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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    ISAPI DLL concurrent requests

    ok -what if you remove the .free? Will it leak memory or does it get freed when IIS unloads the dll? -what if you create your FDManager with "TISAPIApplication(Application)" as owner? It's a TComponent descendant so it will free FDManager.
  2. Attila Kovacs

    ISAPI DLL concurrent requests

    I'm not sure why do you need a critical session for freeing something? Do you think other threads would still using it? And you just freeing it? Just asking.
  3. Attila Kovacs

    Andorid Char xor is this a delphi bug or is it my fault?

    It shows the values as octal up to 31 except TAB. Nice.
  4. Attila Kovacs

    Andorid Char xor is this a delphi bug or is it my fault?

    I have no clue what is this for but 0x8 is octal 10 and 0x9 is TAB which is "\t". We still can't see the most important part of the code, how do you evaluate the "output". Anyway, no matter what it is, this is for sure not the way this should be done. Edit: Also, the output is suspicious. "This code has been working on windows for years." How many years? 20? Was it compiled with an AnsiString Delphi compiler?
  5. Attila Kovacs

    Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset

    why don't you hit 'Break' and look into the call stack?
  6. Attila Kovacs

    How to Code SQL IN Statement correctly

    you have to pass it one by one, like: SELECT * FROM tTableName WHERE Status IN (:ST0,:ST1) thus, you have to build your query with there is no "IN (:ONEPARAM)"
  7. Attila Kovacs

    Best way to refresh static data

    I don't get it, if its a remote server, how comes that there is no REST between the client and the server?
  8. Attila Kovacs

    Open jpg Image as Text File

  9. Attila Kovacs

    In-App Clipboard

    Hi all, Is there any existing unit/module whatever for handling In-App clipboard functionality? App should not leak data over clipboard, but I would like to keep the feature inside the app. It's shouldn't be too hard, I'm just curious if there is already any solution. Handling text is sufficient. (VCL/Windows)
  10. Attila Kovacs

    In-App Clipboard

    You can't just register a clipboard format and expect that every control starting using it. That's not how windows clipboard works. My implementation was attached 11 hours ago, need further testing. It looks good so far. By the way, with the very same unit it would be possible to encrypt the clipboard data too. But I see no use for that, just saying.
  11. Attila Kovacs

    In-App Clipboard

    Ok, here is my prototype. - The goal was to keep application data safe from the clipboard. - It tries only CF_UNICODETEXT to keep safe, every other formats are free to come and go. (for now?) - RichEdit does not pass the necessary events, so it needs further client code to protect - no extended testing yet, but I can assure that this behavior will drive the user crazy 😉 - no performance penalty tests - no clue what Antivirus programs says for modifying the import table It does capture clipboard events and keeps copied unicode text in a variable instead of the clipboard. On paste command, it pastes from this variable. (as far my basic paste algo works) On OS Clipboard change, if it's CF_UNICODETEXT, overwrites the In-App clipboard variable to be able to paste into the app from the outside. I have no clue yet if there are any flaws, but it was lot of fun to make it. InAppClipBrd.pas
  12. Attila Kovacs

    In-App Clipboard

    so why do you comment on something you don't understand?:) Especially with ctrl-c/ctrl-v. Is that all how clipboard works in your opinion?:)
  13. Attila Kovacs

    In-App Clipboard

    Hm, thanks Lars, this will be a good start. Hope I can isolate, not just watch. Lets see!
  14. Attila Kovacs

    In-App Clipboard

    Thanks @Ugochukwu Mmaduekwe, no problem, I just wanted to inform if there is already something for that. I'll check hooking up some windows messages.
  15. Attila Kovacs

    In-App Clipboard

    @Fr0sT.Brutal Not quite. I think my description is also crystal clear. 😉
  16. Attila Kovacs

    MSSQL Busy

    it's a recurring problem most likely no ODBC driver installed
  17. Attila Kovacs

    Bug in Delphi string behavior?

    High five!
  18. Attila Kovacs

    Splash screen doesn't show icon in taskbar

    @Kryvich thx, works as you described. (db login-error-form, prior to any other, including main-form created)
  19. Wow. After so many years of working with Delphi I have just noticed that you can paste code into the watch list 🤪 Or did I install some experts?
  20. What if you create a TBaseBase with protected overloaded methods and public in TBase(TBaseBase) TChild(TBaseBase) or TBase with protecdted overloaded methods and public in TBaseExposed(TBase) and TChild(TBase) ? Or you go from New() to .FromJSON(JSON: string): TMyClass and .FromInteger(I: integer): TMyClass? Or creating records with Implicit operators for string and integer/whatever, then you could write Child := '{somejson}'; or Child := 1; (did I go too far?:)
  21. @aehimself Yep, I missed that everything is public. You can't hide overloaded public methods.
  22. you won't see the 4 overloads from a 2nd unit, only from this one where the classes are declared Ah everything is Public. You can't hide it.
  23. Attila Kovacs

    paste into watch list

    @limelect I've started a 10.2 without anything installed and it works. Give it a try.
  24. if it's a 24bit bitmap you could try with TBitmap's ScanLine