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Everything posted by Salahdz

  1. hello every one i developped an application with delphi 10.4.2 that use ds proovider connexion to retreview data from a server buy when i opened my project on delphi 11 it won't compile, and the error is : "[DCC fatal Error ] TabbedFormwithNavigation.pas(15): F2051 the unit Data.SqlExpr was compiled with a diferent version System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil" and it point in Datasnap.DSConnect event if i create a new project and i put dsproviderconnection the same probleme is shown any one for help Thank you
  2. Hello, i could not rightly show arabic text on a listview text item on android, on windows every things work fine help pleas
  3. Salahdz

    fmx listview items bidi mode on android

    thank you very much
  4. Salahdz

    listview items width on run

    Hello, I want to set listview itemapearance text when the program run but i still have no idea
  5. Salahdz

    listview items width on run

    hello, found procedure TServiceBillform.listview_venteUpdateObjects(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); var Tex : Tlistitemtext; begin Tex := AItem.View.FindDrawable('Text1') as tlistitemtext; Tex.Width:=listview_vente.width-147; // their is two button on the right of text 1 // couldn't finde align layout listviewitems end;
  6. Salahdz

    listview items width on run

    so quick, i ll chek thank you