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Roger Cigol

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Everything posted by Roger Cigol

  1. Roger Cigol

    What is this flashing message doing there?

    I think this sounds like the "auto complete" calculating what to allow you to enter as part of the code. This was a bit flakey on some of the recent versions but works quite well on 12.2
  2. Roger Cigol

    Where is the VC++ option check box

    I have a C++ Builder application that is in two parts - a dll and a main exe. This has all been working fine with version XEn ... 10.0... 10.1... 10.4.... etc (and maybe 11.1 too). But when I compiled it with 11.2 patch 1 I found it compiled without errors but didn't run. I traced the problem to DllMain() not being called when the dll is "attached" as the exe file loads. When I changed this from DllMain() to DllEntryPoint() it all started working again. (Phew!). This page: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Creating_DLLs_in_C%2B%2BBuilder Suggests that there is an option (check box) called VC++ which selects either DllMain() or DllEntryPoint(). But I can't find this option ! anyone know where this is for version 11.2 patch 1 ?
  3. Roger Cigol

    FireDac PostgreSQL Parameters

    Can you paste the contents of the dfm definition of the form here for the FDQuery where the parameter :increment is defined and used. One way of doing this is to go to the form designer, select the appropriate TFDQuery component on the form, right click and select "copy" and then paste it into your Dephi-Praxis post....
  4. Roger Cigol

    Firedac Query Editor in IDE with Postgresql

    Modern versions of PostgreSQL are only available in 64bit architecture. The RAD Studio IDE is a 32 bit application. It is not possible to interface to the modern postgreSQL at design time using the IDE. I have seen examples of people using an old version of the postgreSQL interface dll (a 32 bit version) to talk to modern version of PostgreSQL server. It may work but it cannot be a "guaranteed to work" route since you are asking for a dll to be compatible with a version that wasn't written at the time the dll was created. I've never wasted time trying to get this to work.
  5. Roger Cigol

    FireDac PostgreSQL Parameters

    I use parameters in my TFDQuery with PostgreSQL 13 database all the time. No problems. You need to post more information in order for the community here to be able to help.
  6. Roger Cigol

    Clipboard history

    Not sure about this. It's empty when you first start windows. But as soon as you start using the clip board with any application Windows does maintain a history and WinKey+V does allow you to choose. However I don't know a way of accessing these values programatically. But that doesn't mean there isn't a way.....
  7. It's a definite personal strength to be aware of one's own weaknesses...
  8. I've brought a few "Classic" 32 bit VCL apps over to "Clang32". Most of the issues are related to poor code by me (often code that I wrote 30 years ago and would definitely not write now!). So in this sense whilst it is an inconvenience it is actually a good thing - it is making the code base more reliable and more maintainable. Of course I don't know what your apps do and what 3rd party components they use so the same experience may or may not apply in your case. Equally I have one set of code that is still a significant source of income for me that is based on "Classic" (again 32bit VCL). With this one I am just starting to look at changing over straight to a 64bit app using the "modern" clang64 tool set. I think I am saying (!!) that you just need to give it a go and see how you get on. You'll know within a day or two whether it's a mamouth task or a relatively straightforward one.
  9. BDE is deprecated. It's still available but it's definitely "had it's day". Not essential - but really the only sensible thing to do. I used BDE for one project and found the upgrade to FireDAC not that difficult to do. Can't comment on how much of a task it will be for your project though !
  10. If you stay with "Classic" you are staying with an obsolete platform. It is likely to be around for years and years to come (because of so much legacy code out there) but it is no longer under any further development; each new version of RAD Studio or C++ Builder comes with exactly the same "Classic" compiler. Staying with "Classic" also ties you to 32 bit only application. It's not my job to explain all the advances in C++ syntax and the associated STL additions that have happened since the days of the "Classic" compiler - but there are many many many in the list. As soon as you start using Clang you don't want to go back to "Classic". If you are not so familiar with modern C++ start by reading the latest edition of Stroustup's "A Tour of C++" and see how many things in this (fairly brief) text are new to you. Scott Meyer's "Effective Modern C++" is another good book. There are hundreds out there.. There is one disadvantage of the Clang compiler: It's compile times are slower. Make sure you use the TwineCompile plug in (free of charge on Getit package manager). As an upgrade path I would suggest make the change to 12.2 staying with the "Classic" and once you have all your other issues solved then move to Clang.
  11. Hi @shun Sorry for delay - busy week.... Up to date feature matrix is here: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/features/feature-matrix According to this site https://plaza.kpt.co.id/IT/en/107-2/Embarcadero-Delphi_8137_plaza-kpt.html Delphi / C++ Builder 5 dates from 1999 - so you are looking for a feature matrix 25 years old (if it ever existed). Fifteen minutes on google has not yielded a hit for this but you might do better.....
  12. Roger Cigol

