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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi Registration

    It's a really cool topic, especially the conversation between DH and KW :DDDD
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi Registration

    You must be joking too. If you have a perpetual license and you can't install, you call the person who sold you and not anyone because you accidentally know about some internal stuff like license bumping or what is it. And if you would read Dalija's comment you would know that you are talking riubbish.
  3. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi Registration

    :DDDDD You have a sales problem (contract) and you contact the support => product is dying. You ppl. are so much fun.
  4. Attila Kovacs

    Open Unit Window

    I never liked any of the Open Unit implementations including MMX so I started a new pilot project. Main goal was to get the most out of it without mouse interaction. (Sorry for the blurry images, it's the forum itself) It looks like: bold - project files italic - opened normal - file in the directory at the end is the time since the last edit Multiple targets can be defined in a file called ".unitdirs" in the project root: @Combined;C:\Users\Jozsi\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Object Pascal\VCL\SearchBox;C:\Users\Jozsi\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Object Pascal\VCL\Sensors @Demos;C:\Users\Jozsi\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Object Pascal @MyStuff;C:\Projects\own\ClipboardWizard\.mystuff it's basically: @Caption;target1;targetN... target can be a directory or a file like .mystuff is a file, containing: C:\Projects\own\ClipboardWizard\BaseDockForm.dfm C:\Projects\own\ClipboardWizard\BaseDockForm.pas C:\Program Files (x86)\X-Files Software\X-DBGrid Component\X-DBGrid77\Help\XFiles.pdf Yes, pdf too. It can be defined (in the source code for now) which extensions are shellexecuted, the rest is opened in the IDE. With Ctrl-F12 you open this window, with further Ctrl-F12's it's cycling through ".unitdirs" (see above). With a single F12 it jumps back to the project files. There is more. As the IDE has all the classes loaded (obviously the default ones and the ones you installed before), it's easy to make a dfm preview. (no linked things like images from another datamodule though) I love fishfacts. I have many other ideas but little time. I could share this next week when I'm back in the office and anybody want's to try or enhance it. It's just a pilot project fo rme.
  5. Attila Kovacs

    Open Unit Window

    Yes, it's just the LastWriteTime to get some orientation where were we before lunch. But you could query the source control system in a background task, excellent idea!
  6. Attila Kovacs

    Open Unit Window

    Yes you are rigth, It's on my list already because absolute paths are pita.
  7. Attila Kovacs

    How to synchronize splitters?

    you should have a flag which describes if the message are coming from the mouse or from the window proc of the other splitter and if it's not the mouse, skip the feedback
  8. Attila Kovacs

    How to synchronize splitters?

    OnAlignInsertBefore OnAlignPosition
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Hextor - Hexadecimal editor and binary data analyzing toolkit

    https://kaitai.io/#what-is-it (there is a plugin "kiewtai" on github for hiew)
  10. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    How can I save the image from a TBitmap32 into a jpg (actually to the same type it was before loading, but let's start with jpg) without involving a TBitmap?
  11. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    I don't care the prettiness, all what I mean is I would never come up with the idea to patch TJPEGImage to be thread safe. Or maybe yes, after a week of trial and error. Do I really supposed to do that? I don't think so.
  12. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    There would be more than enough scripting languages to go for a one time conversion. I have no interest in digging deeper in the VCL when you already made a working library. Also, I'm more than happy not to have to deal with TBitmap, so again, no point to burn resources on things I don't need.
  13. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    just an example, citing from your library with TJpegImageHack(jpeg{<-TJPEGImage sic.}).Bitmap do ... Canvas.Lock;..... Who on earth should know such internals? Better said, why should anyone care about such internals? Nobody and for no reason and it's not in my code and it's not in the manual, but it's in your lib, and it works.
  14. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    So you are classify your own library as a short time solution? Then why does the same code work with it and not with the built ins?
  15. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    It's always your best guess and I don't have any other ideas either, but I don't know the internals and the Delphi manual is also very limited. Anyway, I can't invest any more time into this to figure it out myself and the solution I got I like much more as it skips an unnecessary step.
  16. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    Well, it's not my problem anymore. @angusj provided a solution to overcome that.
  17. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    Who are you talking to? Nobody said that it leaks, but somehow something won't release some memory until the app is closed, thus, it can not be used in a service. Measure? ctrl-shift-escape, there you can measure. Or you can wait until the out of resources dialog.
  18. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    Never heard of it. Is it already in Berlin?
  19. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    Very PC. I lost my patience after the 3rd dependency, however, looking into the sources it is quality work indeed. I'll check the speed against TImage32 when I found some time.
  20. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    @Anders Melander Thanks, I'll check that too.
  21. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    I see, still, something is different, memory is released asap. With your lib, in 8 threads, converting 13GB/5200 jpg's the application takes 500MB-1GBPeak RAM. With my converter, TPicture.LoadFromFile, DrawTo TBitmap, Resize to another TBitmap, assign to JPEGImage, save: RAM is linear up to 13GB+. There is no memory leak, something in Windows is holding some working RAM or whatever. I don't care anymore.
  22. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    Wow man, thank you for pointing this out, this is a remarkable library indeed, just what I was looking for. The endless memory consumption of TBitmap is hereby solved.
  23. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    Yeah, kinda, I don't know the internals, but that needs TBitmap which causes me gigabytes of unreleased RAM if I'm using it from threads. I could not find any info on that either.
  24. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    I mean no extra dll's. This turbo lib depends on two dll's afaics.