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Everything posted by chmichael

  1. chmichael

    Thread programming without sleep or WaitFor events

    Take a look at this: https://github.com/winddriver/Delphi-Cross-Socket
  2. Hello, Any ideas why the below code does not send the email: (it doesn't through an exception either) var vSMTP: TSmtpCli; begin vSMTP := TSmtpCli.Create(nil); with vSMTP do begin Host := 'my.mailhost.com'; Username := 'user@mailhost.com'; Password := 'password'; OwnHeaders := True; ContentType := smtpPlainText; CharSet := 'UTF-8'; HdrFrom := 'user@mailhost.com'; HdrTo := 'user@mailhost.com'; HdrSubject := UTF8Encode('Subject'); MailMessage.Text := UTF8Encode('Body'); Connect; while State <> smtpReady do begin ProcessMessages; Sleep(50); end; Mail; FreeAndNil(vSMTP); end; end; Thank you
  3. chmichael

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Is it me or there isn't 64-bit macOS target for 10.3.2 Community Edition ?
  4. Yes, but I think that we have some FreePascal developers in here to sort this out. See my answer to Tommi
  5. 1. I already have this in my design plans but it seems i can not host a database on the Github so currently i'll have to use my personal hosting. 2. Thanks! I'll contact him after Benchmark/Validation apps are made.
  6. Well i was on updating the FastCode "RTL replacement" then. Anyhow that is not my point, if you want to be the leader be my guest! My point is that all these years after FastCode nothing else is done and Microsoft has already made .Net Core open source. At least to me it's a start man to motivate your minds! I'll start to work moving the old FastCode code into this new project and on new Benchmark and Validation tools (on my free time), just follow the repository to see updates. That's all i can do for now. Thank you
  7. Poll is clear so i removed the "64" suffix from the repository. If anyone wants to contribute code please let me know! (I'll move the old FastCode code for start) Thank you
  8. I just want to know how many people will spend time on this project so i can focus on the benchmark/validation tools for start. (Since i'm not an assembler expert) IOW, if nobody cares the project will die like the FastCode.
  9. All the currently platforms are 64 bit so i don't think there is much point wasting time for 32bit code. Anyhow it's up to developers to choose not me! Free Pascal compatibility will bo no problem also. 🙂 Also are the mORMot assembler routines 64 bit ? ps: I updated the first post with a Poll for 32-bit
  10. Well, we already have the Current RTL for benchmarking. I'll see what i can do tranfering the old FastCode pascal to this project