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Hans J. Ellingsgaard

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Everything posted by Hans J. Ellingsgaard

  1. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    No one can help

    Have you tried using a FDQuery with a where clause, where you select just one record, instead of a FDtable component?
  2. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Huge memory problem

    Do you use a FDQuery for insert? If that's the case do you hava a "select * from" in the sql command, or do you use an "insert into command"? You could try to write a direct insert command and use a FDCommand component to see wath's happening.
  3. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Huge memory problem

    Is that search based on a table component? If that's the case you'll end up loading all records into memory. You can instead make a search with a query and a where clause.
  4. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Huge memory problem

    My guess is that your tables has a lot of records, or each of your records holds a lot of data, and when you opens it, with a table or query, you get all the records into memory. If that's the case, you will need to limit the number of records with a where clause in your query. You could also limit the number of fields for each record in an overview, and then select all fields only for an active record.
  5. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Huge memory problem

    Do you use query or table components?
  6. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Out Of memory

    The table component is not well suited for large datasets. It's better to use a query, and do the filtering with sql.
  7. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Printer ip

    You can usa an API like https://www.ipify.org to get your public ipaddress. When that is said, this sound strange. Do you have a printer that can be called directly with a public ipaddress, do you not have a vpn or some other secure connection to the office network?
  8. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    DBGrid repaint or refresh when dataset is refreshed

    The client dataset has a bookmark method you can use. Also use dataset.disablecontrols; / dataset.enablecontrols before and after refresh, as Attila suggests, to avoid flickering in the dbgrid.
  9. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    FireDAC open error

    When you use the tcp/ip connection, you must define the server. If you are running you DB on same computer as program, you can use the ip address.
  10. I think that Lajos is correct about that bookmarks are lost when closing the query in FireDAC, but if I remember correctly, it did work in Client Dataset.
  11. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Refresh Current Record To Access Value Of Newly Inserted AutoInc Field

    I can not see why this should be a problem, you got your ID and stick to it until your record is finally posted to the database. You use it as a primary key on your mastertable and a foreign key on the detail table. The generator is running outside the transactions, and you are guaranteed to get a unique value each time you request for an ID.
  12. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Working with Delphi and Excel

    You can load Excel sheets into a FDMemTable via Microsoft's odbc drivers.
  13. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Maximized the main form

    You could use the Constraints property of the form instead of using the Event. Self.Constraints.MaxHeight := Screen.WorkAreaHeight; Self.Constraints.MaxWidth := Screen.WorkAreaWidth;
  14. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Firebird transactions with Firedac

    Is there a reason why you can‘t use generators?
  15. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Is anyone using IBX (Interbase Express) and compatibility question

    If I remember correctly, IBX does not officially support Firebird. I would rather go with the FireDAC framework instead. The FireDAC framework also seems to have much higher priority than IBX from Embarcadero.
  16. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Firebird 3 Client Installation

    If you place the dll files manually into the windows system folders, you'll need to run regsvr32 to register them in Windows. If you use the installer it will register them for you. If you place them in your programs root folder, there is no need for registration.
  17. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    ADOTable vs ADOQuery

    With sql databases always use the query component, you have much more control with it.
  18. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Date Time with filter in FDTable

    One way to get around that datetime field, is to create a View on the datbase, where you cast your datetime field to a date field, and then connect the table component to the view instead of the query. Is there a specific reason why you want to use a table compnent instead of a query?
  19. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Date Time with filter in FDTable

    If you use a FDQuery instead of FDTable, you could cast your datetime field to date. Then you can filter on that date field.
  20. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    cannot load client library ibtogo.dll

    Have you checked in wich folder your dll file is located?
  21. Hans J. Ellingsgaard


    If you use the StartTransaction command, you have to finish it off with CommitTransacton or a Rollback. If you're not using a StartTransaction, the FDConnection will start it for you and make a commit when your datasets are closed.
  22. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    How to run Interbase developer in 10.4 and 11

    Yes, the developer edition can run via tcp. Have you checked wich port it's using? You can do that with netstat. You should also be able to telnet the portnumber..
  23. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    How to run Interbase developer in 10.4 and 11

    If you connect via tcp/ip, it should not matter where your Interbase binaries are located, as long as the interbase service is running. You also need to check wich port it is running on. Normaly it's on port 3050.
  24. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Delphi 10.4, FireDac, StartTransaction causes ODBC error.

    Your problem might have something to do with nested transactions. If your db or your odbc driver don't support nested transactons, make shure there is no ongoing transaction on the same connectionm, before you call StartTransaction. Something like this: if FDConnection1.InTransaction then FDConnection1.Commit; FDConnection1.StartTransaction;
  25. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Delphi FireDAC .Post on Firebird table

    A primary key is a ground rule of relational daatabases.