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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Yes, or a small IDE expert could do it for you too.
  2. Yes it's a bit annoying, they should fix that instead! 😉
  3. There is. On the other hand, I like the way it is, I can have my object selected meanwhile changing units. Why on earth should the selection be cleared? On what occasion? Nonsense.
  4. Rather not. It would unnecessary slow down changing between units. A lot. An unusable way lot.
  5. Attila Kovacs

    Prevent a sub form being reopened..

    what a coincidence, if you look at Remy's answer, you will get the idea.
  6. Attila Kovacs

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    It's a bogus message. Did you check the project search path? Also the root dir of the project.
  7. Attila Kovacs

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    project options search path
  8. Attila Kovacs

    10.4 Could not compile dbgrids

    shift-f9 if it doesn't help, you have an older/different dbgrids.dcu in the search path fix the search path or remove the file and build the project (shift-f9)
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Best components for creating windows service apps

    @Angus Robertson Thanks for your work, I really appreciate it. A small remark, you left a bunch of: <DllSuffix>20</DllSuffix> 'es in the new project files. Should match the product version.
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Cross-platform messaging system

    @Andrea Raimondi Interesting. One would think it would be a debugging horror and one could easily break a lot of things without compiler errors, but if you and your team are successful with that, then it must be ok. Anyway, I was really happy when I saw this post. Thread-safe and async, I'll add an UDP gateway to it and will try to set up some communication between client apps / services and between brokers on the LAN. Sounds fun!
  11. Attila Kovacs

    How to .Free a non-modal form?

    @Remy Lebeau ah, right, I missed that part, I just read the title.
  12. Attila Kovacs

    How to .Free a non-modal form?

    A TForm or descendant has an event OnClose. Thats it. No further interaction needed.
  13. Attila Kovacs

    How to .Free a non-modal form?

    in OnClose Action := caFree;
  14. Attila Kovacs

    Cross-platform messaging system

    @Andrea Raimondi At first sight this hocus-pocus has not much to do with System.Messaging at all and could be be easily create the same with this lib. By the way, what do you mean with Are you writing message driven apps? By the way 2 initialization begin MsgMgr := TMessageManager.DefaultManager; end; What is your purpose with begin/end? Is this also some readability thing?
  15. I also have some issues with these clown selling-platforms. I wen't through the check-out 2 times but all they ask is a name, company name and an email address and no word about invoice or anything. Are you selling it only to private persons?
  16. Attila Kovacs

    Customizing source editor

    It's your font. It's completely different as my and I did not change it.
  17. Attila Kovacs

    Customizing source editor

    No, never, but I have to admit, the first thing I do after a Delphi install is to dump every fancy skinning (and other) bpl's from it.
  18. Attila Kovacs

    Customizing source editor

    what is that? btw. turning off italic for the comments also reduces the line height by 1 or 2 pixels, cool
  19. *YAAAWWWN* with GzipFile(fileobj=output_file, mode='wt', compresslevel=9) as gzip_out: gzip_out.write(contents) Sounds like a rule from the one thousand fifty nine thing where Delphi still sucks blog.
  20. Attila Kovacs

    simple cloud storage options

  21. Yes, they were. And this is where the fairy tails are borning. It's also important to understand what digital signatures are for. Or intended to be. Anyway, 100 of 100 users would just click on "Execute, I know the risks". Not my f..ing job. And there is also software cracking, where you can sign your app criss-cross, it's just matter of time to get rid of it, or spoof it.
  22. @Kas Ob. What do you want to say with that? Is there anything new? Did they sign the exes? 😉
  23. And if the remote server is in <random country> then the hacker has to fight the dragon in <random country> first. It's stunning how many fairy tales are invented about hacking and security.
  24. Oh I see, this component is just a wrapper for the windows component, so you are causing a message storm. There is not even a beginupdate/endupdate.
  25. I'd suspect that you call onclick every time you set checked.