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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    TBitmap32 to jpg (graphics32)

    @dummzeuch Thx but I'm only interested in pure pascal solutions.
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Hextor - Hexadecimal editor and binary data analyzing toolkit

    it must be good, it's dark
  3. Wow. Thinking out loud: If you already cast ResObj to TObject in the code, can't you just give it the same type in the parameter list?
  4. Attila Kovacs

    bdslauncher stopped working

    bdslauncher stopped working, can't open pas' with dbl click anymore, strangely for both installations (10.1/2007) if I rename bdslauncher the system complains that the application is missing. how should I debug it further?
  5. Attila Kovacs

    bdslauncher stopped working

    no bds running, dpr from shell starts bds, opens project, no further shell actions are working, no pas, dpr, dproj are passed to the IDE no bds running, dproj from shell starts bds, opens project, no further shell actions are working, no pas, dpr, dproj are passed to the IDE no bds running, pas from shell starts bds, does NOT opens the pas file, no further shell actions are working, no pas, dpr, dproj are passed to the IDE
  6. Attila Kovacs

    bdslauncher stopped working

    Okay, the same happened on my other machine, clicking on a pas brought up the select app dialog with bdslauncher on the first place, clicked on it, and that's it. It doesn't work anymore.
  7. Attila Kovacs

    bdslauncher stopped working

    found it, no luck, but the right association is there, it's bdslauncher which stopped doing anything
  8. Attila Kovacs

    DBGrid repaint or refresh when dataset is refreshed

    dataset.disablecontrols; / dataset.enablecontrols;
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Changing TToolButton image and using transparency

    To be able to manage that I took outline SVG icons. Every style has colors for the font included, so I take the normal text color for the outline color: <Style>.GetStyleFontColor(sfWindowTextNormal) With Riversoft's SVG Library I can iterate through the elements of the SVG's (runtime, loaded into SVGImagelists or SVGDocuments) and change the pen/brush color. (Or anything else, like text for calendar etc...) Maybe other libs can offer the same, I don't know. Some of them are storing the SVG as text AFAIK, I would not take such a lib. Some of them will need extra libraries installed on the client machine, which is a joke for just showing SVG icons. Maybe if you have a drawing app or similar.. Also, themes are overrated. An average user will never use it except you will force him to use it. 99% the theme users are Developers. Also, dark themes are not good for the eye, contrary to belief.
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Debug visualizers

    Why don't we have a bunch of cool visualizers in the IDE when it's pretty easy to make? (let's see how video embedding works, youtube had a very bad video quality) In the video there is a TStringList Visualizer I put together. Visualizer.mp4
  11. Attila Kovacs


    Are the Master and Detail dataset the same? Or am I blind.
  12. Attila Kovacs

    IDE Editor Focus Problem

    Something is happened to my IDE the Evaluate/Modify window is not giving back the focus to the editor on closing it. I have to click into the editor every time. Any thoughts what could cause this?
  13. Attila Kovacs

    IDE Editor Focus Problem

    Ok, it was me, delete this thread pls. disabled my own expert then enabled again and now the problem is gone..... strange as I have this problem since 1-2 weeks and IDE was restarted several times
  14. Attila Kovacs

    Prevent Delphi IDE Multiple Instance

    Shortcuts like a shortcut to Delphi on your desktop or anywhere. It has a hoykey setting which you could have set accidentally. Did you check them? Use this: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shman.html
  15. Attila Kovacs

    Prevent Delphi IDE Multiple Instance

    check your Delphi shortcuts for an assigned key-combo, it makes no sense what you are telling us
  16. If you have such a strong reference, you don't need the whole hocus-pocus. It will be the point where the object should be released regardless of whether it's an interface or not. I mean, the idea using FreeAndNil instead of locking.
  17. What interface references and automatic memory managed instances allow you to do is to have multiple, unshared, references to a shared object instance. And as long as some of those references is alive, that object instance will be alive and valid, too. But this is a different program as freeing randomly shared objects (Beginning of the story). You can do the same with a shared counter and atomic inc/dec without interfaces. Not to mention, that re-referencing that interface (creating new unshared references) has to be made in a tricky way, creating first a new, temporary reference to be sure its refcnt won't reach 0 at the same time. I'm also not sure, what this has to do with FreeAndNil(). Looks like somebody wanted to take a shortcut but did not work out and culprit is the language?
  18. Attila Kovacs

    MMX and (Parnassus) BookMarks

    This is so beautiful, I'll take it for my signature.
  19. The thumbnail suggests that you have owner-drawing on, the bug must be in your code.
  20. Well, it is. Explicit.
  21. I can't see any valid reason not to use FreeAndNil() yet, just complaints about not being able to read others code by ppl. who are well known for being ARC advocates.
  22. Thought so. GC warriors. Why not Java? Anyway, if they were interfaces that would be a different program. I don't think you are familiar with pointers at all.
  23. :DDDDDDD It's the same as x1.fee; in your ecample. Are you sure you understand pointers? Maybe Java would be a better choice?
  24. poor freeandnil(), it has nothing to do with it, it's a low-level design pattern you don't like