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Posts posted by eivindbakkestuen

  1. The latest dev snapshot comes with batch files for Delphi 2007 and older, but the packages can't be compiled (first problem, stops on UInt8 etc types in idBuffer.pas which doesn't exist in D2007).


    Is D2007 meant to be supported still? I couldn't find a definitive document to say what IDE/compilers are currently supported.

  2. Hi, and welcome to NexusDB's "Spring Cleaning Down Under" Sale!
    Until end of Monday 18th November, take 33% off any purchase of new licenses. Use coupon code SPRING2019 during checkout to receive your discount.
    Sale extends to all NexusDB database products, and Nexus Quality Suite. Don't miss out.
    Oh, and if you are overseas, you also benefit from the weak AUD currency, which means right now you just can't get better value for your money. 🙂
    The NexusDB Team
    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, jon_bondy said:

    where ASelectedItem is passed in as a string parameter, and ScrollOff turns off an automatic scrolling feature that I implemented and almost never use.

    What happens if you don't use that automatic scrolling at all? First guess is, it's still kicking in.

  4. On 9/13/2019 at 5:17 PM, luebbe said:

    When I install 1.3.14 into Delphi 10.3 Update 1, I receive the following error message when the IDE starts:

    Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "@System@Classes@TFieldsCache@$bcctr$qqrv" wurde in der DLL "C:\Program Files (x86)\GExperts for RAD Studio 10.3\GExpertsRS103.dll" nicht gefunden.


    • Like 1

  5. On 7/8/2019 at 9:30 PM, Fritzew said:

    Found today in System.Types........


    class operator TPoint.Explicit(Value: TPoint): TSmallPoint;
      if Value.x < Low(SmallInt) then
        Result.x := Low(SmallInt)
      else if Value.x > High(SmallInt) then
        Result.x := High(SmallInt)
        Result.x := SmallInt(Result.x);
      if Value.y < Low(SmallInt) then
        Result.y := Low(SmallInt)
      else if Value.y > High(SmallInt) then
        Result.y := High(SmallInt)
        Result.y := SmallInt(Result.y);

    Useless and wrong Code...


    Post the Quality Portal link, so we can vote and perhaps it'll be fixed...

    • Like 2

  6. So, what can you see under the debugger when the app is unresponsive? Millions of event calls? Loop that never ends somewhere?


    If you can boil it down to a small reproducible testapp, log it in quality portal, post link here for others to vote.

  7. Hi All!


    The NexusDB Easter Bunny has gone off the deep end and is having a 40% sales on all new licenses from now until the 26th of April.


    Yes, that is 40% off our NexusDB database products, and our Nexus Quality Suite! Hurry and secure your licenses before the Easter Bunny hops, skips and jumps into never ever land.


    To get the rebate, make sure to enter the coupon code 2019EASTER during checkout.


    Our Web Store:


    The NexusDB Team

    • Like 1

  8. First, it would be nice if you posted at least the title of the report here, and not just a link...


    Not a great report; it is unclear exactly what issue is pointed out in the report, and "difficult to reproduce" in steps isn't going to help matters. If you are affected, you could improve chances of a fix by adding something helpful in comments.

    • Like 2

  9. On 11/26/2018 at 10:57 AM, David Schwartz said:

    These queries ran very quickly when the file server was in the same building and they only had a year or two of historical data present. But today they literally take several minutes (some up to 15!) to run on the remote server, processing over a decade of data (they're really hairy queries that apparently aren't time-boxed) and many return over 100,000 rows of data to the client before the user is allowed to view the first 10 and do anything.

    I don't think you can fix this at the DAC/client end. You may need to redesign the app to allow selecting a time period first, and only then running the heavy SQL on a (hopefully) relatively narrow timespan/low amount of data to speed up creating the result set. You may also consider calculating and permanently storing intermediate data (presumably, the 10 year old data doesn't change all that much anymore).

  10. Greetings!

    In true Black Friday style, we are having a 50% blitz sale on new licenses of all our products, from now until the end of cyber monday!


    If you have been looking for a great Delphi database, look no further than NexusDB. The latest source version already supports Rad Studio 10.3 Rio, which was released today.


    For the best profiling and quality assurance tools for Delphi projects, Nexus Quality Suite is the one to get. At AUD225 (rebated) it is a steal.


    Web shop:


    To qualify for the discount, make sure you enter the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY during checkout. New licenses only, and note that buying multiple licenses simultaneously also gives an extra rebate.

    The NexusDB Team

