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About weabow

  • Birthday 01/03/1960

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Fault is mine : no problem at all Hi there, I need to extract evry filed in TAlphaColor. Here's my sample code : var Red, Green, Blue, Alpha: byte; begin paletteColor:= TAlphaColorRec.Create(TAlphaColors.Blue) Alpha := paletteColor.A; Red := paletteColor.R; Green := paletteColor.G; Blue := paletteColor.B; My problem is that Alpha is OK (255), but other fields return 0 An idea ?
  2. weabow

    Unicode UTF8 with coded char to char

    Runs fine : thanks a lot
  3. Hi there, As an exemple, in a json, I push some data with accentuated chars like : é They appear in TJsonObject.ToString as : \u00E9 I'de like to convert those codes, into TJsonObject.ToString, to their original representation \u00E9 --> é I can't find any way to that. An idea ?
  4. I have a TImage in which I use the KeyDown event. But if I set the DragMode in Automatic, Keydonw is no longer fired. An idea ?
  5. weabow

    TButton : change backgroundcolor

    I've found it : thanks a lot
  6. weabow

    TButton : change backgroundcolor

    Thanks a lot. I'de like to have a class inheriting from TButton, under FMX Crossplatform. How may I set the controltype in this case ?
  7. weabow

    TButton : change backgroundcolor

    Hi there, I've now spend somme hours to try to change the Background Color of a TButton, or TSpeedButton, at run time. But no way ! An idea ?
  8. weabow

    Help with Thread on FMX

    Very technical answer : it helps a lot. Thanks
  9. weabow

    Help with Thread on FMX

    I'm not strong at threads, but have to use them due to crossplatform app. So : TThread.Synchronize is made to display something in the gui, surely. But I often prefer TThread.ForceQueue. After you have a lot of timers. In the past on Windows, that wasn't a good strategy. I'd prefer one timer with a switch. After you can use, I think, tthread.CreateAnonymousThread, but when you want it to do something to be displayed, you have to Synchronise, or ForceQueue, from this Anonymous thread. Also, if you have a variable in the main thread, and you want to change its value from Anonymous, you have to do it in a Synchronyse, from th Anonymous. And to finish, be careful of Android, which threads are a little bit differnet from the other plateforms. Hope this helps.
  10. No way for me to have the TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink with those uses... Can't find library
  11. weabow

    Debug output

    Of course ! Thanks a lot
  12. weabow

    Debug output

    Hi there, I've installed Athens, so of course I lost all my configuration, and above all, the types of messages printed in the output frame. I do not need all these informations, that "mask" my own informations. So in previous version I've arrived to control the output, but I can't arrive to do it on Athen. Where do I decide what appears in the output frame ? Typically, all the std messages during the use of the software are too mutch to me. I'd like to output only the messages I decide to output.