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Everything posted by alogrep

  1. alogrep

    Use old glyph with tpngobject in 10.4?

    Than you Uwe. How do I install it? I dowloaded PackagesSydney and trying to build PngComponentsDesign I get a list of errores Tpngimagelist .... not found. If I try to build PngComponents I get the error "...source\PngSpeedButton not found" not found.
  2. Hello. Delphi Sydney. I have a form,created once at application start. The form contains const UM_ACTIVATED = WM_USER+1; (I also tried WM_APP) .... private procedure UMActivated(var Message: TMessage); message UM_ACTIVATED; ... FormActivate(Sender: Tobject); ... postMessage(Handle, UM_ACTIVATED, 0, 0); procedure UMActivated only sets some variables; When the form is shown modal and then hidden (deactivated?) by Modalresult=MrOk, a subsequent showmessaage() call restarts the FormActivate of the form. If I remove the postmessage(), everything works ok. Any sugestion on how to avoid this? In previous versions (non XE) this did not happen. Thanks in advance
  3. I found out why. I had the showmodal of the second form inside Formactivate of the first form. I used a postmessage() in the Formactivate to open the 2nd form and that eliminated the problem. I guess with the XE Delphi if the form activation was not completed, the screen.activeforms list was not restored to the 1st form because it had not been activated completely yet (the postmessage makes the 2nd form opening happen when the 1st form has completed its activation).
  4. alogrep

    BDE for 10.4?

    Hi Is the BDE avaialble for version 10.4? If yes, where could I download it?
  5. alogrep

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    Hi I get the error in 10.4 (I was not getting in 10.2). I put "Vcl.dbgrids" in Unit scope name, but it did not solve the problem. Anybody knows what else am I missing? Thanks
  6. alogrep

    BDE for 10.4?

    Never mind. I only needed it for some error code constants used with the the nexusdb errror codes. I replaced them with their correspondent numeric values.
  7. alogrep

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    emailx45. ref delete .dproj That seems to work. I did it with a package and it fixed it. Thanks. But now I am stuck with the absence of BDE for 10.4.
  8. alogrep

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    David, yes. But I do have "use compiled dcu's" checked. I have no idea why the the bds is trying to compile that unit
  9. alogrep

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    If I start a fresh vcl app, and add a dbgrid to the unit, it compiles fine. I suppose then it cannot besomething in the Tools-Language-Delphi->Library which is common to all projects. What else could it bewrong in this specific project?
  10. alogrep

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    David Hefferman, The error is only one line (above it only hints and a warning) [dcc32 Fatal Error] .. F2063 Could not compile used unit "dbgrids.pas"
  11. Hi. Where is the tools->library->search path stored? Is it possible to examine it outside the IDE (mine does not start)?
  12. I guess this is the problem then: mising libary entries in my registry.
  13. Thanks. But registry (windows 7) does not have the "library" entry. In any case I want to examin the FILE where the library information si stored. The file, not the registry. If at least someone knows the file name, i can look for it.
  14. I have a strange problem (I never heard such thing). Suddenly, clicking bin\dbs.exe does not launch he IDE, instead a short sound like a gentle hammering comes up. Anybody can help with this?
  15. I ran Dependency Walker and it shows "Cannot find the section that owns the Delay Import DLL Name" for bds.exe. Any help?
  16. Hi. I did something really stuypid. A few months ago I installed this extension. Now I want to remove it but I cannot recall where I wrote the instructions to do it. I remember that one of the installation steps was to back up the original exceptiondiag250.dbg and then rename exceptiondiag250.jdbg to exceptiondiag250.dbg. But I seem to recall there were other steps involved. Does anybody know the name of this extension so I can download it again and read the instructions?
  17. Hi everybody. Happy New Year. Suddenly selecting Call Stack on en error, the window does not show the unit souce lines , but it shows the CPU . I read in a post that to avoid this I should un-check the "Use debug dcu's. I did that but it did not solved the problem. What shoud I do do see the unit line where the error happens? Thanks
  18. alogrep

    Call stack does not show source unit code

    Thanks everybody, but none of the suggestions worked. I noticed I had in project source Vcl.thmes and Vcl.Styles. I eliminated "Vcl" from them and now I can see my unit source line that cause the error.
  19. alogrep

    Call stack does not show source unit code

    Happy New Year. I check debug.dcus. I rebuilt. I checked the library path and also the OS path. No success. I wonder why the call stack stops on the Vcl.Forms unit which is in tokyo\source\vcl directory when this path is not in the delphi library path nor in the OS path, but it does not show my own unit (a database module) that causes the error (this is in a path defined in the Tools->library).
  20. Hi. Delphi Tokyo. I get thie compiler message [dcc32 Error] PngImageList.pas(385): E2010 Incompatible types: 'Vcl.Imaging.pngimage.TPngImage' and 'Vcl.Imaging.pngimage.TPngImage' I can't figure out what it means and how to go about fixing it. Anybody please can help?
  21. alogrep

    Error E2010 incompatile types are same types

    Thanks everybody. I had to re-create the project dpr from scratch. It is not th first time. There are too many things somewhat hidden in too many places . I can't see any difference in the paths now (at least where I can find them defined) from before. Howevber, it works
  22. Hi. I have a program that creates a thread for each request. Some functions in the thread are involving printing to the standard Printer. If I do Printer.Canvas.lock; Printer.BeginDoc .... .... Printer.Enddoc; Printer.Canvas.unlock; Would it be thread safe?
  23. alogrep

    Error E2010 incompatile types are same types

    Unfortunately I had not taken note of that. But know the whole Delphi is gone bananas. I build and install a Package but it does not show in the pallete. I get all kinds of other error. Like "cannot complie used unit printers". I need to keep the source code compatible with XE+ and before XE. So I cannot put Vcl.printers (or otherwoise the non XE compiler would not work)
  24. alogrep

    Error E2010 incompatile types are same types

    No. It's a huge project and I can't compile it. It used to compile fine .
  25. Hi, I have a component with is derived from the Tcomponent class and is basically a table with cells. Each cells contains a text, a Tcolor and a TObject (which is always a TObject(integer). Randomly I an AV error and when I check on the component, the component is NIL. I cannot trace back to where/what overwrote the memory. Madexcept does not catch the AV even with the buffer overrun checked. My endless Google search shows me lots of memory LEAKS but very little on memory overwrite. Anybody knows of a good tool that would help catch the overwrite excacly where and when it happens? Thanks