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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    Generic class

    @Stefan Glienke Thx a lot! I just followed the compiler hints 😉
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Generic class

    @Stefan Glienke I've tried, without success. "public virtual void Test()" in TTest1 and "public new void Test() {" in TTest2. That's why I'm asking, but really don't want to convert this conversation into a c# for dummies (me).
  3. Attila Kovacs

    Generic class

    I have never seen c# before. And we were living in a small shoebox in the middle of the road. Now, hijacking the topic for a small moment, how do you make this c# snipplet to print "TTest2.Test"?
  4. Attila Kovacs

    Generic class

    You mix static and non static? Remove 'static' and new TTest<TTest2>().TestIt(); prints "TTest1.Test" https://dotnetfiddle.net/S3DAGW
  5. Attila Kovacs

    FireDAC Postgresql performance vs ADO SQL/Server performance

    I have no idea how should both work at the same time. Does the grid filters per sql and refetch? What "fetchmode" setting will be used? Are there keyfields in the tables? (primary key) Can you monitor the traffic to find bottlenecks? (TFDMonitor? I don't know it's name)
  6. Attila Kovacs

    Array size increase with generics

    @Dmitriy M Yes, but if I would touch the RTL I would rather make some of the methods virtual and get is solved without any attribute decoration if possible. Or adding an OnCreateObject event for the case it's not able to create the object from the RTTI information (which I'm still not getting why isn't it able to do so). Maybe I should make these changes and present a working version instead of speculating. I wish I had time for that (too).
  7. Attila Kovacs

    Array size increase with generics

    "Note that we need at least one type keyword between the alias and its use inside the attribute." As If Millions Of Voices Suddenly Cried Out Didn't know this 😮 Then this "type"-ing could also impact compile speed in some units. Unfortunately this will barely work for example in Berlin U2 (or prior) as it was released meanwhile a coffee break and my "REST.JsonReflect.pas" has things like raise Exception.Create('NOT IMPLEMENTED'); or "revAttr.ObjectsReverter(Data, FieldName, GetArgObjects(revEv.FFieldClassType," where revEv is not setted in the 3rd case of the if, and it's either nil or points to garbage. I gave up pursuing TObjectList and JSON. A single "virtual;" on any random method of any random JSON handler class would make it 1000% more usable. I ended up with a base class where I'm managing the objects through RTTI, and storing them in arrays. Drawback is, every object must inherit from this base class or handle its objects himself. I don't like it either.
  8. Attila Kovacs

    Biometric Template type

    google found this on the first place: https://templates.machinezoo.com/ansi378-2004 first 26+ bytes are "ANSI INCITS 378-2004 template", don't ask me what is it, but this lead to this site: https://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/image-group/resources/incits-standardized-biometric-data and this dl link "INCITS 378 index finger minutiae templates - 233K. Last updated Oct 3 13:24" where are .frmpiv files in it, which contain 0000000050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 │ 46 4D 52 00 20 32 30 00 FMR 20 0000000060: 04 40 FF FF FF FF 80 01 │ 01 D0 02 20 00 C5 00 C5 @ÿÿÿÿ€Ð Å Å there is your header magic, 46 4D 52 = FMR
  9. Attila Kovacs

    10.4 Beta with Update Subscription

    Rather later than a monday version again.
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Array size increase with generics

    I'd prefer Lines.Add(Data);
  11. Attila Kovacs

    Debug visualizers

    @dummzeuch how do you return the date without the apostrophes? Just cutting them off by yourself? Edit: hmmm no, because you have the double value at the bottom. "Also, for now, I won’t provide source code for them. I haven’t yet decided whether I want to make them yet another open source project or maybe a commercial product." Did you decide in the last ~3 years? 😉
  12. Attila Kovacs

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Thx Ian. I'm afraid it's rather the lack of a touchmanager in VCL. At least I could not find any info how to fire it up, if it even possible. Maybe somebody has an idea.
  13. Attila Kovacs

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    You have to declare OnChangeSigNo first, but from now you have to do some work too 😉 OnChangeSigNo = TNotifyEvent which means you add a procedure to your form like: procedure TForm1.OnChangeSigNo (Sender: TObject); begin end; Please let me know if it works over Thinfinity. @Sherlock could you rename the topic that others can find it too?
  14. Attila Kovacs

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    You should forget imgSigno and pass "Image1" in the Create(). imgSigno is not instantiated, its just declared. Delete it. fSigno := TSigno.Create(Image1);
  15. Attila Kovacs

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Just created a new app and works fine for me. You have to debug. Is it a VCL app? The TImage is on the Form not just declared somewhere?
  16. Attila Kovacs

    Capture a signature and store in DB

    Hi Ian, I'm not sure if it helps as I don't know Thinfinity, but this is the unit I made for capturing signatures. Just create the class with a TImage in the construcor parameter: imgSigno: TImage; .... FSigno := TSigno.Create(imgSigno); FSigno.OnChange := OnChangeSigno; On the OnChange you can do some validation or GUI events like enabling a button OK. You can set the FSigno.PenWidth to fine tune the signature quality. On SaveAs* the image will be cropped to the actual signature to minimize the image size. You can use it as you want if it works or helps. Signature.pas
  17. I must have misunderstood the topic title. My apologies.
  18. The "Sorted" property changes the behavior how stringlist works. If it's not set, it won't yield on duplicate values (looking up would take too much time), and Thomas obviously needs this function as he tries to mimic a TDictionary.
  19. After the loop != after the loop. in the very next line a register/stack could hold the right value, a couple of lines lower it will surely hold only garbage where the emphasis is on the "could". it depends on the codegen, different compiler options, compiler versions, platforms may generate different loop code
  20. There is no guarantee that in the code generated by the compiler there will be any "variable" used. Even if it works today, it could change in the future.
  21. Attila Kovacs

    SVG control package v2.3 update 4 released

    The prices were ok, I started scratching my head at this: "Delphi Source code of the SVG control package, this includes:" "The source code necessary to parse and render svg graphics" ...... I could not decide if one would get all the sources or partially just dcu's or whatever.
  22. Attila Kovacs

    How to Code SQL IN Statement correctly

    you can also go with join if you want ;WITH t AS( SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c') ) AS _(x) ) ,t2 AS( SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ('a'),('b'),('d') ) AS _(y) ) SELECT * FROM t LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.y=t.x
  23. Okay. This explains everything. This is the Message Of The Century.
  24. And meanwhile we are sitting here, money just falling out of our *nus, which we gladly forward to emba just for being collective responsible for whatever
  25. Attila Kovacs

    MMsystem and Joystick

    No. The event OnJoyMove should be triggered every time you move the joystick, not just one time. There must be something else.