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Cristian Peța

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Everything posted by Cristian Peța

  1. It would be better to debug. I do not see this behavior. Delphi 12.2, Windows 11 Version 10.0.26100 Build 26100
  2. Cristian Peța

    Current Generation methods in Apps under Windows 7?

    Delphi 12.2 supports Windows 7 (SP1+) If we are speaking about OS versions, language enhancements doesn't matter but API function calls. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Supported_Target_Platforms
  3. Cristian Peța

    Delphi + Windows + isWine

    You can open a feature request and describe the issue to Embarcadero asking them to obfuscate a little the string for example with a simple and fast xor.
  4. Cristian Peța

    SQLite insert size beyond declaration

    Have you tried FideDAC Mapping? From the link provided by Dmitry I see two things you can try (specify type name in column alias and mapping):
  5. Cristian Peța

    Uploading photos to a web host.

    It's better to avoid antifreeze and do the transfer in a separate thread using TTask for example.
  6. Cristian Peța

    Using Camera in Android 9 under Delphi 12.1 CE

    https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Supported_Target_Platforms Maybe 12.0 supported Android 8.1 but 12.2 not. And if you filter the log only for your app at the and in the last page(s) should be some clues for why app closes.
  7. Cristian Peța

    Using Camera in Android 9 under Delphi 12.1 CE

    I suppose you know that Android 9 is not supported by Delphi 12. A log or a message of the error would help to have a better response.
  8. Cristian Peța

    Can't return string from class function on Android

    That means that TLocalDefault.GetStringValue returns expected string? Result in GetStringValue is what you expect?
  9. Cristian Peța

    Switch from JCL to EurekaLog

    EurekaLog can send data to a bug tracker. See https://www.eurekalog.com/help/eurekalog/index.php?bug_trackers_setup.php We use MadExcept and data are sent to Mantis that uses MySQL (actually MariaDB). An SQL server can handle a huge amount of data.
  10. Cristian Peța

    for loop variable value after the loop

    I think this should be reported. Something like this I discovered in FastReport and it surfaced in rare circumstances. First when I reported it was ignored till I come with a case to reproduce. Because this, the report should have also the link to documentation.
  11. Cristian Peța

    for loop variable value after the loop

  12. Cristian Peța

    P4D Android visual component

    tqdm is a text output "progress bar" for a console app. And you want to show this text output along a graphic ProgressBar from FMX? Probably in something like TMemo component?
  13. Cristian Peța

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    You installed 12.2 Patch 1 that is binary compatible with 12.1 but not with 12.2. If you installed some components compiled for 12.2 then it is understandable that your 12.2 Patch 1 IDE is unstable. Can this be the case or you are sure all your third-party components are compatible with 12.2 Patch 1 and 12.1?
  14. Cristian Peța

    Using Python4Delphi library in a Windows service

    But then it should setup Python engine to run in other thread context. I don't think it is worth.
  15. Cristian Peța

    Using Python4Delphi library in a Windows service

    PythonEngine appears to be nil. Did you checked there if Self is nil?
  16. Cristian Peța

    Using Python4Delphi library in a Windows service

    I am not sure right now but I suppose ServiceCreate and ServiceExecute are not in the same thread. Why not creating PythonEngine in ServiceExecute?
  17. Cristian Peța

    Distributing application that connects remote MySQL/MariaDB servers

    The protocol doesn't change suddenly. You need to install a new MySQL version for that to happen. In this case you need to check that the library you use for connection supports that version: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Status/en/FireDAC_Database_Support Same for MyDAC: https://www.devart.com/mydac/compatibility.html
  18. Cristian Peța

    "Divided by zero" exception

    As a side note. unit Vcl.Edge; .... initialization FSetExceptMask(femALLEXCEPT); SHDocVw, Vcl.Edge and other units set the mask. If someone is using TWebWrowser for example all exceptions are masked but not on all machines is so and I do not have time now to investigate why.
  19. Cristian Peța


    From where is this unit UVerInfoClass?
  20. Cristian Peța


    Actually this is what I have and is working x32 and x64. procedure GetFileVersion(const AFileName: string; var V1, V2, V3, V4: Integer); var FileName: string; InfoSize, Wnd: DWORD; VerBuf: Pointer; FI: PVSFixedFileInfo; VerSize: DWORD; begin V1 := 0; V2 := 0; V3 := 0; V4 := 0; // GetFileVersionInfo modifies the filename parameter data while parsing. // Copy the string const into a local variable to create a writeable copy. FileName := AFileName; UniqueString(FileName); InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), Wnd); if InfoSize <> 0 then begin GetMem(VerBuf, InfoSize); try if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), Wnd, InfoSize, VerBuf) then if VerQueryValue(VerBuf, PathDelim, Pointer(FI), VerSize) then begin V1 := FI.dwFileVersionMS shr 16; V2 := FI.dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF; V3 := FI.dwFileVersionLS shr 16; V4 := FI.dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF; end; finally FreeMem(VerBuf); end; end; end;
  21. Cristian Peța


    Is this working? I have something like this in my code and is working for both x32 and x64. var Size: DWORD; Handle: DWORD; FileName: String; begin if ModuleName = '' then FileName := OAExeName else FileName := ModuleName; UniqueString(FileName); Size := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), Handle);
  22. Cristian Peța

    What are the performance profilers for Delphi 12?

    I use it from 2016 on a project with 400k LOC and do not see any lag if you "Disable Profile Status For All"/"Disable Tracking For All" and then enable only for what you need. Nothing changed from 2016 to now either line timer or method timer.
  23. I would debug that TestDS server and see where the error occurs.
  24. Cristian Peța

    Delphi 11, Android, deploy .db file, will not overwrite previous

    You can put a unit before System.StartUpCopy in uses section and in initialization section of that unit you can decide to delete the old files.