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Posts posted by luebbe

  1. On 2/21/2019 at 11:42 PM, jbg said:

    And another development snapshot is available.


    This time the functions in StyleUtils.inc (Vcl.Styles) got optimized what makes the UI rendering faster

    Do these changes only affect the IDE or also applications compiled inside the IDE?

    Does fastdcc also include these patches and makes Vcl styled applications compiled on the command line render faster?

  2. I have used https://github.com/DelphiCodeCoverage/DelphiCodeCoverage for a while.

    The results are ok. You can run your unit test with it on a build server and import the output file. The disadvantage is that it multiplies the run-time for the unit test by a factor of at least ten.

    Our tests ran for an hour instead of five minutes. So we turned it off again. Nobody misses it. It could be ok though to run a separate job on the build server once per night just for the code coverage.


  3. Hi Folks,


    in Rio the error handler THTTPReqResp.OnWinInetError is gone. It is still described in the online help, but it's definitely not in the source anymore. It used to be in Soap.SOAPHTTPTrans.pas.

    Has it moved to a different place under a different name or is it really gone?


    Any recommendation how we could wire up our custom error handler without it instead?

  4. 1 hour ago, Attila Kovacs said:

    @Stefan Glienke People tend to forget about comfort feeling 😄 Joking aside, I've here a client/server thingy where I have to do things parallel and debug them, so yes, it's a temporary discomfort to scroll up and down in the projects window like a poisoned mouse to find the node which has this context menu.


    But I like your chart. It's just too practical. 😉

    I have it printed out on the wall behind me...

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    • Haha 1

  5. Yes, there are two.

    GExperts and GExpertsRS103 which both point to C:\Program Files (x86)\GExperts for RAD Studio 10.3\GExpertsRS103.dll

    I now uninstalled GExperts RS103 and deleted both registry keys.


    Perhaps the problem is caused by the way the plugin is installed?


    Normally I don't have admin rights on my work PC. So I can either install:

    a) under my user, but then I have to log in as admin during the installation. So I guess the registry keys are written to the admin accounts HKCU

    b) give my user temporary admin rights and install. This will probably write the registry keys under my HKCU


    Uninstall, delete registry keys + reinstall using method b) solved the issue.

  6. I have just upgraded Rio from 10.3 to 10.3.1 and now I get an exception when Rio is starting.

    The message is:

    [Window Title]
    PrivateGXMenuActionManager is not nil upon creation (D:\source\_sourceforge\GExperts\source\framework\GX_MenuActions.pas, Zeile 122).

    Followed by an excpeotion from bds:

    [Window Title]
    Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse C08B50F7 in Modul 'bds.exe'. Lesen von Adresse C08B50F7.

    The installed version of GEXperts is (from GXRS10.3-13C-experimental-twm-2018-12-22.exe)


    There is no GExperts menu entry and the shortcuts don't work

    Some part of GExpert seems to be running, because the "Multiple instances" warning pops up when I start 10.3.1 a second time.


    I then tried to disable GExperts using the ExpertManager.exe from the installation folder, but it also throws an exception:

    Application Error
    Exception Exception in module ExpertManager.exe at 0005BC60.
    Could not load library GExpertsRS103.dll.

    even though GExpertsRS103.dll is in the same folder as ExpertManager


    GExperts was installed using my account with local admin privileges.


  7. I was searching desperately for this menu until, after reading this thread, I found out that it is not visible (on my computer) when the IDE starts maximized. Once I normalize the IDE window, the menu shows up. After maximizing the IDE again, it's still there, but at a wrong location:



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