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Everything posted by chmichael

  1. Hello, How can i check if a TCP port is open over Internet with timeout using ICS ? Thank you
  2. chmichael

    Error 1400

    Hello, When i'm closing the application eg, after 30 seconds OTL will raise an exception with error code 1400 invalid window handle. Any ideas ? Thank you Code: var FTask1: IOmniTimedTask; FTask2: IOmniTimedTask; procedure StartTimedTasks(const Task: IOmniTask); begin FTask1 := Parallel.TimedTask.Every(1000).Execute(DoSometing1); FTask2 := Parallel.TimedTask.Every(1000).Execute(DoSometing2); end; procedure TFormApplication.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin Parallel.Async(StartTimedTasks); end;
  3. chmichael

    ID3D11Texture2D to TBitmap and RowPitch

    Hello, Anyone knows how to copy the Bits from a ID3D11Texture2D which it has different RowPitch than Bitmap.Width * 4 ? if FTexture.RowPitch = FBitmap.Width * 4 then for I := 0 to FBitmap.Height - 1 do Move(FTexture.pData[4 * FBitmap.Width * I], FBitmap.Scanline^, 4 * FBitmap.Width); else ????? Thank you
  4. chmichael

    ID3D11Texture2D to TBitmap and RowPitch

    I have checked that but it doesn't check the RowPitch.
  5. chmichael

    Bitmaps2Video for Windows Media Foundation

    For streaming it's always the same
  6. chmichael

    Bitmaps2Video for Windows Media Foundation

    Well if you use it for internal use or streaming purposes you don't care.
  7. chmichael

    Bitmaps2Video for Windows Media Foundation

    bme.AddFrame(bm, false); It took 53 milliseconds to encode a 8k image faster than turbo-jpeg and with lower size as you say. Imagine using a TMemoryStream you can do whatever you want with the frames and i'll don't care about the expensive initialization. I don't understand why it creates a 10s video instead of 1s ...
  8. chmichael

    Bitmaps2Video for Windows Media Foundation

    That goes to my first request " 1) Encode to Stream". As far the compression HEIF actually uses H.265 compression but there is not any hardware acceleration in Delphi or at least haven't found any! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Efficiency_Image_File_Format HEIF files containing HEVC-encoded images are also known as HEIC files. Such files require less storage space than the equivalent quality JPEG.[2][3] Thank you
  9. chmichael

    Bitmaps2Video for Windows Media Foundation

    I was hoping i could use H264/5 hardware encoder/decoder for a single image. It should be faster and smaller than turbo-jpeg.
  10. chmichael

    Bitmaps2Video for Windows Media Foundation

    Can you add: 1) Encode to Stream 2) Hardware encode only 1 image ? Thank you
  11. chmichael

    Parallel Resampling of (VCL-) Bitmaps

    Just curious, anyone tried Skia for resampling ?
  12. chmichael

    Windows 11 (22H2) 8bit bitmap problem

    Yeap, ReduceColors doesn't have this issue!
  13. chmichael

    Windows 11 (22H2) 8bit bitmap problem

    Did you find any solution ? I have the same problem!
  14. chmichael


    Hello, Any chance for IOCP support in the future ?
  15. chmichael


  16. Hello, There a number of github issues without any fixes. Is this project still alive ? Thank you
  17. Hello, Can somebody implement the Synced functions of WSocket.DnsLookup and also TWDNSQuery ? (with timeout too) Thank you
  18. chmichael

    DNS Query & Lookup Synced

    The question is how to check it without using application.processmessages ?
  19. chmichael

    JSON text validation...

    @Lars FosdalDunno, I didn't post this so i am changing the password to be sure!
  20. chmichael

    JSON text validation...

    https://deleted - visit website and win smartphone!
  21. chmichael

    DNS Query & Lookup Synced

    Thank you both guys!
  22. chmichael

    DNS Query & Lookup Synced

    Where is the blocking function ? Also wouldn't be nice to have a timeout for that ?
  23. chmichael

    DNS Query & Lookup Synced

    Well the TSSLSmtpCli has blocking functions which they work nicely. eg, OpenSync; MailSync;
  24. Hmm, it crashes with i5 750 ....
  25. They fixed ryzen problems with bios updates. I'm running the library (SeaMM & SeaRTL) on my Ryzen 5800 and it's working fine!