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Posts posted by weabow

  1. I'm not strong at threads, but have to use them due to crossplatform app. So :


    TThread.Synchronize is made to display something in the gui, surely. But I often prefer TThread.ForceQueue.


    After you have a lot of timers. In the past on Windows, that wasn't a good strategy. I'd prefer one timer with a switch.


    After you can use, I think, tthread.CreateAnonymousThread, but when you want it to do something to be displayed, you have to Synchronise, or ForceQueue, from this Anonymous thread.


    Also, if you have a variable in the main thread, and you want to change its value from Anonymous, you have to do it in a Synchronyse, from th Anonymous.


    And to finish, be careful of Android, which threads are a little bit differnet from the other plateforms.


    Hope this helps.

  2. Hi there,


    I've installed Athens, so of course I lost all my configuration, and above all, the types of messages printed in the output frame.


    I do not need all these informations, that "mask" my own informations. So in previous version I've arrived to control the output, but I can't arrive to do it on Athen.


    Where do I decide what appears in the output frame ?


    Typically, all the std messages during the use of the software are too mutch to me. I'd like to output only the messages I decide to output.

  3. My app runs with sqlite and uses 2 files, stored in deployment page for MacOs like that :

    libcgsqlite3.dylib in Contents\MacOs

    libcgsqlite3_fde.dylib in Contents\MacOs


    I have a Notarization error :

          "severity": "error",
          "code": null,
          "path": "intelli7.app.zip/intelli7.app/Contents/MacOs/libcgsqlite3.dylib",
          "message": "The signature does not include a secure timestamp.",
          "docUrl": "https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution/resolving_common_notarization_issues#3087733",
          "architecture": "x86_64"


    Any idea will be very appreciated...



    The pb was that one of the libs had a path like that : c:\...\;

    It needs a path like : $(BDS)\Redist\osx64\

    So need to edit myapp.deployproj to change the path.

  4. Hi there,


    I've an app which runs fine on Delphi 11, using crypted (aes-256) SQLite db, throught FireDac.


    This code no longer runs under Delphi 12.


    An error is fired from FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper.pas, procedure TSQLiteDatabase.Key(const AKey: String);, line 2119 : if Assigned(Lib.Fsqlite3_key) then begin...


    It seems that Lib.Fsqlite3_key is not assigned.


    Any idea will be very appreciated...

  5. Thanks.


    For Windows I know associations, but as I know, it needs to have a file. I've already implemented it and it runs fine with the file. But the need I have is to use a link, something like Zoom...


    It's a good news to know that on MacOs it can run. On mobiles, I've been told that it can run too, but on Apple maybee there are restrictions ?


    Linux is not in a hurry for me.

  6. Hi there,


    I would like to open my app (windows, macos, ios, android & linux) clicking on a link (inside an email for example), and pass to the app a parameter which is inside the link.


    Is it possible ?


