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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. baoquan.zuo

    Gutter width in Delphi 12/12.1

    Thanks for the reference! I wish it was resolved so that I can use the split editor more comfortable in my laptop.
  2. The gutter is too large in Delphi 12 even when I set the gutter to invisible. DPI: 192. Known issue?
  3. baoquan.zuo

    DocInsight 2024 Sneak Preview and Beta Invitation

    Thanks for your feedback. I will probably consider the external XML documentation files in upcoming minor update as it is required for auto-generated/unmanaged source code, as well as other things (like project-level documentation may not be suited to be put in dpr/dpk). Please see this feature request. The new theme is in the roadmap of the 2024 version. Basically it must support: Responsive Theme (Light/Dark) Customization and Rebranding It is recommended that you create an issue in the DocInsight Support portal. I will make polls in the community forums to know what features really matters to our customers. Best Regards
  4. DocInsight, also known as Documentation Insight, is an API documentation tool for Delphi developers. The upcoming release of DocInsight 2024 represents a major update. It includes: Highlights - Support for Delphi XE7 - Delphi 12 - Redesigned DocInsight CLI - Bug fixes and valuable improvements It's recommend to visit What's New in DocInsight 2024 (Draft) to get more details. New Licensing Model With the release of DocInsight 2024, we are pleased to introduce a revamped licensing model: - Commercial License Licenses are purchased by the company and can be assigned to any single developer within the organization. - Personal License Tailored for individual use, this license is intended for those who purchase it with their own funds and should not be financed by companies in any form. For more details, please refer to our separate announcement. Beta Invitation If you are interested in early access of the DocInsight 2024 Beta, please join our Community Forum and drop us an email at support@devjetsoftware.com to request access to DocInsight Beta. Thanks!
  5. baoquan.zuo

    dxbuild 0.1

    DXBuild is a **free** command-line tool. It makes it easier to build multi-version Delphi projects (Delphi 2007 or newer, dproj/groupproj). Example dxbuild Packages\DelphiXE2\Spring.Base.dproj -d DelphiXE2 -p Win32 Win64 -c Debug Release Benefits - Compile faster with fastdcc (Delphi 2009 - 10.3) https://www.idefixpack.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack/ NOTE: For Delphi XE3 or higher, you just need to download and extract fastdcc*.exe to `$(BDS)\bin`. dxbuild will use fastdcc when possible. Use `--no-fastdcc` to disable it. Download: https://devjetsoftware.com/download/2009/ Report Issues: https://github.com/devjetsoftware/dxbuild-public
  6. baoquan.zuo

    Special Offer for Documentation Insight

    Thanks for the kind words! I must admit, the current status of the product is far away from my expectation and I'm really sorry that the new version has not come out in such a long time. However, there is much in-progress working on the product. I hope good things will happen in the upcoming 2022.
  7. Documentation Insight enables you to browse, edit and generate API documentation for Delphi. You can use coupon code DocInsight2021 to save $100 now. Due date: Dec 31th, 2021 To get more information, please visit https://devjetsoftware.com/products/documentation-insight/
  8. baoquan.zuo

    PixelsPerInch property in datamodules and services :-(

    type {$I jedi.inc} {$IFDEF DELPHI28_UP} {$DEFINE HasPixelsPerInch} {$ENDIF} TBaseDataModule = class(TDataModule) {$IFNDEF HasPixelsPerInch} protected // Ignore PixelsPerInch property in TFrame introduced since Delphi 11 procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure IgnorePixelsPerInch(Reader: TReader); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFNDEF HasPixelsPerInch} procedure TBaseDataModule.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineProperty('PixelsPerInch', IgnorePixelsPerInch, nil, False); end; procedure TBaseDataModule.IgnorePixelsPerInch(Reader: TReader); begin Reader.ReadInteger; end; {$ENDIF} I created a base module to solve this kind of issue
  9. This minor update introduces support for Delphi 11 and fixes some UI issues. To download it, please visit: https://devjetsoftware.com/downloads/
  10. I think `absolute` is treated as a keyword only after (global/local) "variable declarator" (`identifier-list ':' type`), otherwise, it is just an identifier.
  11. baoquan.zuo

    ANN: Documentation Insight Hotfix for Delphi 10.3.2

    Thanks for the report! That's really small. There are some HighDPI issues in 10.x. I'll investigate them.
  12. We have noticed that Documentation Insight was broken in the latest Delphi 10.3.2 update. Here is the hotfix: http://www.devjetsoftware.com/downloads Thanks for your support!