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Jacek Laskowski

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Everything posted by Jacek Laskowski

  1. Jacek Laskowski

    Named pipe failure, multithreading and asynchronous I/O

    Did testing show any additional problems? Is it possible to safely use the library in production?
  2. Jacek Laskowski

    Unused local variables

    Is there any tool that can scan the project and show unused local variables? I know that the compiler shows it, but it is not very clear in the log filled with various warnings.
  3. Jacek Laskowski

    Forked VSCode for Delphi

    You can freeze all threads except the debug thread (in Threads window).
  4. Jacek Laskowski

    How to clone settings ?

    what do you mean? give an example
  5. Jacek Laskowski

    How to clone settings ?

    JSON is imho most human friendly 🙂
  6. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    And I have this flag set to True! Why, then, don't truncate the data to the length of the field?
  7. Jacek Laskowski

    Delphi compiler need to be opensourced

    fredvs is MSElang developer, I think so.
  8. I have two classes: TFoo = class procedure Terminate(aNow: Boolean); virtual; end; TBar = class(TFoo) procedure Terminate(); end; procedure TBar.Terminate(); begin inherited Terminate(True); end; but I am getting a warning when compiling: [dcc32 Warning] W1010 Method 'Terminate' hides a virtual method of base type How to correctly declare the Terminate () method? I tried with overload, but it did not help.
  9. Jacek Laskowski

    Delphi compiler need to be opensourced

    Probably Alek definitely simplifies and exaggerates with ease the entire process of opening and managing sources. However, one thing is certain. Delphi requires quick and bold changes, or else it will drown.
  10. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    @Dmitry Arefiev Dmitry, take the floor on this, please. Is it working or not?
  11. Jacek Laskowski

    Class inheritance and hides method

    Thanks, but what if another class inheriting from TFoo needs to be able to control the parameter from outside?
  12. Jacek Laskowski

    Class inheritance and hides method

    From the base class, TFoo inherits several different classes, just this one child class TBar should always pass True in this parameter.
  13. Jacek Laskowski

    Class inheritance and hides method

    I know where a warning message comes from. I ask how to solve it correctly for the Terminate method without parameters.
  14. Jacek Laskowski

    Class inheritance and hides method

    Of course, override generate other error: [dcc32 Error] E2037 Declaration of 'Terminate' differs from previous declaration
  15. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    I checked the Rio, here the problem also exists. But I also found it: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-16057 And now I don't understand anything.
  16. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    128 = 32 * 4 where 32 is column size in chars and 4 comes from hardcoded method: function TIBLib.GetBytesPerChar(ACSID: Integer): Integer; var iID: Integer; begin iID := ACSID mod 256; if iID = csIDUnicodeFSS then Result := 3 else if iID = IDUTF8 then Result := 4 <<<------------------ for UTF8 columns else if (FBrand = ibInterbase) and ((iID = csIDUnicodeBE) or (iID = csIDUnicodeLE)) then Result := 2 else Result := 1; end;
  17. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    See: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/FireDAC.Stan.Option.TFDFormatOptions.StrsTrim2Len citation from doc:
  18. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    I debug FD and I found suspected place: and DataSize method code: function TIBVariable.GetDataSize: LongWord; begin if FDataSize = 0 then Result := sqllen else Result := FDataSize; end; But why result (sqllen) is 128??
  19. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    Maybe this is corrected in Rio? Can anyone check it out in Rio?
  20. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    Correction, Insert does not work either 😕 Before query execution (param value is longer than column size): After F9: Delphi Tokyo, FB 2.5.8. Does the StrsTrim2Len option work at all?
  21. Jacek Laskowski

    [Firedac] Truncation error on Firebird select query

    Yes Yes
  22. Jacek Laskowski

    Code expert for fixing very simple and obvious syntax errors?

    Look for ESLint, add-on for VSCode
  23. Jacek Laskowski

    DSK file

    Delphi saves the desktop settings in the DSK file. The currently open/active modules are saved there. This file, according to my observations, is saved ONLY when closing Delphi or closing the project. How do you force Delphi to save this file without closing the project? It irritates me very much when after Delphi hangs (often!) I lose these settings.
  24. Jacek Laskowski

    DSK file

    Save All does not save these settings. I'm also not sure that this is saved in the registry, because it is a per-project setting. ps. autosave options are of course marked
  25. Jacek Laskowski

    Named pipe failure, multithreading and asynchronous I/O

    I'm sorry, actually a browser-side problem, my antivirus (kaspersky) has blocked the call. It's kind of weird because I've had this antivirus for two years and I have never heard such a message.