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FredS last won the day on February 13 2022

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138 Excellent

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.1 Berlin

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  1. Managed records took a long time to fully implement and yes, records with strings where not managed or let's call them pseudo-managed and allowed. That only leaves the Q why fix or enforce this in: 12.2>12.3..
  2. What I found when originally searching: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64526312
  3. FredS

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    Seemed fine on a smaller section of code base but the same code base in the new 64-bit preview was a disaster..
  4. Same, I've had to recompile several design time packages to solve this.
  5. FredS

    Code signing in a remotely working team?

    This dates back a while, pretty sure some cross certificate (driver signing) issuer supplied this as part of an example on how to sign.a driver. I only recall because I had to remove it when we stopped cross signing everything.
  6. FredS

    Code signing in a remotely working team?

    /ph - Page hash enforcement verifies the signature on each page of the executable file as it loads into memory, this attaches the cross chain certificates
  7. FredS

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    The installer overwrites the Environmental Path because it wants to dump everything into the OS Path with each install. Or at least that is the only thing I had to change fix for the last three updates.
  8. FredS

    Simulate blocking mode to send Email

    And WaitForMultipleObjectsEx allows you to add alertable flags to handle Paint message or all depending on requirement.
  9. Which what I ended up doing in a base form. Still that single bit boolean is a quick fix if needed.
  10. A boolean value turned out to be better because at times there are things that should be run OnShow v. OnFirstShow..
  11. Well the documentation language is always MAY 'Recreate the Window', so your mileage may vary. Think some API like SetWindowPos and MoveWindow have that, I know I ran into it while switching desktops via API.. Simpler just to add a FirstShown Property.
  12. Changing OS Text size was one I remember.
  13. I believe OnShow is also fired when a form is recreated, skin change is one of those, but the OS can trigger it as well.
  14. You can make a hash of the IP and include that in the payload of the IcmpSendEcho2 call. Then compare those with the return payload and if they match you are done. Else store that info in an array or pass it to a callback to check in another/main thread.
  15. FredS

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Wasn't another point to finally merge those internal and external issues.. now all external ones have become internal..