    Identifying Third-Party and Custom Components

    Did C++ Builder 5 default to storing the *.dfm files in a binary format ? If this is the case then the above advice won't work.
  13. Does your C++ Builder 5 use any features that are "Enterprise" edition only? if so you would need to make sure you have access to these in the Trial edition. C++ Builder 5 used String = AnsiString - all modern editions use String = UnicodeString. This can be need a bit of work if you are using low level processing of the String types. Often this change is hardly noticed. You would need to decide if you are going to stick with the "Classic" compiler (which does still come with 12.2) or move to the Clang compiler which immediately gives you access to modern C++ constructs but can also highlight non-standard (ie not quite standard) coding practices that worked under the classic compiler but don't work with modern C++. My view is that it's worth the effort to move to the modern tool chain.
  14. Very good suggestion by @dummzeuch Very few people give enough thought to naming of functions and variables. Developing a consistent approach can significantly help with long term program readability / long term support for large projects. Anything that hints at doing that gets my full support ! https://cigolblog.wordpress.com/2023/01/ https://cigolblog.wordpress.com/2019/10/ https://cigolblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/
  15. Roger Cigol

    12.2 Crashing during debugging

    It seems as if the current system allows people to make posts as either "private" (in which case no one else can see them) or "public". https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1987 was originally a "private" posting but has been made "public". @Gord P you should be able to view this now....
  16. Roger Cigol

    12.2 Crashing during debugging

    @alank2I now do have access to the RSS and have updated the posting thread with my confirmation of the issue.
  17. Roger Cigol

    12.2 Crashing during debugging

    I can't find this RSS report at https://embt.atlassian.net/ - Are you sure it got entered correctly? Can you post a URL to in this thread please?
  18. Roger Cigol

    12.2 Crashing during debugging

    I can confirm that I get the same problem as you (RSS-1987). I get the same issue if I compile with TwineCompile. @Jirka52This is what you would expect - it's not a compile time error - it is a debugger issue. If you get a compile time error there must be a problem with your source file. (or something else strange). I also get the same issue if I add a line: String S = _D("μ \u00B5 α Ω °C © Å "); and then save the file - this forces the file encoding to be UTF-8 with a BOM identifier. Definitely a bug. What is interesting is that the IDE works fine with target of Win64 (traditional) or Win64 (modern). What is interesting and surprising is that the IDE hangs in the same bad way if you use the Win32 classic compiler.
  19. Roger Cigol

    Delphi 12.2 enterprise : code insight 64 bits version

    Tiny and easy work around maybe - but still worthy of reporting. That way there's a chance it will be fixed in a later release. Small improvements help make the tool set better for seasoned users and new users alike. Out of interest: 12.2 does include a minor fix that I reported so it is worth doing !
  20. Thanks @David P. Yes, you do need to recompile with the \win64x output directory. All is good now - thank you for your extra explanation. Thanks too to @Uwe Raabefor his help / clarification.
  21. Yes, you can compile them of course. But not with the clang C++ compiler. Under the hood the C++ Builder (or RAD Studio) uses the pascal / delphi compiler to compile the *.pas files.
  22. For the benefit of me and other interested parties can you expand on this please? Delphi components implies they are written in Delphi. You can't compile these with any of the C++ compilers..... So what exactly did you do that made the third party component work in your case ?
  23. I've been using C++ with VCL since the early 1990s and still think it's the easiest way to write C++ GUI windows apps.
  24. This page lists the different debuggers https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Debugging_Multi-Device_Applications Have you tried selecting the "classic" compiler? - this will (I think) debug into the VCL.
  25. This is related to the different debugger technology in use for Delphi and the different C++ compilers. This is unlikely to change between 12.1 and 12.2 (it would be a big change to change the debugger for a particular compiler - not one that would normally be done as as a same version upgrade). I am sure there is another posting on delphi-praxis covering exactly this issue - but I must admit I spent five minutes looking and couldn't find it.