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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    Best site/source for SQL Server questions?

    @Lars Fosdal Did you solve it? I've similar problems now 😉
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Is editing posts disabled?

    @Tommi Prami How would you moderate a forum where everybody could change everything back to BC?
  3. No, the opposite. This is a big no-no. I also had such swiss-knife forms and dozens of frames, man was I lucky when I got rid of them. But, you know what, do you know templates in the IDE? You can make some form templates and use them when you create a new one. Then you have the half of the junk work behind you.
  4. @Mike Torrettinni There is a saying "it must be done only once". So what.
  5. @Mike Torrettinni If you don't care about GUI, or you are drowning in those forms, devexpress has a grid where you can put controls into the rows (I believe dynamically (too)). It's ugly (for me) but who knows. Just telling. I'd never use it.
  6. Attila Kovacs

    TFDBatchMove delete records

    Are you using Keyfields or just let it use upwhereall?
  7. Attila Kovacs

    10.3 vers 10.2 Linux

    @Esteban Pacheco TBH Both of them are nerving in some degree but in this case DH has a point, this was like an IRC like self-conversation leading to nowhere.
  8. Attila Kovacs


    Well, Alipay has about 1 billion users, "these" people pay _everywhere_, even at a grocery with their phone by scanning an Alipay QR code. They need nothing. Do you need something?
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Decorating read-only controls

    Those who want to take benefits from styling in VCL, how do you decorate your edit-boxes to make the user being able to distinguish between input ones and read-only ones? As none of the standard VCL components offer neither read-only color (except Konkopka's) nor read-only-style-color, I'm starting to think that I'm just dumb.
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Linux Support on Pro Edition

    Tell them who: a.) bought Konopka pack and it was included in the next release b.) bought mobil add-on and was included in the next release c.) bought firedac and was included in the next release Imagine those surprised faces.
  11. Works for me: procedure TTestWizard.OnAppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean); begin if (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) then begin Beep; end; end; constructor TTestWizard.Create; begin FAppEv := TApplicationEvents.Create(Application.FindComponent('EditWindow_0')); FAppEv.OnMessage := OnAppMessage;
  12. Attila Kovacs

    Decorating read-only controls

    @Dany Marmur Indeed. For example I liked my Iphone 4 much better than any Android one because they had a collection of controls and every app looked in some way the same and I knew where to tap, how to control the device.
  13. Attila Kovacs

    Decorating read-only controls

    The word you are looking for is in German "Barrierefreiheit". English, accessibility? I don't know, the German word is more expressive for me. Designers and engineers should be taught for it. Until then, I'll try my best. I found Almdev's GP* VCL components very useful, then it allows setting an alpha factor for every color used. From frames to background and fonts,etc... Thus, I can use the predefined colors and it's even works with themes together. The only thing I'm missing is an explicit read-only color-settings like in Ray Konopka's Raize components.
  14. TApplication.OnMessage seems to be assigned by default, so you are just overwriting it. I'd hook it or use a TApplicationevents component on a custom form. (Never tried) Edit: Ah I see, you are already hooking it.
  15. Or you could hook the editors onkeypress event. In both cases be careful, you have to clean up before your module gets unloaded/dumped.
  16. Attila Kovacs

    Anon methods passed as event handlers?

    @David Schwartz I made a wrapper for assigning anon methods to TField events. My experiences: Pros: a.) quick and straightforward to assign them wherever you want. Cons: a.) debugger can't evaluate sh*t inside the anon methods b.) you will never ever find again in the code jungle wtf. is happening and why The moral of the story: Moon landing was fake.
  17. Attila Kovacs

    New VCL Style from DelphiStyles.com

    You don't have to force your users to use any skins, but you can ship skins with your apps and let them select one even run time. Really? Show me two similar looking app.
  18. Attila Kovacs

    Blast from the past: BDE and Win10 W/S

    I don't get it. 7M Records or 1G data in 3 weeks is ~4 record/sec or 551byte/sec. Btw. are there really 250 "databases"?
  19. Attila Kovacs

    Barcode 128 and printing width

    With custom display DPI's too? Doesn't your thermal printer support any language?
  20. Attila Kovacs

    MMX needs new icons

    I would wait a bit until the IDE is HDPI compatible. You could also check if for-example seanau.com would cover your needs. Most of the new icons are also in SVG, and they are really easy to edit/extend whatever..
  21. Attila Kovacs

    Limit to reactions

  22. Attila Kovacs

    Testing functionality "ignore topic"

    @Daniel I've noticed that the activity feed yields unread messages from the ignored threads. Just info, not a big deal.
  23. Attila Kovacs

    Testing functionality "ignore topic"

    But how would you un-ignore then? For me it's perfect now. A big thank you for it.
  24. Attila Kovacs

    What does "G" in GExperts mean?

    Luck, you are not Stefan or Sigmund..
  25. Attila Kovacs

    Touchscreen signature

    Hi everybody, I have to make a signature input on devices with touchscreen (Normal W10 devices, VCL only). Is it something easy with a canvas/bitmap and some events and a blur filter at the end, or is it something tricky and I should buy it from TMS? thx