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Posts posted by farcodev

  1. 39 minutes ago, AlekXL said:

    Please! What are you afraid of? What our Chinese brothers could possibly copycat? And for what end?  Currently there isn't  anything special in Delphi compiler itself. In the past, in  years of its youth and glory, yes, Delphi was a conceptual breakthrough.

    Now? Everything was already reinvented and opensourced. FPC, Roslyn, LLVM, and many more already have most of features Delphi could boast. Implemented better (not old ANSI C), also.


    It's a synergy of language, libraries (mostly VCL),  IDE and 3'd party libs/legacy code -- that gives Delphi an edge.  Actually  the weakest link of this synergy is compiler deficiency, I presume. Embarcadero is unable to maintain the compiler in a good shape, and this holding Delphi back so much.


    For Delphi, and it's community It so little to loose and everything to gain..

    Like someone said on this thread, you can take the FPC / Lazarus way, it's an available and working "reinvented wheel".

    Embarcadero is a company (an evil word for the OSS world) and if they want to keep their compiler closed-source it's their business.


    And the old trope "open sourced software is better than closed-sourced only because it is open-source" is old and non factual.

    I have nothing against the open source world, but the fanatism and SJWarriorism of these OSS communities bore me to no end, and it grown exponentially since the last 5-10 years.

    • Like 1

  2. Here's my test with your code to give a version w/ 10.2.


    WorkerThreadCount: 32
    MinLimitWorkerThreadCount: 32
    MaxLimitWorkerThreadCount: 800

    w/ TThreadPool.Default.SetMinWorkerThreads(50); 

    WorkerThreadCount: 50
    MinLimitWorkerThreadCount: 50
    MaxLimitWorkerThreadCount: 800

    So all works well either.
