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Everything posted by weabow

  1. weabow

    FMX Form On maximize event

    Tested right now on mac : runs fine too.
  2. weabow

    FMX Form On maximize event

    Hello, Runs fine for me on a very new project... procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin TThread.ForceQueue(TThread.CurrentThread, procedure begin if ord(self.WindowState) = 2 then Label1.visible := false else Label1.visible := true; end); end; end.
  3. weabow

    FMX Form On maximize event

    Put this in Resize event : TThread.ForceQueue(TThread.CurrentThread, procedure begin if ord(self.WindowState) = 2 then showmessage('wsMaximized '); end); Runs fine under Windows, not tested on MacOs or Linux. Hope this helps
  4. weabow

    How to force update to label during a loop

    About the prcessmessages, here's my own proc (tx for toolbox) : class procedure Tx.DoEvents; begin if MainThreadId = TThread.Current.ThreadId then Application.ProcessMessages; end; Using this, I no longer have problem with processmessages. To refresh, espacially under Android, I had to run the loop in a thread, and inside this thread, call a thread.synchronize in which I put the code I want to be executed to display something somewhere. The method runs fine crossplatform. Hope this helps
  5. weabow

    Android API31 Rad 11.1

    I think too it's a pb with manifest. Personnaly, to solve this pb, I built an app multi-platform form scratch, and then "study" its manifest. Than I had to update the manifest of my app, which has specific attributes, to update it. It runs fine now.
  6. I've an app that runs under Windows, OSX, IOs, Android and Linux, and it runs fine everywhere, from years. I do not know vcl at all, but one of my mentors that have written a book on Delphi, lets me think that FMX needs a specific strategy, and it's a little bit different from vcl. The advantage I have is that I do not know vcl at all. So my strategy is 100% FMX. Obviously, FMX in cross platform needs to master properly things, that are easier to do on vcl. Also, developping under Windows is easy : it always (almost) runs fine. Problems occur on OSX, IOs and Android. And espacially under Android with threads. That is my own point of view and my experience. Hope this helps.
  7. Hi there, Closing myapp, I save in the ini the current screen with : Screen.DisplayFromForm(self).Index (self is mainform). It runs fine. I'd like on boot to display the app on the same screen, using my Screen.DisplayFromForm(self).Index saved. I can't see anywhere how to do that. An idea ?
  8. weabow

    MultiDisplay : choose specific display on boot

    Sure. After several checks, it works fine. Thanks
  9. weabow

    MultiDisplay : choose specific display on boot

    It runs perfectly ! Thanks a lot
  10. weabow

    MultiDisplay : choose specific display on boot

    Thanks. I tried to set Self.Left := -10000; but the form stays on the main screen.
  11. weabow

    IOS KeyDown fails

    Delphi 10.4 Hi there, On IOS only (others run fine), I've a TForm with OnKeyDown event. I can't have any event fired. An idea ?
  12. weabow

    IOS KeyDown fails

    Thanks. The problem is that no event at all is fired. I do not have KeyChar issue, because I do have any event call.
  13. I have this piece of code : showmessage(formatfloat('###,###.00', 1234.25)); It runs fine under Windows, and if I change the decimal separator in the OS, it's taken into account. On Mac, I always have the , (I'm french), even if I change it in the parameters of the OS. An idea ?
  14. weabow

    Bug with formatfloat in crossplatform ?

    Thanks. Doesn't solve the problem.
  15. weabow

    Bug with formatfloat in crossplatform ?

    I make it run : fs := TFormatSettings.Create(SysLocale.DefaultLCID); //fs.DecimalSeparator := '.'; System.SysUtils.FormatSettings := fs; Now it compiles, but no change under MacOs. If I set hardly decimalpoint it runs fine. But my need is to detect the OS parameter. I think there's a bug.
  16. weabow

    Bug with formatfloat in crossplatform ?

    Thanks. I put TFormatSettings.Create(SysLocale.DefaultLCID); but the ide doesn't want it. Looking inside help...doesn't help !
  17. weabow

    Bug with formatfloat in crossplatform ?

    Looks fine. But me need is to be synchronized with the plateform settings, maybee France, USA or UK. Sometimes it's a , and in other cases it's a . How can I know which it is on the OS ?
  18. weabow

    Bug with formatfloat in crossplatform ?

    Well, I'm not familiar with this. I thougth that formatfloat took OS settings into account automatically. Do you mean I have something else to do ?
  19. I would like to put a hyperlink somewhere in my code, to be able to jump clicking on it, in another unit, at a specific point (anchor). Is it possible ?
  20. weabow

    Create hyperlink inside code

    Runs fine ! Thanks a lot Christian
  21. weabow

    Create hyperlink inside code

    Yes : typing some code in a unit, I would like to set a shortcut (link) to another piece of code somewhere else in the project.
  22. I've began to build a .deb to deploy my app on Ubuntu. It runs fine but it's not finished. I'm looking for an expert. An idea ?
  23. weabow

    Video of a FMX crossplateform app

    We are pleased to share with you a video that describes our app : We are strongly convinced that there's a great future for cross platform app. Do not hesitate to share the link. Enjoy
  24. weabow

    Video of a FMX crossplateform app

    Thanks. I've missed those points.