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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    Determining why Delphi App Hangs

    well, you have to learn foreign languages then, or look for a native forum, you see me? friend 🙂
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Determining why Delphi App Hangs

    application repeat db-task while not dataset.eof do begin // main loop blocked dataset.next; end; form2.showmodal -> modal form repeat Application.ProcessMessages; <- modal form workaround, bites as hell until ModalResult <> 0 Application.ProcessMessages; until terminate
  3. Attila Kovacs

    Determining why Delphi App Hangs

    @Dalija Prasnikar Could you explain the difference between "putting a db task into a thread" (thread) vs. "application.processmessages" regarding to the GUI?
  4. Attila Kovacs

    Determining why Delphi App Hangs

    @Anders Melander Ahum, there was a line missing, the forum is glitching today;)
  5. Attila Kovacs

    Introducing Delphi Uses Helper

    I'm using this since you (pre-)released it back in the G+ era and I'm very grateful to you for creating it.
  6. Attila Kovacs

    Determining why Delphi App Hangs

    poor man's responsive GUI var FOldMessageEvent: TMessageEvent; FOldMessageEvent := Application.OnMessage; Application.OnMessage := MyOnMessage; try // Do your stuff here and call repetitively Application.ProcessMessages; finally Application.OnMessage := FOldMessageEvent; end; procedure TfrmXY.MyOnMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: boolean); begin if (Msg.hwnd = btnStart.Handle) and (Msg.Message = WM_MOUSELEAVE) then else if Msg.hwnd = btnAbort.Handle then // if you have an abort button else case Msg.Message of WM_PAINT, WM_TIMER: // handle messages ; else Handled := True; end; end;
  7. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi ignores path to unit in .dpr

    Well I'm not sure on that. Edit, so I've tested it: If the unit in the dpr is not found the compiler looks for the dcu's in this order: project root library path search path (but not in the "dcu out" path) explicit and relative paths are also working for the dpr (Berlin U2) if a unit is opened in the IDE and the path in the dpr matches, you can rename/remove the unit, the project will still compile.
  8. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi ignores path to unit in .dpr

    yeah we know that, is that new? try to make it relative to the project root, but I would explicitly define it in the search path from a dedicated directory like myrtlpatches/xyz the order is project root, library path, search path, so either comes into the project dir or with relative path into the dpr.
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi ignores path to unit in .dpr

    @Vandrovnik there is the global library path, then there is a search path in the project options, and there is the project root dir where the IDE looks for the files. In reversed order as I wrote them. So either copy it to your project root or into a separate dir and add it to the project search path.
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Min & Max

    Am I the only one annoyed that these are in System.Math?
  11. Attila Kovacs

    VCL Handling of dpi changes - poor performance

    @Vincent Parrett Could you check if this superfluous invalidate in Vcl.Controls has an impact on it? I forgot the details on it. if Message.Msg = WM_UPDATEUISTATE then Invalidate; // Ensure control is repainted
  12. Attila Kovacs

    Min & Max

    @Vandrovnik Brutal. Voted too. But I don't think they touch the compiler in the near future, however, I've noticed that reports regarding to the IDE are opened in a couple of workdays at the time and also being fixed. I'm surprisingly satisfied with that.
  13. Attila Kovacs

    Min & Max

    _exactly_ Because if someone sees it, he could think I can do math 🙂
  14. Attila Kovacs

    Min & Max

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Those were MinValue and MaxValue. I'm really struggling to find any sense in any of your comments.
  15. Attila Kovacs

    problem with file attributes

    @Bill Meyer well, then get some rest 😄
  16. Attila Kovacs

    problem with file attributes

    @Bill Meyer are you using explorer? known extensions are hidden?
  17. and what sorting function would you use fot this? Replace('ABA', ['BA','XX'], ['AB','XX']);
  18. This would be a brand new exotic routine with unpredictable results.
  19. @A.M. Hoornweg The MultiStringReplace has to consider this, right. I did not follow the whole thread and the codes, but if it's not the case, then yes, you are right, the routine is useless. Btw. your example does not reflects this.
  20. ? I don't understand the question. The input has a natural order. There is nothing to decide.
  21. @balabuev does this respect the order of the substrings?
  22. What is that? Can you omit the for-to index in 10.4 or is there a StringReplace which accepts arrays? for i := Low(aOldPatterns) to High(aOldPatterns) do Result := StringReplace(Result, aOldPatterns, aNewPatterns, [rfReplaceAll]);
  23. Attila Kovacs

    Transparent form on the server

    @Geoorge So you want to hide the screen from the client meanwhile you are changing some settings?
  24. Attila Kovacs

    Scalable IDE Toolbar icons?

    then you would end up like the dialog in your other thread