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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    Can't add component in 64 bit mode

    I made a small component which I can't add to a form if the target is x64. In 32bit mode I can. (No error, just won't work in the IDE) What did I screw up? DesignIntf and DesignEditors units are used.
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Can't add component in 64 bit mode

    @Lajos Juhász I'll try. By the way, I think I should separate runtime from designtime and I think I did not do it yet. 😮
  3. Attila Kovacs

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I'd say they undo every change they did in the last 17 years and go back to the compiler speed of D2007.
  4. Just found out that if I uncheck the "Include version information in project" under Project Options -> Version Info, it will add the "<VerInfo_IncludeVerInfo>false</VerInfo_IncludeVerInfo>" to the dproj file and it stops inheriting the version info settings.... Is that still the case in the current IDE?
  5. Attila Kovacs


    Budget? XDBGrid can do that
  6. Attila Kovacs

    The GetIt server is back online - With the 12.0 Patch 1

    @Shrinavat I was looking for the bookmarks plugin, but plz. don't deeplink it here 😄
  7. Attila Kovacs

    The GetIt server is back online - With the 12.0 Patch 1

    Cool, thx. Now I have to figure out why my new D12 not listed on that page. Can't see any "register product" menu.
  8. Attila Kovacs

    The GetIt server is back online - With the 12.0 Patch 1

    Is there an offline installer for that?
  9. Attila Kovacs

    The GetIt server is back online - With the 12.0 Patch 1

    I can't see the parnassus bookmarks for D12 in getit.
  10. Is this unit deprecated? There is a buch of enums in System.JSON.Types.pas that are not implemented: TJsonNullValueHandling = (Include, Ignore); TJsonDefaultValueHandling = (Include, Ignore, Populate, IgnoreAndPopulate); TJsonReferenceLoopHandling = (Error, Ignore, Serialize); TJsonObjectCreationHandling = (Auto, Reuse, Replace); TJsonTypeNameHandling = (None, Objects, Arrays, All, Auto); TJsonNullValueHandling would be very handy to have. Should I ask them once the QP is live again, or is this already considered old stuff that won't be continued or supported?
  11. Attila Kovacs

    No exception handling with server crash

    Hm, I'm interested in whether Eurekalog works at all with the DDService, and if it does, whether any adjustments are needed because I'm currently not succeeding. You are using it in your services @Angus Robertson, don't you? I can send emails manully, the account on which the service runs allows it, but that's it. madExcept didn't do enything either.
  12. I am curious how it will affect the development; will the next version accordingly also be released later?
  13. Or it was Download Spike
  14. And then what? What will be served? The default apache landing page?
  15. It's sufficient if there was an older operating system or a part of the system that won't run on current hardware, and you can't simply restore and go.
  16. You just have to defer the call to "(BorlandIDEServices as IOTAActionServices).OpenFile();", it should be called when the expert window is already closed / the editor has the focus or show the expert window non-modal.
  17. If ELC can run off-grid, then this makes no sense.
  18. Can I setup ELC without the running servers?
  19. What? So let me ask the question again. I recently bought the latest Delphi. How can I install it without the running servers? So the mentioned "update your license" or whatever won't work either.
  20. How does it work? Sorry I'm not a professional, I'm constantly on the go.
  21. How? The installer asks for a serial and l/p
  22. How can I install Delphi without their running servers? What happens when these servers are gone forever for any reason?