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Everything posted by sjordi

  1. sjordi

    Securing RAD Server

    Thanks, that sounds like a beefed up fail2ban feature. I'll see what I can do with filtering and the good idea of the IP address instead of the name.
  2. Il faut voir avec TMS Software sauf erreur ils ont un composant FNC (compatible FMX) qui lit bcp de types de codebars: FNC WX Pack https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmsfncwxpack.asp Ils parlent aussi de http://zbar.sourceforge.net/ Deux liens de blogs TMS https://tmssoftware.com/site/blog.asp?post=877 et https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/blog.asp?post=280
  3. sjordi

    backup and restore database sqllite

    Do you actually create the "BackupFile"? With its structure (built-in tables)? I think that the file should exist first before being able to open it. Also make sure that you create the file somewhere where you have the right to write (sandboxing), either it the app space or in the public space.
  4. sjordi

    Create a bitmap of selected control?

    Hi, I'm implementing a drag&drop process in a TListView and I'd like to animate the selected Item (or group item). For this I think we would need to create a bitmap of the selected item to be able then to move it around in the drag process. Is there any way to actually determine the coordinates, width, height of the Item, and make a bitmap of it on the fly? Thanks for any clue about that. Steve
  5. sjordi

    "Home made" data replicaion with Nexusdb

    I would love to have data change (change views) without the server in between. It would be nice to have only IBToGo on each smartphone, the Mac, the PC and be able to sync together. For example, sync an iPhone directly to an Android smartphone or an iPad over local WiFi. No Server here. But a protocol to compare both device contents. I don't want the server. That means you need a server dedicated to sync AND an internet connection. On the go, it's a problem for me. And I don't want an internet connection to sync my iPhone with my Mac. That's what TMS XData/Echo is kind of doing by comparing datasets. But it's not perfect the way I need it. I use plenty of paid apps that do this over wifi, no server anywhere. One DB compared to another DB (same structure of course, but different devices)
  6. sjordi

    After Update 11.2 libsqlite.a not found IOS

    Interesting. All my projects include SQLite and I have no problems. But it's correct, I have added the libraries in Project/Deployment for both iOS and MacOS
  7. sjordi

    Delphi 11 for iOS 16 ?

    Did you try an empty FMX form? Remove all current projects entitlement files first from your hard disk and recompile. I recompiled all my apps in 11.2, with Xcode 14 under PAServer and they all work on iOS 15.7 and iOS 16.0
  8. sjordi

    "Home made" data replicaion with Nexusdb

    If it's not trading secrets, hints and tips to achieve this, or a tutorial blog would be nice for others. But I totally understand that's it's not always possible, and always time consuming...
  9. sjordi

    "Home made" data replicaion with Nexusdb

    Replication is very complex. TMS Echo offers some kind of help but doesn't really handle conflicts besides "the latest record" wins over the oldest. But now what if user A changes a record's FirstName field and user B changes the same record's Address field? The latest change would win, meaning that either the FirstName or the Address would be lost. Real sync should take into account everything at fields level, not only record levels. That means handling tables of changes and then trying to reconcile. Reconcile should also be able to offer, as an option, a dialog box to ask the user which field wins over which, in case both users A and B change, say, the FirstName field. Which one is correct? I still struggle with that but will move forward with Echo for now. No choice. Be aware that to use TMS Echo you need TMS Aurelius and TMS XData Another solution is to use Interbase Change Views. But for this to work you need an Interbase server as a broker (and pay for it). You can't use Change Views in an embedded solution like when you want to sync smartphones/tablets with a Mac or Windows standalone embedded desktop app (that would be my case). It's a shame.
  10. sjordi

    Interbase VAR Licence and Demos or Free Versions

    To me everything is said here: no-one could forecast the sales. I always found the VAR agreement totally imbecile. Handing out $5K upfront in prevision, that is rollbacked to the next year, etc is so cumbersome. And some freelance developers can't afford this. That's why a one-time payment with then royalty free distribution is, to me, the only way to go. And unlike what you say, if you contact sales, no, you won't have a clear picture of the future, it's always confused, blurred, and it always gives the feeling that prices and conditions will vary depending on the customer. Doesn't make you feel confident. Leaves you with a feeling that you are just a cow being milked against your will...
  11. sjordi

