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Everything posted by Felix.

  1. Subject says it all. How to create an animated gif from a set of bitmaps? (Firemonkey) Thank you
  2. Felix.

    Delphi, Python and Android

    Dear Sirs, is it possible to create an Android app using Delphi 10.4 that will run Python scripts? Thank you in advance.
  3. Please point me in the right direction. I would like to create a very simple game server (only backend without GUI, JS and frontend) that will allow the users to play board games (checkers, mancala, backgammon). No AI, only blitz. The client program should be written with Firemonkey. I created already a Firemonkey project that allows the users to play against each other on one machine (smartphone), so GUI is not a problem. How hard/easy can it be done? Please recommend me links, resources, examples, etc.
  4. Sorry, if I selected a wrong forum. I like creating Android mobile apps, and I decided to change my IDE and language from Delphi to Android Studio. Maybe someone already made it work and would share his experience. P.S. I know a bit about Activity and Intent, but not much.
  5. Greetings, Could you check if it's possible? I am building a bundle with "Generate Android App Bundle file (arm + arm64)" option enabled. In Android-32, I include a 32-bit third-party library in the library\lib\armeabi-v7a folder (11 MB in size), in Android-64 I include a 64-bit third-party lib in the library\lib\arm64-v8a folder (12 MB). Then I make an aab file and look at its contents: there is a third-party lib (12 MB) in the base\lib\arm64-v8a folder, but there's no third-party lib in the base\lib\armeabi-v7a folder! Why is it happening? Who else faced it? Maybe this is due to the fact that the third-party lib has the same name for both 32 and 64 versions?
  6. Felix.

    Weird AAB generation (Delphi 10.4)

    I mean .so libraries
  7. Felix.

    Weird AAB generation (Delphi 10.4)

    When I write "I include a 32-bit third-party library in the library\lib\armeabi-v7a folder", I mean I set Remote Path in the Deployment window.
  8. Please recommend me algorythms (or libraries in Pascal) of hiding the part of image, so that image remains recognizable.
  9. The subject says it all. How to associate my program with a certain extension in Android? Thanks
  10. Greetings to all, How to create a video file from a set of images? (Firemonkey: Windows and Android) Thank you
  11. Which one would you recommend for Firemonkey?
  12. Greetings to all, why I'm not able to write to GetLibraryPath folder? (Android 11, Delphi 10.4.1) I keep getting the Permission denied error. GetLibraryPath isn't the external storage, is it?
  13. Felix.

    Cannot write to GetLibraryPath (Android)

    I've tried to create a text file in Library folder to pass it to stockfish engine.
  14. Thank you, your memory is great. I'll try it today
  15. Greetings to all, there's a useful piece of code in C# that can run process under Android: mProcess = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = filepath, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true }; mProcess.StartInfo = si; mProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(MProcess_OutputDataReceived); mProcess.Start(); mProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); mProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); Then it can send and receive commands to/from a file (program). Is there such analog in Delphi? (Firemonkey) Thanks!
  16. Anyway I need only stockfish to run. But it waits for input and locks the app. And I don't know how to pass the input data. I tried stockfish < [file], where [file] is a file with uci commands, but stockfish doesn't accept it (though this method works under Windows)
  17. I don't need to view or play GIFs. I just need to create an animated GIF from a set of bitmaps.
  18. Felix.

    Algorythms of hiding the part of image

    For example, we have a photo of man/woman. We need to hide the part of his/her face, but he/she has to stay recognizable.
  19. I suspect that stockfish engine waits for input, that's why it locks the application. Have no idea how to send input data to stockfish.
  20. I got this message for all libraries I run: Process terminated with exit code: 0 So I can't send anything, because they always not running
  21. Dave, in your project there is a comment "// Use this method only when you are certain the process being run is waiting for input" how can we determine using your units if the process is running or it was closed?
  22. Ok, I got it. One more question please: on github there are two your projects: Kastri (Cross-platform library for Delphi) and KastriFree (Free version of the Kastri library). Isn't Kastri free?