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Everything posted by FredS

  1. Yes, that is what I used but it doesn't take care of the screen saver. Thanks to this blog post I updated to use PowerCfg when (OS>=Win7).
  2. FredS

    Passing back a string from an external program

    OK, getting a temp filename from the OS solves that.
  3. FredS

    Passing back a string from an external program

    I don't understand the 'race condition'? I mean you are doing the most basic of all communications, execute an app, wait for it to exit and read the output file. In one form or another we do this every day 🙂 But since you are fishing for experience, I use this as part of a self updating feature. Get a Temp filename from the OS Write some data to it Execute another app waiting for it to complete Read any Error code it may have added to the file Delete the file Other than the New feature where a user can add the Temp folder to the 'Controlled Folder Access' Ransomware Protection this is as basic as it gets.
  4. History will show that not firing him was the worst move by EMBT after this total betrayal of loyal customers..
  5. FredS

    IDE can not create ancestor TFrame

    Funny I still have a reg file from when I used Seattle: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\17.0\Form Design] "Show NonVisual Components"="True" Since it was never changed to include Berlin that must have been fixed.
  6. FredS

    IDE can not create ancestor TFrame

    Might be a good idea to run Beyond Compare to see the difference between the key and reg file before you do that the next time.
  7. Feels like the 2 for 1 Lifetime Subscription sale is just around the corner..
  8. If someone is only using Win32 and looks at the last releases there is no point in paying for a subscription that ends up adding more bugs at every turn. My guess is that EMBT found that out and are now turning to 'rentalware'. The 'bump' thing simply delays and staggers 'complainers', eventually you simply won't be able to move Delphi to a new computer unless you subsidize the worst subscription mechanism I've seen (lately). Nothing like getting an email 4-6 months ahead of time padded with useless extras.. Your mileage may vary..
  9. Breaking agreements is the 'New Order'.. That is then backed up with insane logic. The customer bought Delphi and the Vendor (to protect their asset) added Copy Protection, now the Customer is held accountable to maintain this.. Oh Orwell..
  10. Using Berlin 10.1.2 I ran into two 'Access violations' while trying to generate a new hive: bds.exe -rNewHive Turns out this was due to the MidexExpert in HKLM: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Embarcadero\BDS\18.0\Experts] "MidexExpert"="d:\\Tools\\MMX\\14\\mmx_bds18.dll" To be honest that was actually still an MMX 13 entry even though 14 is installed. Perhaps it should have been removed? Deleting it made all work well, except no MMX.. Access violation at address 204F6A89 in module 'coreide240.bpl'. Read of address 0000003D. Access violation at address 205FC27A in module 'coreide240.bpl'. Read of address 00000000. Will fire off and email to: support@mmx-delphi.de
  11. FredS

    Jedi - Git => SVN?

    By default after a clone you should have the source of your clone set as 'origin'. more: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2883840/differences-between-git-pull-origin-master-git-pull-origin-master#2883857 Although I do use Bash, I find TortoiseGit much easier and for that its r-click>Pull 🙂
  12. FredS

    Jedi - Git => SVN?

    Once you have a git repo all you need is Pull: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-pull
  13. RSP-14289 is still open and a comment suggests it still plays this way in Rio.. Created: 24/Apr/16 4:05 PM
  14. FredS

    RadStudio Roadmap 2019

    The coveted Enterprise sector will just love this..
  15. No argument there, but at least you can 'unregister' and move without problems, if you crash you can get it up for a fixed fee. Checking this ability in the Delphi License Manager this morning showed the mess that is, plus I didn't see a place where it shows how many activations you have left either which means that the only time you find that out is after digging yourself out of a crash situation.
  16. Got that confused with IBExpert which has that feature and a fixed price for reactivation after your subscription elapses..
  17. Not sure, thought that exists.. However there is no way to deactivate after a crash. Either way, what you owned yesterday is today only a rental.. and at the mercy of a 'rude' renewal department at that..
  18. To me it sounded like 'the litigation department is bored'..
  19. From the GM: New Updates and Changes to the Registration “Bumps” Policy " We updated our processes and now route all issues raised from users who are not on Update Subscription to Sales and Renewals. "
  20. I often wonder how many issues in a mature product are actually the misuse of Version Control..
  21. It appears that feature is no longer implemented..
  22. Tasks can stay idle for something like 5 minutes and then longer in the retired state.
  23. FredS

    Rio 10.3.1 IDE Compiler Error

    Not an issue, as I said before 99.9% of the time recompiling fixes it. For the remainder, commenting out a line , any line, do a build all then uncommenting the same line will fix it..
  24. FredS

    Rio 10.3.1 IDE Compiler Error

    Yeah, except yesterday I tried to compile that project via msbuild and it still generated the same error:
  25. RSP-11530 was fixed for Rio, which means it should also show the correct Build.