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Everything posted by TrevorS

  1. Type THelpModel = Class(TGridModel); procedure TViewPart.ChangeStringGridComboBoxCurrency(Sender: TObject); begin with TComboBox(Sender), StringGridPartDet do begin THelpModel(StringGridPartDet.Columns[2].Model).DoSetValue(Col,Row, TValue.From<String>(Items[ItemIndex]) ); StringGridPartDet.Columns[2].UpdateCell(Row); end; end; procedure TViewPart.StringGridPartDetCreateCustomEditor(Sender: TObject; const Column: TColumn; var Control: TStyledControl); begin if Column = StringGridPartDet.Columns[2] then begin Control := TComboBox.Create(Self); TComboBox(Control).Items.AddStrings(['GBP', 'EUR']); With StringGridPartDet, TComboBox(Control) do ItemIndex := Items.IndexOf(THelpModel(StringGridPartDet.Columns[2].Model).DoGetValue(Col,Row).AsString); TComboBox(Control).OnChange:= ChangeStringGridComboBoxCurrency; end; end; I have a StringGrid (StringGridPartDet) connected to a DataSet, I have used the attached code to update the currency column with a value from a ComboBox, the value appears correctly in the StringGrid, but does not update the DataSet. AmI missing a step?
  2. TrevorS

    TStringGrid ComboBox not updating dataset

    Thanks for your suggestion, but the behaviour remains the same - the grid updates correctly, but not the data source. Is there a 'conventional' way to add a combobox to a grid (that's connected to a data source)?
  3. My project has been working and deploying correctly to Windows and macOS, release / debug, 32/64 Windows and 64/ARM 64 Mac Today deploying to any macOS version hangs, no error message, need to go into task manager to shutdown Delphi. I haven't changed or upgraded Delphi, Windows, or macOS. Is there a way to invoke a default deployment configuration?
  4. TrevorS

    Delphi 11.2 macOS Deployment Hangs

    You're right, the default Windows firewall is on.
  5. TrevorS

    Delphi 11.2 macOS Deployment Hangs

    Thank for your suggestions Patrick. Somehow it is working again now. Interestingly Test Connection worked, but the deployment hung. No PAServer messages in verbose mode. I'm working with a Mac Laptop running Parallels, plugged into my iMac for the larger screen. The only unusual thing I did recently was to change the network Service Order 'Wi-Fi' followed by 'Thunderbolt Bridge' to get Fiddler to work properly. This morning, amongst other things, I changed the Parallels networking type, then changed it back to Shared Network (Recommended) - turned it on and off several times and it's working, but I'm not sure why. No Firewalls active on Mac or Windows. Thanks again
  6. I am getting different behaviour with a FireMonkey project between Windows 32-bit and macOS 64-bit In the windows version the message shows when I close the form, but not in OSX. I may be being a bad person once again with my form handling, but it all worked a treat in 10.4 with no signs of memory leaks 🤪 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var f : TForm2; begin f := TForm2.Create(nil); try f.ShowModal; finally f.Free; end; end; procedure TForm2.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin showmessage('Form2 FormClose'); end;
  7. Interestingly, I've just created the same simple project in 10.4 and FormClose is being called. (RAD Studio 10.4 Version 27.0.38860.1461 )
  8. I have created an API in Node.JS serving data and PDFs to my Angular front end - all works perfectly. I've also added the PDF bit onto an existing Delphi App that my company uses. There are 5 difference classes of PDF document. The Delphi app works 100% of the time, for all PDF types when I compile it for Mac OSX, however, when I run the Windows version, I get problems with 2 document types - 3 work perfectly (I can also use Postman to get the PDFs without any errors on all types) I create the PDFs on the fly in the server, and the problem PDFs are created from the same bits of server code as the ones that fail. Error: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page I've tried changing the headers sent from the server, and also varied the request headers: I've tried different Content-Types and specified the charset=utf-8. The simple Delphi code bellow, works for all PDF types on the Mac, but only works for a subset of the document types on Windows. (It's the RESTRequest.Execute bit that fails) RESTClient.BaseURL := 'https://api.mysite.com/pdf/' + url; RESTREquest.Method := rmGet; RESTRequest.Params.AddItem; RESTRequest.Params[0].Kind := pkHTTPHEADER; RESTRequest.Params[0].ContentType := ctTEXT_PLAIN; RESTRequest.Params[0].Options := [ poDoNotEncode ]; RESTRequest.Params[0].name := 'authorization'; RESTRequest.Params[0].value := 'Bearer ' + Token; RESTRequest.Execute; if RESTResponse.StatusCode = 200 then begin RespBytes := RESTResponse.RawBytes;
  9. This fixes the problem RESTRequest.Client.FallbackCharsetEncoding := 'raw';
  10. Embarcadero® RAD Studio 10.4 Version 27.0.38860.1461 Delphi 10.4 and C++ Builder 10.4 Update 1
  11. The Delphi WSDL Importer has done an impressive job of taking a (local) WSDL file and generating some very useful code (that almost works!) To debug, I have looked at the outgoing request with Fiddler, and based on this, I've been able to alter the WSDL file to effect a required change in the request header. However, the problem remains that Delphi is generating a tag with "NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1" but the server needs "ReadMultiple" - ( which seems sensible of Delphi as the resource that it uses is called NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1) Despite further manual changes to the WSDL and to the code generated by Delphi, I can't force a change in this tag. I have seen posts where people have suggested intercepting the XML, but I'm not sure how to do this (or how to access the events on THTTPRIO) TIA Incorrect: <NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1 xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <customerNo>account_no</customerNo> <apiKey>api_key</apiKey> <itemList> <Item No="T14727IO" xmlns="urn:microsoft-dynamics-nav/xmlports/NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1" /> <Item No="ZT62062-T1E0100Z" xmlns="urn:microsoft-dynamics-nav/xmlports/NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1" /> </itemList> </NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1> Correct: <ReadMultiple xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <customerNo>account_no</customerNo> <apiKey>api_key</apiKey> <itemList> <Item No="T14727IO" xmlns="urn:microsoft-dynamics-nav/xmlports/NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1" /> <Item No="ZT62062-T1E0100Z" xmlns="urn:microsoft-dynamics-nav/xmlports/NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1" /> </itemList> </ReadMultiple>
  12. I found the answer in this post https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/2258-need-help-adding-namespaces-to-soap/ InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(NAV_ExportCustomerItemPriceV1Soap), 'NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1', 'ReadMultiple', '[ReturnName="NAV_CustomerItemPriceV1Result"]', IS_OPTN); Params are: TypeInfo, InternalName, ExternalName, ReturnName, XMLOptions Setting ExternalName appears to have fixed it
  13. TrevorS

