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Everything posted by FredS

  1. FredS

    Saving registry keys

    I was using Berlin elevated when I ran that and get the same error msg while running non elevated. My own wrapper around AdjustTokenPrivileges works because it checks the last error after that call regardless of the number of privileges adjusted. In your demo (GetLastError=1300) while running non elevated. This code behaves correctly: // Enable or disable the privilege Result := AdjustTokenPrivileges(LToken, False, LTokenPriv, SizeOf(LPrevTokenPriv), LPrevTokenPriv, LLength); Result := Result and (GetLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS);
  2. FredS

    Saving registry keys

    Works in Berlin when I change output to an existing folder: 'd:\Notepad.dat' Plus this addition gives me the dialog below if I try to save into a dir which does not exist: ShowMessage('Could not save: ' + LReg.LastErrorMsg); [Window Title] Project1 [Content] Could not save: The system cannot find the path specified [OK]
  3. FredS

    Deal - breaker: Registration Limit Increase

    Just read that on your site, sounds like a great option. As for hardware; Uwe supplied the link, a full Linux version is required (no router). I have that running but I'm thinking about hardware failure and in that case running a license server on the same machine(s) isn't optimal. I do have an Ubuntu Azure VM running and that may be the best way to do this..
  4. FredS

    Deal - breaker: Registration Limit Increase

    I'm going to assume there are no Docker images nor light weight installs (for a Router) of this? This does seem to be an important change to consider, unless one believes in a flawless self updating registration system being right around the corner..
  5. FredS

    Deal - breaker: Registration Limit Increase

    OK, but NOT irrelevant to the Legal License Holder..
  6. FredS

    Deal - breaker: Registration Limit Increase

    Assuming this happened on Monday when you reported and not on the weekend it only took a work week 🙂
  7. I have a couple of instances where this is more useful without the LookupDataset, additions below: interface type TDictionaryLookupList = class(TLookupList) public /// <summary> /// Binds a Dictionary Lookup List to a fkLookup Field /// </summary> class function Bind(const AField: TField): TLookupList; /// <summary> /// Binds a Dictionary Lookup List to a fkLookup Field without binding to a LookupDataSet /// </summary> /// <param name="AKeyFields"> /// Keyfields used to identify the Entry, (Default=EmptyStr) will use the Existing KeyFields value. /// </param> class function BindSimpleList(const AField: TField; const AKeyFields: string = ''): TLookupList; end; implementation type TFieldHelper = class helper for TField /// <summary> Sets Private Field </summary> procedure SetLookupList(ALookupList : TLookupList); end; procedure TFieldHelper.SetLookupList(ALookupList : TLookupList); begin if Assigned(LookupList) then LookupList.Free; with self do FLookupList := ALookupList; end; class function TDictionaryLookupList.Bind(const AField: TField): TLookupList; begin Assert(AField.FieldKind = fkLookup); AField.LookupCache := True; Result := TDictionaryLookupList.Create(); AField.SetLookupList(Result); end; class function TDictionaryLookupList.BindSimpleList(const AField: TField; const AKeyFields: string = ''): TLookupList; begin AField.LookupDataSet := nil; if (AKeyFields <> EmptyStr) then AField.KeyFields := AKeyFields; Result := Bind(AField); end;
  8. FredS

    optset files

    I did and stopped due to: RSP-14723. However applying them via that dialog is inconvenient the better way is to use the 'Configuration Manager': One example is to redirect output or change configuration for an entire project group. I used this a lot for UniDAC's FastReport components to change output directories. Each time new version was made available I would simply run the 'Configuration Manager' using an altered Option Set before compiling.
  9. FredS

    Check what Patches I have installed, or not?

    Well, at least we all learn to enjoy xcopy again.. EMBT where upgrading is a no brainer 🙂
  10. FredS

    wtf is TForm.Action for?

    create an action aiOnIdle using the forms caption link it to the form name the update event OnIdle Then use that event as needed, beware the OnIdle event won't fire when a modal dialog is up. Unlike the TActionList.OnUpdate event this one will fire as long as the form is enabled.
  11. FredS

    Add a system-menu item to all applications?

    Dunno, where is the Minimal, Reproducible Example 🙂 If it works on a Windows 10 Sandbox then the code works, all else is up to AVs and Windows security. I tried to get an API Hooking using AppInit_DLLs example to work but that fails for me even in a Windows 10 Sandbox, works in W7 though.
  12. FredS

    Add a system-menu item to all applications?

    Some of Hooks-Made-Easy updated and now on GitHub.
  13. FredS

    Add a system-menu item to all applications?

    Feeling ignored? That code is literally from last century and had no incling about WIN64.. Although I haven't really looked at it your changes is what I needed to change in my code. Which by the way is blocked by Delphi and is NOT a commercial solution. There has been little demand for hooks in my current project so there was no need to even look at it other than as an exercise. Another reason not to get involved here is that I and you can find the solution with very little effort, but system wide hooks in Windows 1984.. err.. 10 are not so reliable. The one place we use a hook that absolutely needs to work madCodeHook is used in a signed Driver (special certificate).
  14. FredS

    Add a system-menu item to all applications?

    You need DLLs for both.
  15. FredS

    Add a system-menu item to all applications?

    That was a joke. That code is from last century, any warranty has expired..
  16. FredS

    Add a system-menu item to all applications?

    Never heard of him 🙂
  17. FredS

    Detect if running in a remote session..

    Detecting the Remote Desktop Services environment
  18. FredS

    Delete a Registry Key...

    Maybe you need to use a WOW key: Accessing an Alternate Registry View
  19. WITH is your friend: // from https://stackoverflow.com procedure TSomeClassHelper.CheckAccessToPrivate; begin With Self do begin // access via with works FInt :=1; SomeMethod; end; end; // Declared in another unit as: type TSomeClass = class private FInt : integer; procedure SomeMethod; end;
  20. Not sure how this fits with:
  21. FredS

    August 2019 Roadmap released

    OK, but there is that 'other' stuff, you know 'GetIt' the flagship library management system down for nearly a month now.. well I don't want rub salt in it but at some point some bean counter will ask why the shop using C++Builder can't build an Android app...
  22. FredS

    August 2019 Roadmap released

    "Kick the can" comes to mind..
  23. Today was my first attempt to actually use these, but that ended once I placed a Breakpoint on one. Perhaps not news to others.. program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils; {$INLINE OFF} function NewBytes:TBytes; begin SetLength(Result, 10); end; begin try /// <summary> /// F9 from the Breakpoint will repeat 3 times, once for each Inline Variable /// Uncomment the others to prove my point /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// You can also try F7 or F8 /// </remarks> var Eins := NewBytes; // << Breakpoint var Zwei := NewBytes; var Drei := NewBytes; // var NochEins := NewBytes; // var NochZwei := NewBytes; // var NochDrei := NewBytes; writeln('Something Happened!'); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.
  24. Project1.dpr.25: var Eins := NewBytes; // Put a Breakpoint 0041E5AD 33C0 xor eax,eax 0041E5AF A3DC684200 mov [$004268dc],eax 0041E5B4 33C0 xor eax,eax 0041E5B6 55 push ebp 0041E5B7 68BEE64100 push $0041e6be 0041E5BC 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax] 0041E5BF 648920 mov fs:[eax],esp
  25. The inline variable is initialized by the return value of the function. Now if they function is in another unit how do you debug it?