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Die Holländer

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Everything posted by Die Holländer

  1. Creating a public endpoint What I understand is that it is not safe to publish the Azure database endpoint in your Delphi application. I still investigate if creating a public endpoint in Azure solve this. See link above..
  2. Die Holländer

    Maximum form with MaxWidth constraint set...

    In 11.3 it exist. I also saw some time ago that if you minimize a childform with Windows screen setting on 125% then the form disapears behind the taskbar.. (on a lot of Laptops it's default setting..) I don't have this issue on my machine because I like the auto-hide taskbar setting in Windows 😉
  3. Die Holländer

    XML: Parsing UBL 2.1 in Delphi

    Using native XML Data Binding in Delphi. uses Sample_Invoice; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var Invoice: IXMLInvoiceType; begin Invoice:=LoadInvoice('sample_invoice.xml'); Showmessage(Invoice.AccountingSupplierParty.Party.PartyName.Name); Showmessage(Invoice.AccountingCustomerParty.Party.PartyName.Name); Showmessage(Invoice.InvoiceLine.Item.Name); end; end. Just did a small test and works great..
  4. Die Holländer

    Delphi 12.1 : Freezed during words search

    >and if I haven't saved my work it's a pain I always check the autosave option "when compiling or running".
  5. Die Holländer

    Receiving an 'Unsafe app blocked' message

    Has it something to do with Android forces since June "MEETS_STRONG_INTEGRITY" of your device? https://developer.android.com/google/play/integrity/additional-tools#check-device
  6. Die Holländer

    OpenAI Structured Outputs

    If I understand it well, a extra parameter (strict) must be added to the configuration of the prompt. To support this in Delphi you have to look to a ChatGPT implementation for Delphi IDE, like: https://github.com/AliDehbansiahkarbon/ChatGPTWizard
  7. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/public-endpoint-configure?view=azuresql&tabs=azure-portal >>You are exposing the db endpoint on the network. The problem is that developers might have applications working over a database developed over many, many years with a lot of queries, easy edit possibilities and business objects using Delphi FireDAC or other direct data access. It´s almost impossible, time sense, to convert such data access application with a REST API instead using the data objects already created. Nowadays, with systems like Azure with a database in the cloud I wonder if it is possible to create applications on the internet with a direct database connection in a save way using Delphi VCL or FMX. Thats why I investigate if there is a possibility and posted the link above.. That it is easy possible to use the azure database directly from a Delphi application I know because I wrote an VCL application just doing this and the users are very happy with it.
  8. Die Holländer

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    Delphi IDE ChatGPT My feeling is that a real kind of Copilot will also come for Delphi..
  9. Die Holländer

    Each .py script in a separate window

    Dude, although its not so much code you posted this is more readable: type TPyThread = class(TPythonThread) protected procedure ExecuteWithPython; override; public constructor Сreate(createsuspended: boolean); end; procedure ExecPythonFile(const FFile, Params:string); const Arg: string = 'import sys' + #10 + 'def run_python_script(args_str):'+#10+ ' args_list = args_str.split()'+#10+ ' sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + args_list'; var Py: IPyEngineAndGIL; begin try PythonEngine.ExecString(Arg+#10+'run_python_script("'+Params+'")'); PythonEngine.ExecFile(FFile); except Raise; end; end; constructor TPyThread.Сreate(createsuspended: boolean); begin inherited Create(CreateSuspended); ThreadExecMode:=emNewInterpreterOwnGIL; // I USE Python12.dll FreeOnTerminate:=True; end; procedure TPyThread.ExecuteWithPython; Begin while true do ExecPythonFile(myfilename,'-i 2000 --r'); end;
  10. It's very difficult to advise without seeing how you build the application. If you didn't put active sql's on datamodules and autocreate forms the startup must be very fast. Which database or data storage do you use? What is the speed and memory of your desktop machines and database server? What about the connection speed with your data(base?) server. How do you handle internal memory and calculation loading data. Are you looping through very large result sets? Which components are lacking speed? Are they native of 3th party? Are you loading zillions of datarecords in grids? Is it possible to create a small application with one example where you see lack of speed? "Large dataset activities like sorting and filtering are taking longer than expected for me." I lost track of the topic here somewhere on this board about loading very large datasets as a competition. Anyone?
  11. Die Holländer

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    I wonder how difficult it is to make your own component TMyBitBtn based on TBitBtn and overwrite the way the enable/disable picture works, like how the JvXPButton does it or if disabled then change all the pixels (only 32x32 ?) from color to grayscale in the ondraw. Then modify all the DFM TBitBtn Text to TMyBitBtn..
  12. Die Holländer

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    So, why did they/you use this button in the first place and how, after 1M lines, it became suddenly a problem? I would just use the JVCL JvXPButton that will gray out the button as you like.
  13. Die Holländer

    Enabled := False makes color Glyphs disappear

    The JVCL has a JvXPButton.. Maybe you can change the buttons by editing the *.dfm file of the Form.. 😬
  14. Die Holländer

    Delphi MT940 implementation (reader, writer)

    See your messages.
  15. Die Holländer

    'View as Text' command menu item?

    Yes, indeed, but right-click on the form name shows only "View as Form", while the display doesn't show the text of the form (*.dfm) at the moment. It appears that this is a Toggle option and by selecting this option the display will switch to Text view... The "View as Form" in the menu is just not displaying what it is going to do. Same for Alt+F12 is toggle between Text and Form view.. (in Delphi 11.3)
  16. Die Holländer

    'View as Text' command menu item?

    Right-Click on the form caption bar.
  17. Die Holländer

    TControlList — need help!

    Yes, but its only resizing/displaying a small part of the text height, while the HTML is showing the entire text.. I wonder what your user case is. Who is going to read that much text at once when you can't use pagination, etc..
  18. Die Holländer

    TControlList — need help!

    Are you sure? Did you tried it? The speed is in no way comparible with your TControlList example. The HTML renderer is very fast, also on older computers. Otherwise displaying a webpage on these computers is also not possible..
  19. Die Holländer

    Newbie Question 1

    Try a build (in Debug mode) and after the error (you didn't complete the line..) then try again "->"
  20. Die Holländer

    TControlList — need help!

    I started to display your test just in a THTML viewer. Nice, because you can continue to format the text with whatever you want (colors, fonts, etc) The wordwrap is very fast. Maybe you can even add an onClick in code to capture a click on one of the <div> procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var idx: Integer; begin for idx := 1 to 10 do Begin HtmlViewer1.Text:=HtmlViewer1.Text+'<div>'+IntToStr(idx)+': '+setCaption+'</div><br>'; End; end; HtmlViewer 10.2 is still available at: http://code.google.com/p/thtmlviewer/ HtmlViewer 11.x is available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/htmlviewer/ HtmlViewer development is hosted at: https://github.com/BerndGabriel/HtmlViewer
  21. Die Holländer

    TControlList — need help!

    Do you need to be able to edit/use the textblocks or is it just for display? word splitting = word wrap?
  22. Isn't your statement invalid for your case? select 'qwerty' as AnotherType This means: give the output of the field from the sql the name "AnotherType" It seems you expect a kind of casting procedure from text to integer..
  23. if S[I] in [WideChar(' ') .. WideChar('~')] Then mem_char(AnsiChar(S[I]), Buf) else Begin mem_char('\', Buf); mem_char('u', Buf); mem_write(IntToHex(ord(S[I]),4), Buf); end;