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Die Holländer

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Everything posted by Die Holländer

  1. U+1618 was added in Unicode version 3.0 in 1999. It belongs to the block Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics in the Basic Multilingual Plane. The word that U+1618 forms with similar adjacent characters prevents a line break inside it. >"filled with\u1618MVR\u1618information"
  2. Die Holländer

    Suggestion for next version name - YASAB

    Suggestion for your next post- YASAB Don't blame the IDE.
  3. Die Holländer

    Scientific research

    Algosim Algosim Delphi Algosim Delphi Source Code
  4. Die Holländer

    Variable might not have been initialized

    Like DelphiLint (shameless promotion..) advise you to do..
  5. Die Holländer


    Yet another nice Ali Delphi Wizard ! 🧙‍♂️ ChatGPT Wizard
  6. Lately, I see many tech blog articles about this statement.. What should I say if my manager ask me "What about Delphi?" "White House asks programmers to use only memory safe languages The American Office of the National Cyber Director, in collaboration with the White House, asks programmers to in principle only use programming languages that are memory safe. Rust is one of the languages considered suitable, while C and C++ are considered unsafe." press-release-technical-report BACK TO THE BUILDING BLOCKS Introduction to memory unsafety for vps of engineering
  7. Die Holländer

    DelphiLint v1.1.0 out now!

    Yes, I have divided my code in business objects, data objects, form and project directories. I've changed the "project directory" in DelphiLint to one of these directories and that worked fine ! I have to say that DelphiLint is one of the nicest Delphi tools I've seen for a long time. 👍
  8. I'm very happy with 11.3. and have no problems at all doing most of the time database work with FireDac on MS-SQL servers, reporting and interfaces to financial companies and online API's but I have tried to get rid of almost all the fancy not native Delphi components and for the others I install and use them only when I have the sourcecode. The Delphi desktop database applications are running very fast and are very stable maybe apart from the OLE communication with Word, Excel or Outlook but that is so powerfull and it doesn't crash the applications.
  9. Die Holländer

    DelphiLint v1.1.0 out now!

    It seems that I can only analyze my *.dpr file, which contains very little code. How do I analyse other Delphi *.pas files? When selected then "Analyse this file" is grayed out..
  10. Die Holländer

    DelphiLint v1.1.0 out now!

    Yes, This was the case. It seems that I've 3 Java installations from different software installations. (Java, Eclipse, Oracle) On CMD prompt type : "where java" I was pointing to the Java installation and indeed it is an older version. On CMD prompt type: "java -version" After I added the Eclipse "Java.exe" in the settings DelphiLint is working.
  11. Die Holländer

    DelphiLint v1.1.0 out now!

    Installation in Delphi 11 went OK but it is not working in Standalone mode because it wants to reach a DelphiLint Server..
  12. Die Holländer

    Looking for Coder in Gilbert, AZ

    Sorry for this reaction but I'm in the same situation and warn to not overwelm nowadays developers.. Here is the chance that I'll find a junior programmer that will start/learning development on a 30 years Delphi codebase, also want to develop Online apps in PHP and Javascript, is willing to understand "outside systems", also work without the possibility to do home-office and beiing availble full-time (40 hours?) is almost 0.. Here young developers are thinking in frontend OR backend online development and only some do "full-stack". Not even mentioning the lack of understanding database SQL. The worst scenario is that, because of this, the management can decide to also convert these Delphi enterprise systems into online webapplictions.
  13. Die Holländer

    Delphi MT940 implementation (reader, writer)

    Hello, I've sent you both a DM with a basic reader.
  14. I've tried to use these Azure Functions with Delphi but never succeded and I find it quite complex, while using Azure MS-SQL database with Delphi applications and FireDac is very easy. Because it was only a try and not really needed for a project I stopped the attempt. I see that the blogpost is from 2021 and wonder if Glenn publised a plugin to get arround using VS-Code. >>Visual Studio Code – For the time being, until my RAD Studio Azure plugin is ready, VS Code has the Azure >>Extension which makes it easier to create and deploy Function Apps. @DebbyAre you planning to publish how to use Azure Functions in Delphi at a later moment?
  15. You are right. It seems the e-mails talk about AI, according to the first poster, but on the site I only see "Machine Learning" mentioned. I was just wondering how a model trained specific with Delphi code will perform compared with general models like OpenAI, Microsoft or Google.
  16. On the other hand.. what if you train a 70B model with only Delphi code?
  17. Die Holländer

    What do you think of "Local Global variables"

    Some times I use nested methods if I discover that in the main procedure a small function is needed and need to be called serveral times in that main procedure. When the function gets larger then I move the function to the main object in the private section and pass the parameters. The only sad thing that happens in the Delphi editor when using nested methods is that the auto complete, like automatic adding "end;" after typing Begin<enter> is not working anymore..
  18. Die Holländer

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    How to get external (public) IP in Delphi DELPHI – Client and Server using TIdTCPServer and TIdTCPClient components indy-project-demos
  19. Die Holländer

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    Please post your Delphi code and maybe you can get some help here. What SSH/TCP/UDP component did you use? Your basic task is to setup a small tcp/udp server that can listen to these 4 ports..
  20. Die Holländer

    Proj finding wrong VCL

    Not sure, but if you think the dproj is invalid. Make a copy, delete it from the project folder and open the *.dpr file and rebuild. It will create a new dproj. <edit> Ah, I see your last message and it errors on the *.dpr file.. You should look into this file..
  21. Die Holländer

    hourglass and freezing problem with Firedac

    Maybe it depends on which SQL driver the FD is using on the users machine. It uses a loop from the most recent driver (Delphi 11 : from version 17) to the least one and tries to find the most recent one. Look in the ODBC settings which drivers are installed on the machine. I've used many versions of MS SQL servers (also 2012) and had never problems with FD connecting them. Look at SQL Sever Native Client 10. for older SQL sever, like 2012. MSSQL Driver overview
  22. Die Holländer

    Desktop Icons

  23. Die Holländer

    import C# Dll in delphi 10.4

    unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; procedure Encrypt(sr: PAnsiChar; key: PAnsiChar; var encryptedText: PAnsiChar); stdcall; external 'YourDLLName.dll'; procedure Decrypt(sr: PAnsiChar; key: PAnsiChar; var decryptedText: PAnsiChar); stdcall; external 'YourDLLName.dll'; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var inputText, key, encryptedText, decryptedText: PAnsiChar; begin inputText := 'Hello World'; key := '12345678'; // Encrypt Encrypt(inputText, key, encryptedText); ShowMessage('Encrypted Text: ' + encryptedText); // Decrypt Decrypt(encryptedText, key, decryptedText); ShowMessage('Decrypted Text: ' + decryptedText); end; end.
  24. Die Holländer

    ...cannot contact a domain controller..

    >As I result, I have been running Delphi under my admin account. However, all of my Windows Credentials were created under my regular account. OK, I understand. You could not connect the database because your credentials where not avaible in your admin account. I think because Delphi has a user license not everyone using your computer with another login can use Delphi.
  25. Die Holländer

    A gem from the past (Goto)

    Ahh, a typical reaction that started in that time.. My Commodore 64 is much better. My Apple is much better than your Windows My Iphone is much better than you Android phone. My Javascript language is much better than ...