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About Alex40

  • Birthday 10/19/1991

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.4 Sydney

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  1. I was not able to reproduce the same error with the samples from the RSP. It looks like it connects successfully in the samples. The problem is that the error can be reproduced randomly in let say 1/10 times, sometimes 1/20 times when calling the Server. It is really annoying issue. I saw this error for the first time after upgrading to 12.1. I haven't seen it before while we were on Rad Studio 10.4.2
  2. A month and a half later the problem is not fixed YET. 😞 Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you!
  3. I am using Rad Studio 12.1 and I am facing the following issue when I am calling my Server: "Error querying headers (12019): The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation" I went through these two threads in which people say that the issue comes in 10.4.1, but I am still facing in 12.1: 1) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65928918/delphi-rest-authentication-issues-with-10-4-1 2) https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-30732 I tried the following fix that was suggested, but didn't help: Please use workaround: at run-time: create TDSRestConnection.OnAuthentication event handler and add lines to it: if AnAuthTarget = TAuthTargetType.Proxy then AUserName := '1'; Has anybody fixed this problem somehow? Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Alex40

    OCR for iOS and Android

    Thank you all for the answers!
  5. Alex40

    OCR for iOS and Android

    Hi everyone, I am currently looking for a good OCR library for converting images with text. Can you suggest any other than Winsoft's which is up to date with the latest Rad Studios? I also noticed that the Winsoft's OCR library doesn't seem to support Cyrillic alphabet recognition. Thank you in advance.
  6. Alex40

    TPopupMenu for Android and iOS not working

    Yeah, I got that, thanks, I chose to use buttons directly (as your example) instead of listbox with items. So far TPopUp does work really nice for the purpose I need it. For now I definetely stay with it.
  7. Alex40

    TPopupMenu for Android and iOS not working

    Thank you all for your replies! I really wanted to make sure that I am not wasting time in dublicating my logic into alternative components for no reason and that TPopupMenu could work on Android and iOS somehow. From what I concluded I should continue using alternatives. I started with TListbox, but I will give a try to the TPopUp component and will see how it handles all the processes. To me it looks like it is more flexible than the TListBox which is a good sign.
  8. Hello, I am using Rad Studio 10.3 I am currently developing and adapting FMX Android version of already developed FMX Windows Application. In the Application we use TPopupMenu for hidden right click menus on many places. For some reason when MyPopupMenu.PopUp is called the app crashes on Android (Andriud 12 and Android 13). As far as I know it is the same situation with the iOS version which is also in progress. My question is: Is it possible to use TPopMenu for Android and iOS or there si an alternative? Has anybody used this Libray TRichView ? --> https://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41518 This what I've read there: Thank you for your time in advance!
  9. I am using JLocationListener. Your modifications definitely fixed my issue, as described in the Embarcadero Thread. Thank you very much!
  10. I am already with Rad Studio 11.1, but I am still getting this error: com.embarcadero.rtl.NativeDispatchException: Invoke error: method 'onLocationChanged(Ljava/util/List;)V' not found
  11. I am trying to use my App with Android Service for Location running in the background. App crashes after service is being started, I see the following error in the Log cat: 10-14 11:12:45.861: E/AndroidRuntime(30933): com.embarcadero.rtl.NativeDispatchException: Invoke error: method 'onLocationChanged(Ljava/util/List;)V' not found 10-14 11:12:45.861: E/AndroidRuntime(30933): at com.embarcadero.services.LocationServiceProxyInterface.dispatchToNative2(Native Method) 10-14 11:12:45.861: E/AndroidRuntime(30933): at com.embarcadero.services.LocationServiceProxyInterface.invoke(LocationServiceProxyInterface.java:26) I found out that another person was struggling with the same issue after upgrading from Rad Studio 11 to 11.1 and after regenerated the new .java files: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72807321/android-12-on-locationchanged-has-invalid-location Unfortunately there is no answer / fix to his report about this error. I tried a lot ot things but nothing helped fixing this issue. This issue is happening on Android 12. Android 10 is working fine (not tested on Android 11). If I upgrade to Rad Studio 11.2 is it possible to fix this issue? ------------------------------------------------------------ Another question: Is it mandatory to target sdk version 31 (with exported=true) in the android manifest template if I want to run fully compatible app on Android 12? Because after I put 31 in the target sdk version (with exported=true), my app is built but can't be installed on the device after that. The error that the .apk file throws is: Error parsing the file. (Same thing happens on Android 10 device) Any help would be higly appreciated! Thank you in advance !
  12. I've managed to fix it by myself. What I did was to: 1) Download archive file, containing the customized units and libraries of the Midas library from here: https://www.4shared.com/rar/rGEOSrkNea/Arquivos_Delphi_Rio_1033.html and follow the instructions to replace the libmidas.a libraries for Android / Android 64 from the video below: My libmidas.a files are located by default: - for Android 64 Release in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\lib\android64\release - for Android Release in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\lib\android\release 2) Added in Rad Studio - Tools / Options / Library the following paths for: - Android 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\lib\android64\release - Android 32-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\lib\android\release I am not saying this is the only fix of my problem, but this is my workaround to FIX it and it's WORKING !
  13. Rad Studio 10.4.2 As the topic says, I am facing issues with linking one library, which I am not sure why it is trying to link. You will find the full error below: [DCC Error] E2597 C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidNDK-21-21.0.40680.4203\android-ndk-r21\toolchains\aarch64-linux-android-4.9\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\aarch64-linux-android\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lmidas [DCC Fatal Error] F2588 Linker error code: 1 ($00000001) From what I've read on the internet 'lmidas" is the libmidas or MIDAS library that contains the routines a ClientDataSet needs. Our app is using TFDMemtable and I am not sure why it is searching for this ClientDataSet library. Does anybody have an idea how to solve this linker error? P.S. - I've also added MIDAS library through the Add Featured Files in the Deployment options, but that didn't help. Thank you in advance !
  14. The SERVICENAME.template.java that I mentioned above is used only when the Project uses a backround service. You don't need it for the ssl libraries. To be sure you have an issue with the openSSL, do the following: 1) After setting the lib path, call the following code: IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.Load() 2) Then use a Logcat to see what these two functions return: OpenSSLVersion IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.WhichFailedToLoad() You can see how I do it in the screenshot bellow: Of course you can keep your folders lib\arm64. Ignore my folders 64 and 32. And one more thing - I am using OpenSSL 1.0.2q and you said you use 1.0.2r. I am not sure if they are fully compatible with 64 bit Android. PM me your email if you want me to send you my files.
  15. I am glad to tell you that we finally managed to fix the issue with the missing libs for the Android Service. The Service.template.java file was causing this problem. It is generated when service is built. The file was outdated, below you will find the difference in the files: NEW: @Override public void onCreate() { libraryName = "lib" + baseLibraryName + ".so"; super.onCreate(); ProxyService.onCreate(this, libraryName); OLD: @Override public void onCreate() { libraryName = getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir + "/lib" + baseLibraryName + ".so"; super.onCreate(); ProxyService.onCreate(this, libraryName); To be sure you have the latest version of the template java file, named "SERVICENAME.template.java" - when you upgrade to higher version of Delphi, just delete the file from the Service project folder and build the Service again, so the Delphi Compiler generates the latest one. If you have custom settings there, you will have to include them again in the new file! Regarding the OpenSSL libraries issue - I haven't tried to set their lib path the same way as the service does, but as far as they work in the Document path, I am fine with that. You can see as well the difference between the old and the new file in the screenshot below: