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Nigel Thomas

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Posts posted by Nigel Thomas

  1. 1 hour ago, Ian Branch said:

    Hi Remy,

    Happy to try RegDeleteTree() but I can't get Delphi to recognise it.

    Obviously I need something in the Uses but I can't find what.  I have Winapi.windows in the uses att.



    I presume you need to load it dynamically from advapi32.dll, not tried it myself.

  2. Thanks Angus. I'd left behind the older BPLs when i removed 8.64. Did a more thorough cleaning job then tried again, "missing" components installed correctly. Still had the problem with VCLZipPack though, so I may not have been as thorough as I should have. When I looked at OverbyteIcsD2007Run.dproj it had a "Contains" for $(%systemroot)\system32\vclzippack.dcp (or similar, can't remember the exact naming). I deleted this dproj and updated the svn, then had a clean dproj without that Contains.


    Whilst working on this I downloaded the latest 8.65 zip (for all versions, not the one just for Sidney) from overbyte.eu, to check if there was a Contains in that version's OverbyteIcsD2007Run.dproj for the VclFixPack. There wasn't, but what there is - and I presume it shouldn't be there - is a Contains for C:\Users\angus\Desktop\MagentaXfer2007W.dcp?



  3. Hi,


    For info (I realise it's still in Beta):


    I've downloaded the latest 8.66 from Subversion today. Installation on D10.1 was painless. Installation on D2007 ran into a couple of hiccups:


    1) the runtime package requires VCLZipPack, which couldn't be found.

    2) The RegisterComponents procedure in OverbyteIcsReg.pas tries to register the following missing components: TIcsTwitter, TIcsRestEmail, TIcsInetAlive.

    Commenting out these allowed the design package to be installed.


