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  1. zed

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

  2. zed

    Opensource scripting language?

    You can provide your own functions to work with regex in lua. Its API is very flexible. Look at this for example: https://www.geek.co.il/~mooffie/mc-lua/docs/html/modules/regex.html (the implementation is quite simple: regex.c)
  3. https://stats.uptimerobot.com/3yP3quwNW/780058619
  4. zed

    docwiki.embarcadero.com is not working

    And here we go again!
  5. https://github.com/kami-soft/ProtoBufGenerator
  6. zed

    for i := X to Y inclusive... how?

    Here is the answer:
  7. zed

    for i := X to Y inclusive... how?

    It's hard to understand what exactly you want. How about this: if (X in [0..7]) and (Y in [0..7]) then begin ... end
  8. zed

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    No, I mean what should I do in my Test.exe to make it possible to load translations from some subfolder? I don't like idea to keep this files in the application root folder.
  9. zed

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    Is possible to keep translations in sub folder? .\Test\Test.exe .\Test\lang\Test.fr-FR .\Test\lang\Test.de-DE
  10. zed

    Looking for a localization tool

    +1 for dxgettext, works like a charm!
  11. There are Delphi wrappers for libcurl (for example: mormot2), so you can easily port your existing C code to Delphi.
  12. zed


    Start of the next day is the end of the current day, so you can write: var a, b: TDateTime; begin a := StrToDateTime('17:30'); b := StrToDateTime('00:00') + 1; // 24:00 WriteLn(MinutesBetween(b, a)); // 390
  13. zed

    New TForm - Defaults

    In Delphi 11 they changes default font to "Segoe UI".
  14. My wrapper: https://github.com/zedxxx/libdeflate-pas