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weirdo12 last won the day on July 13 2023

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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. weirdo12

    Naming abbreviations for controls

    Just to be clear, are you referring to renaming controls that you drag and drop or naming ones you are creating dynamically? I missed the previous post...
  2. You should post your final syntax to help others who encounter that same issue.
  3. weirdo12

    Firedac Query Editor in IDE with Postgresql

    I did some quick searching about this 32-bit/64-bit client libraries and old version/new version server issue as it relates to PostgreSQL. For the record, here's what Tom Lane (core PostgreSQL developer) has to say:
  4. weirdo12

    FireDAC Cannot Load Postgresql vendor library

    In case you need the final 32-bit version of PostgreSQL to get the correct libraries, here is a link: https://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-10.23-1-windows.exe
  5. weirdo12

    Firedac Query Editor in IDE with Postgresql

    The error you show is typical of what I see if the 32-bit Visual Studio C++ Runtime is not installed. https://www.canscale.com/support/software/dispatch/docs/3.1/webhelp/dsptch31.htm?postgresql_troubleshooting.htm
  6. weirdo12

    FireDAC Cannot Load Postgresql vendor library

    The other thing to remember is that you need to have the 32-bit version of the Visual Studio run-time library installed or the 32-bit PostgreSQL libraries won't work. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170#visual-studio-2013-vc-120
  7. weirdo12

    FireDAC Cannot Load Postgresql vendor library

    I found that the library files had to be in a sub-directory named lib but that may have changed since I originally started supporting PostgreSQL. I use 12.2 now and just put the files in Debug\lib and Release\lib out of habit.
  8. weirdo12

    Firedac Query Editor in IDE with Postgresql

    I mentioned this in another thread. It may help. I don't open database or edit queries in the IDE so it may not.
  9. weirdo12

    FireDAC Cannot Load Postgresql vendor library

    In my experience, putting libpg.dll and its dependencies in debug\lib and release\lib works and eliminates having to specify a folder in the driver componenent.
  10. weirdo12

    migrating projects to RAD Studio 12

    So just to extend the conversation as it pertains to the original code, there is no need to store TBitmapLayer* at all (except for convenience as a temporary so that it can be initialized as required). The best practice is to always access a layer through ImageBackground->Layers->Items. Would that be good advice or overkill?
  11. weirdo12

    migrating projects to RAD Studio 12

    Another approach is to use std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TBitmapLayer>> created by std::make_unique instead of using an array of raw TBitmapLayer pointers which can lead to memory unsafe code. When the std::vector is destroyed (goes out of scope) everything gets cleaned up.
  12. weirdo12

    FireDAC Exception handling without driver info

    There isn't a property or global setting that will do that.
  13. weirdo12

    12.1 missing options

    Right click on the source file and choose Edit local options.
  14. weirdo12

    FireDac with Postgres and Prepare()

    What is the data type of field1? Can you share the schema of the config table?
  15. weirdo12

    Which ODBC driver version is used by FireDac

    Just in case you want a list of the available ODBC drivers, you can do something simple like dropping a TFDPhysODBCDriverLink component on your TDataModule and call TFDPhysODBCDriverLink.GetDrivers,