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Nigel Thomas

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.1 Berlin

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  1. Nigel Thomas

    ICS V9.4 announced

    Hi Angus, if you have an up-to-date licence for the latest does this not apply for you? https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/previous-versions Or, have you run out of activations for your D2010 licence and Embaracero are being shits about bumping it?
  2. Nigel Thomas

    Delphi Community Edition

    I was in a similar situation, with Berlin 10.1 installed. When I installed CE 11.3 it was missing the option to install for other platforms, only Windows 32bit and 64bit. I messaged Marco Cantu who looked into it, and said this was by design. If a licenced copy exists on the same system then the CE versions will not allow installation of the other platforms. When I installed the CE version in a clean VM those platforms were available. Edit to add: Mac OS was also available with Berlin installed, as well as Windows; so as per the OP Android, IOS and Linux are not. More edit: I've now had a chance to review my correspondence with Marco Cantu and he did not say this was "by design", I didn't mean to misrepresent his comments. Rather, he informed me that this was a licence conflict. My experience goes back to installing CE 10.4, which is when I wrote to Marco. Our correspondence ended then as there was no fix offered, just " we have seen similar scenarios ".
  3. Nigel Thomas

    Documentation links on indyproject.org not working

    DropBox link
  4. Nigel Thomas

    Documentation links on indyproject.org not working

    I've recreated the zipfile using Winzip 14.5, opens fine with Windows 11 Explorer. Too large to upload here (11.9MB), let me know if you'd like me to email it to you or upload it somewhere else.
  5. Nigel Thomas

    Blogged : Code Signing with Inno Setup and Signotaur

    Note that Azure Trusted Signing does not provide EV certificates, only OV:
  6. Nigel Thomas

    Getit Fails to Install Fast Reports D12.1

    I don't see FastReport using D12.1 CE. Perhaps they moved it to subscription only?
  7. It is now apparent to me that checking the documentation more often would be time well spent! Thanks all.
  8. Using D12.1 CE. I can do this: TMyRec = record private function ConvertStrAToNum: Integer; . function ConvertStrNToNum: Integer; public StrA: string; . StrN: string; property IntA: Integer read ConvertStrAToNum; . property IntN: Integer read ConvertStrNToNum; end; function TMyRec.ConvertStrAToNum: Integer; begin Result := StrToInt(StrA); end; . function TMyRec.ConvertStrNToNum: Integer; begin Result := StrToInt(StrN); end; What I'd like to be able to do: TMyRec = record private function ConvertStrToInt(const StrToConvert: string): Integer; public StrA: string; . StrN: string; property IntA: Integer read ConvertStrToInt(StrA); . property IntN: Integer read ConvertStrToInt(StrN); end; function TMyRec.ConvertStrToInt(const StrToConvert: string): Integer; begin Result := StrToInt(StrToConvert); end; But I can't. Context: I'm reading strings into the record, as that is how they are read from a datafile. I could just parse the string data into integers as I read the file, but I thought the above option might be more elegant, as the conversion would only be done if later in the app I require the integer representation of the string data.
  9. Hi All, Is it still possible to access the GetIt server from Delphi D10.1 Berlin? With ServiceURL set to the installed default for D10.1 (https://getit.embarcadero.com) I just get the error message: The Embarcadero GetIt server could not be reached If I change the ServiceUrl to https://getit-olympus.embarcadero.com I connect to the GetIt server but I only get a small subset (11) of packages available to download. No filters are set. GetIt is configured to work online.
  10. This is the Delphi 12.1 (and as far back as 10.1 at least, but not in D2007) definition of ShellExecuteInfoW (the A version has the same issue): _SHELLEXECUTEINFOW = record cbSize: DWORD; fMask: ULONG; Wnd: HWND; lpVerb: LPCWSTR; lpFile: LPCWSTR; lpParameters: LPCWSTR; lpDirectory: LPCWSTR; nShow: Integer; hInstApp: HINST; { Optional fields } lpIDList: Pointer; lpClass: LPCWSTR; hkeyClass: HKEY; dwHotKey: DWORD; case Integer of 0: ( hIcon: THandle); 1: ( hMonitor: THandle; hProcess: THandle;); end; According to the definition in MSDN, the hProcess Handle is not part of the union: typedef struct _SHELLEXECUTEINFOW { DWORD cbSize; ULONG fMask; HWND hwnd; LPCWSTR lpVerb; LPCWSTR lpFile; LPCWSTR lpParameters; LPCWSTR lpDirectory; int nShow; HINSTANCE hInstApp; void *lpIDList; LPCWSTR lpClass; HKEY hkeyClass; DWORD dwHotKey; union { HANDLE hIcon; HANDLE hMonitor; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; HANDLE hProcess; } SHELLEXECUTEINFOW, *LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOW; Does that mean that the Delphi translation is faulty?
  11. Nigel Thomas

    Migrating Delphi to new device

    @cupboy Reply back and threaten them with action from whatever comsumer rights legislation you have in your country. In the UK it's Trading Standards. Refer them to this blog from their General Manager, particularly the "Policy Update" section; https://blogs.embarcadero.com/from-the-gm-new-updates-and-changes-to-the-registration-bumps-policy/ It really irks me when Embarcadero try to weasel out of their contractual responsibilities. When we purchase their product the licence is "lifetime" - the subscription element is an add-on that can allow you to keep updated at a lower price than buying new licences, but it is in no way mandatory. What is mandatory is that the lifetime licence for the product you purchased is honoured. Registration limits are there to prevent you from installing more than x installations at any one time. They should not (and in most jurisdictions, cannot) be used to stop one from migrating an installation to a new system.
  12. Nigel Thomas

    Migrating Delphi to new device

    Contact Sales. They are obliged to provide a download link to the software you have purchased. They did for me when I needed to re-install D10.1 Berlin. Although I did make sure I stored a copy of that installer in a safe place for the next time I need it! Nigel
  13. Nigel Thomas

    Two CE Versions on same PC

    I have Delphi CE 11.3 and Delphi CE 12.1 installed and running on the same machine with no issues.
  14. https://fastspring.com/consumer-support-form/
  15. Nigel Thomas

    Microsoft Trusted Signing service

    My Microsoft account already uses 2FA (Microsoft Authenticator). I've been browsing Azure to see if I need to do anything else, but not found anything yet. Rather hope I'm covered and there are no additional costs. I've not received an email about this yet.