    caFree & ,Free??

    I have made the changes you suggested - I moved the SaveFormPos to the OnClose event of each form. I did spot an extra call to SaveFormPos in one of the branches ... so that's gone. Thank you very much for your help, it is most appreciated
  14. TrevorS

    caFree & ,Free??

    I have a project that runs in OSX only, Just moving it to Delphi 10.4.1 (I've seen the occasional memory exception when I close [Order Detail] - but I can't recreate it) Is the nil/freeandnil the best way to deal with nested modal forms in a Firemonkey/OSX? All of the [forms] are modal and are created / freed in the same way. TIA Trevor | [Customer Search] -- [Add Customer] -- [Postcode Search] (for account record) | Main -- [Order]-| [Postcode Search] (for del address) | | | | [Part Search]-- [Add Part] | [Order Detail] | | [Add Part] var f: TModalForm begin f := TModalForm.Create(nil); f.var := 100; try SetFormPos( f ); if f.ShowModal = mrOk then begin // do stuff ; // callingForm.var := f.var end; finally SaveFormPos( f ); FreeAndNil(f); end; end;
  15. TrevorS

    Adding a new SDK for MacOS fails

    Fantastic, that seems to have fixed it. Thank you for your help 🙂
  16. TrevorS

    Adding a new SDK for MacOS fails

    If you installed Delphi from scratch, you'll still need to apply the patches (there's 4) I used RADStudio-10-4-1-esd-1461.exe to install, then I applied 3 patches as suggested by GetIt /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version -sdk xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance I think I have both the Tools IDE and the Commnad Line Tools installed ....
  17. TrevorS

    Adding a new SDK for MacOS fails

    I noticed that 10.4 had received a patch so I thought I'd create a fresh install (Windows and Delphi). However, I can't add an SDK for OSX ... nothing is displayed in the SDK manager. Like pyscripter "When I try to add a new SDK nothing happens." I can't try the workaround above - 1 - I don't have folder to rename - is this my username Documents? 2- I don't have an entry in the SDK Manager Xcode seems to be installed correctly Have I missed something? Thanks