    Interbase VAR Licence and Demos or Free Versions

    Me too when developing Windows apps. NexusDB is great but is not available for cross-platform apps. That's very unfortunate. I'm also against pay as you go solutions and think that the VAR program is pretty obscure. For single developers, you need to know the costs in advance, you have no way to determine how successful an app will be. Could be 10 users or 300k users. As a single developer, I want to pay a fixed price and then have the freedom of royalty free distribution, just like NexusDB. For cross platform, I switched to SQLite, even if not as powerful as Interbase, but it also has a much much much smaller footprint that IB... even if this is a selling point for them to be small...
  12. Hi all, Just spent 3 days pulling my hair trying to understand why a list view is crashing each time I remove the grouping option for iOS. You know, if you set the ListView.ControlType to Platform, add FillHeader + FillBreak in Visual Binding (with custom format as "SubString(%s, 0, 1)"), on iOS you get your list displayed with Alphabetic groups and the nice vertical Alphabet index on the right to quickly navigate in the list. Works fine. Now if I sort my list using another non alphabetical parameter, I have to disable that index first. So I remove the visual binding to the list Headers. LinkListControlToField1.FillBreakCustomFormat := '' ; LinkListControlToField1.FillBreakFieldName := '' ; LinkListControlToField1.FillHeaderFieldName := ''; LinkListControlToField1.FillHeaderCustomFormat := '' ; Problem is that it crashes each time (also on Android), telling me that the value I pass is "out of range". It's fine on Windows and macOS. Now I think I found the reason... if I set the ListView.ControlType to "Styled" instead of "Platform", everything is fine, no crash (but no index either on iOS). As a workaround, I actually switch the ControlType to Styled, remove the links, and set it back to Platform. Of course it's not elegant. Could someone try the attached project and tell me if it crashed too on your side: iOS, iPadOS? The db is test.sqlite and should normally be deployed to your app. As-is, it should work. If it works, then try to comment out ListView1.BeginUpdate ; ListView1.ControlType := TControlType.Styled ; and ListView1.ControlType := TControlType.Platform ; ListView1.EndUpdate ; in the TForm1.ToolBar1Click procedure. Does it crash now that you stay in Platform mode instead of Styled? Any idea if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug, in which case I will open a bug report at QC (Embarcadero) Thanks for your help. Steve ListIndexed.zip
  13. sjordi

    ListView styled/platform bug?

    Another one. If ControlType =Platform, then OnItemClickEX always return 0,0 as touch coordinates... Looks like the "Platform" type is poorly implemented. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-38364
  14. sjordi

    ListView styled/platform bug?

    Bug case opened https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-38354
  15. sjordi

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Both bookmarks and navigator show an error at install time before restarting the IDE. Just once. But once installed, everything is smooth. I also have GExperts, Deleaker installed and everything seems to cohabit pretty well.
  16. sjordi

    ListView styled/platform bug?

    Thanks for trying. I'm opening a bug report It seems that even if you don't remove any kind of binds, but just update the database content, it is enough to have it crash. Any kind of dataset change would do...
  17. sjordi

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    ARM would be cool for some Linux distributions, for robots, some Nvidia distributions, etc... Embedded systems are sometimes in Ubuntu ARM and it would be cool to be able to deploy for them.
  18. sjordi

    Request for advice: FireMonkey and Frames

    @Mavarik offers a nice solution. I use TFrameStand too. The advantage here is that you can create the frame only when you need it, no other one is created before being used. And it's released once you leave it. The advantage of Maverick solution is that you can switch the appearance of the form at design time between Windows, mac, iOS and Android. This is not possible with Frames... But I have no problems using stands.
  19. did you first erase all entitlement files before deploying? I use Delphi 11.1 and iOS SDK 15.4 without problems
  20. Are you using a database in your app? If it is not correctly deployed to the iOS device, it will close right away... You have to place it in specific locations and make the app know where to find it.
  21. sjordi

    Tag editor?

    Hi, Before I start trying to create one myself, does anyone here know an FMX component to use tags with add, delete, move functionalities. Something looking like (a little cross to delete next to each tag text would be nice) or from this forum Thanks for any help. Steve
  22. sjordi

    Tag editor?

    Dang! I have FNC UIPack... but I didn't check "list"... only "tag" or whatever close to this... I knew I saw this somewhere. Thanks...
  23. Hi all, A generic question. I'm deploying my apps with an embedded SQLite DB. Each time I compile/deploy, that existing on device DB file is overwritten by the default one. It's fine for development. But how do you actually proceed if you want to deploy an update? If a user has the app already with personal data, I don't want her/him to lose that data. Testing whether the DB already exists is not possible since it's deployed each time within the new binary. One way would be to have all the code to check whether the DB exists. If not, programmatically create it and fill it with sample data. If it does, just check its version and apply possible structure upgrades? But it feels like this would embark a lot of code that may not really be useful. How do you guys deploy news versions of your apps without overwriting exists DBs? I especially think about iOS and Android devices. Thanks for any light. Steve
  24. sjordi

    Deploy without overwriting the DB?

    ok, I think I faced a border effect... I copied the System.StartUpCopy from here and pasted it into my IDE. Didn't work. Some extra characters? No idea. Then, I erased it, typed System. and saw StartupCopy in the completion list, selected it and still, the IDE was complaining, not even possible to compile. Then I typed it in manually and it was fine. Just tried to redeploy my app and I correctly kept my actual data. Cool Thanks all. Steve
  25. sjordi

    Deploy without overwriting the DB?

    Actually, I don't find it. It's not known from the compiler, and I have no trace whatsover of any file that looks like it besides a DCU file... but not seen I'm under Alexandria... Docwiki at Embarcadero doesn't reference it either... nor does the help... I think I'm missing something.