control Highlighting" disabled in 10.4 but I do not see any difference. It is a little slow only when bottom white space appears.
  10. This issue is visible starting with D10.0 Seattle. Delphi XE-XE5 does not behave like this. But only when you see bottom white space.
  11. D10.4 with i7-8700K For me anywhere in the source IDE CPU is 10% and very responsive. At the bottom when white space appears is 25% and a little slower but not an big issue. I rarely use scrolling when bottom white space is shown. I think this issues is tied to CPU speed + Number of LOC displayed when bottom white space is shown. No graphic card involved. Try to make the IDE height smaller in order to display fewer lines of code and for sure it will be faster and.... useless. Does it behaves better on host? I think does not.
  12. I have almost the same configuration and bellow settings for display but I don't see any issues with scrolling. In VM is Windows 1903, on host 2004. I don't do any adjustments to the IDE after instalation. I will try to install Windows 2004 also in one VM and see. Update: I can install now Windows 2004 only on older VM's, on newer VM's with D10.3.3 and 10.4 I have this message "The Windows 10 May 2020 Update is on its way. Once it’s ready for your device, you’ll see the update available on this page."
  13. Cristian Peța


    THTTPClient doesn't work on Windows 7 and XP with SSL. On XP the message is "Server Certificate Invalid or not present" I don't find the message from Windows 7 but here is something about: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50765476/delphi-tnethttprequest-tnethttpclient-works-on-win-10-but-not-win-7
  14. Cristian Peța

    FastMM - Fragmentation Analysis?

    Then it looks like it's deallocated at close. Maybe if you can debug and look in task manager. Put a break point in System._Halt0 and maybe you will see where is deallocated. Maybe deallocation is in finalization sections or some dll's. Maybe this MemoryUsed function can be called from watch list and compared with Task manager.
  15. Cristian Peța

    FastMM - Fragmentation Analysis?

    But reports something or doesn't report anything?
  16. Cristian Peța

    Assign a pointer to a dynamic array

    From what I see it's fixed like this: var p : PWord;
  17. Cristian Peța

    Validate value entered in a DBGrid

    I can't reproduce this issue (the wrong value to be displayed across all records). What Delphi version do you use? Try to do a minimal example to reproduce this and post here. But why ?!? Your code is more convoluted and I don't see any benefit. Only trouble.
  18. Cristian Peța

    Export to PDF speed

    This procedure takes 76% of time in my case 2694 procedure TfrxPDFExport.ExportViaVector(const Memo: TfrxCustomMemoView); and was called because GapY was -1 if (Memo.ReducedAngle <> 0) or (Min(Memo.GapX, Memo.GapY) < 0) then ExportViaVector(Memo) With Gap=0 for some of memo components ExportViaVector() takes 44% of time and the report looks the same but the PDF is generated in 6 seconds vs. 13 seconds Edit: Better take a profiler and don't lose the time guessing.
  19. Cristian Peța

    Export to PDF speed

    Just tried 200 pages of something like this. 13 seconds.
  20. Cristian Peța

    Export to PDF speed

    The best would be to profile frxExportPDF unit
  21. Cristian Peța

    Export to PDF speed

    Only for testing. Why not? It's not Windows 10?
  22. Cristian Peța

    Export to PDF speed

    Have you tried with Microsoft driver? frxReport9.PrintOptions.PrnOutFileName := 'name.pdf'; frxReport9.PrintOptions.Copies := 1; frxReport9.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; frxReport9.PrintOptions.Printer := 'Microsoft Print to PDF'; frxReport9.SelectPrinter; frxReport9.Print;
  23. Cristian Peța

    Export to PDF speed

    At Export() that 5000 records doesn't count because the report is prepared. How many pages are? How many items per page? There are also vector images like charts or EMF, WMF? I tested for example 40 pages (200 records with one image and 30 text items per record) with booth FR Export and printing to "Microsoft print to PDF". The speed is about 3 seconds for both on a i7-8700K CPU. This is only Export because I do this at preview where the report is already prepared. P.S. You are too scarce with details and want a suggestion.....
  24. Cristian Peța

    Export to PDF speed

    Building PDF is PrepareReport() or Export() ?
  25. Cristian Peța

    Validate value entered in a DBGrid

    From the call stack it looks like Validate is called a little to late to modify the value. Documentation says also "To reject the current value of the field from the OnValidate event handler, raise an exception." I would use Abort like this: procedure TfrmClose.tbCloseAmtValidate(Sender: TField); begin if Sender = nil then exit if (Sender.DataSet.FieldByName('Long Short').AsString = 'Long') then begin if (Sender.AsFloat < 0) then begin ShowMessage('Close value should be positive or zero'); Abort; end; end else if (Sender.DataSet.FieldByName('Long Short').AsString = 'Short') then begin if (Sender.AsFloat > 0) then begin ShowMessage('Close value should be negative or zero'); Abort; end; end; end;